Americans for a Safe Israel

September 18, 2014

We are days away from our massive protest rally against the Klinghoffer opera on Monday, Sept. 22, at 4:00 PM across from the Lincoln Center Plaza at Broadway and 65th Street. 


        Excitement is growing throughout the many groups that are sponsoring the rally as well in the media. There is still time to join us and be part of this important statement against America, Israel, and Jews, and in support of terror. We will not be victims who sit passively by allowing the enemy to destroy us. We must speak up!

  Continue to call Peter Gelb: 212-799-3100x2891 and write to him: [email protected]. Concerned people are writing letters to donors, patrons, sponsors, of the Met, informing them of this travesty. Media personalities are getting involved, along with politicians, organization leaders, rabbis, pastors, first responders, victims of terror, and an entire roster of personalities. 

The concerns about this opera cut right across the board. Terrorists are lurking everywhere, openly stating their aims to destroy Israel, America, and the west. We cannot permit a pro-terrorist, anti-American, anti-Israel, anti-Jewish piece of propaganda, masquerading as an artistic opera, to be seen in our precious NYC. 
Join the fight against it. Be with us on Monday, Sept. 22, 4:00 P.M. Add your voice to the chorus of protesters. Each person counts. Be there!!
While we are fighting terrorist propaganda on the homefront, Israel continues to suffer from the terrorists who assault its citizens. Israel's capital city, Jerusalem, is experiencing a mini-Intifada from emboldened fifth columnists who are being told that Hamas won the war in Gaza. They are determined to carry it further. 
In addition, we read about Gazans trying to escape from the grip of Hamas and the peculiar bind they are in because of UNWRA. See below:


Recent reports about shipwrecks that killed hundreds of refugees, many of them Palestinians fleeing Gaza, have focused attention on the desperate efforts of some Palestinians to get out of the economic and political hell of the Hamas-run Gaza Strip.

People pay about $4000 each to be smuggled through tunnels from the Gazan side of Rafah into Egypt and then to the Egyptian coast, where they are crowded onto boats bound for Europe (often to Italy). Once off the coast of Italy or its islands, the refugees are picked up by Italian authorities or the Red Cross.

Last week some 500 people, mostly Palestinians, drowned when a human smuggling ship off Malta was rammed by rival smugglers. On Saturday, another 15 Palestinians died in a shipwreck off the Egyptian coast.

Evelyn Gordon, writing at Commentary, points the finger of blame for this human tragedy at the U.N. and the international community:

[T]he "international community" has designated two-thirds of all Gaza residents as bona fide refugees, even though the vast majority of them were born in Gaza and have lived there all their lives. And as bona fide refugees, they shouldn't have had to board rickety smugglers' boats in a desperate attempt to reach Europe; they should have been able to apply to the UN for orderly resettlement right from their refugee camps, just as thousands of other refugees do every year. But they can't, because
Palestinians are the only refugees in the world who are denied the basic right of resettlement.

...Whereas UNHCR resettles tens of thousands of refugees every year, UNRWA hasn't resettled a single refugee in its 65 years of existence. On the contrary, the schools it runs for Palestinian refugees indoctrinate them from kindergarten on that there is one, and only one, way for them to end their refugee status: by
"returning" to the towns or villages in Israel that their ancestors fled-which most of them have never seen, and some of which no longer even exist. In short, since Israel would never voluntarily accept all five million "refugees" on UNRWA's rolls, it's telling them that the
only solution to their refugeehood is Israel's destruction.

[T]o continue defining Palestinians as refugees while denying them the basic right to resettlement is unconscionable. And all those Westerners who claim to be so concerned over Palestinian rights should be the first to protest this hypocritical and discriminatory practice.



 Calendar of events:  you are invited and encouraged to attend!

  THE GREEN PRINCE  - Amazing documentary - In movie theaters NOW!

Based on Mosab Hassan Yousef's best-selling book, "Son of Hamas," THE GREEN PRINCE  has opened in New York, Washington DC, and Los Angeles.  Check your local movie listings for theater locations.


MONDAY,  SEPT. 22, 4:00 PM
You are urged to be present at the very important
Busloads of students will be attending, along with thousands of members from  The Coalition Against Terrorism (CAT). Ads are appearing in all the papers, interviews are being given on TV and radio, flyers and posters are being printed, and VIP speakers are being lined up for a powerful message to the Met regarding the very dangerous opera, THE DEATH OF KLINGHOFFER.
 In the atmosphere of 9/11, and the growing threat of ISIS, a morphed version of the PLO that murdered Leon Klinghoffer in 1985, it is absolutely dangerous to glorify anti-American, anti-Semitic, anti-Israel and pro-terrorist ideology and emotions. 
You must plan to join the protest at 4:30 PM on Monday, Sept. 22, at Lincoln Center. 



REGISTER NOW before reservations close. Don't lose this opportunity to give encouragement to the embattled Israelis.

AFSI's Chizuk Mission to Israel - OCT. 26-NOV. 5, 2014
This mission underscores the Chizuk purpose which always seeks to give strength to our Israeli brothers and sisters where it is most needed. We have planned the itinerary so that we can stand in solidarity with the people and communities who have suffered the most during the relentless shelling from Hamas in Gaza.Reservations are now being taken: 212-828-2424; [email protected], [email protected].  See for reports on previous trips, and itinerary for October-November trip. Paid reservations by Sept. 19. Full payment - Oct. 15.


Tel: 212-828-2424; 800-235-3658; Fax: 212-828-4538
 Helen Freedman: Executive Director
Judy Kadish: Director,Special Projects


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