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Dear People,

My heart completely sank when I received the below email from the US Dept. of Agriculture.  Despite enormous public outcry against this and an absolute onslaught of letter writing, phone calls, meetings, hearings, etc., etc., the USDA has decided to turn over one of our greatest National treasures to the Navy and allow for the testing of electromagnetic weaponry on the innocent animals, birds, wildlife and other natural habitat in the bio gem that is the Olympic National Forest in Washington State. 

This will be a 5 year testing period the likes of which no area in the US has ever experienced.  It is an excruciating death sentence for the creatures of the forest let alone what might "accidentally" happen to any human inhabitants living near this area.

This type of weaponry is able to melt eyeballs, disintegrate human flesh and of course other living beings, not to mention cause cancer, genetic damage, and harm the general well being of animals that use the magnetic fields of the earth to navigate for their food and getting around.

We must bear in mind that secret military weaponry testing on human populations is also still completely legal in the US.

If anyone is able to file an injunction or sue to stop this now would be the time. 

This group has put in a great effort to stop this.  If you'd like to reach out to them on their website for any last ditch effort at stopping this...

Dear Interested Party:

We want to let you know that a decision was made to authorize issuance of a Special Use Permit that would allow the U.S. Navy to conduct ground-to-air training using mobile electronic transmitters from eleven designated roadside locations on the Pacific Ranger District of the Olympic National Forest for a period of up to five years.
The decision adopts the Navy's 2014 Pacific Northwest Electronic Warfare Range Environmental Assessment in accordance with the Council on Environmental Quality regulations at 40 CFR 1506.3, to eliminate duplication by federal agencies. The decision is to select Alternative 1 as described in the 2014 Pacific Northwest Electronic Warfare Range Environmental Assessment with modifications. The decision also incorporates by reference analysis associated with the Navy's 2015 Northwest Training and Testing Final EIS/OEIS and its 2016 Record of Decision as well as other materials. The decision is documented in the 2017 Decision Notice and Finding of No Significant Impact for the Pacific Northwest Electronic Warfare Range, which can be found   https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=42759&exp=overview.

Additional project materials may also be found at this location.
In making the decision, we considered public comments received during the designated scoping, comment, and objection periods, as well as input received outside of these designated periods. The main concerns profiled were potential impacts to public health and wildlife. Additional to standard permit Terms and Conditions, the decision includes Forest Service Project Design Features and Navy Standard Operating Procedures to address public health/safety and resource concerns. Compliance with the decision will be ensured through the Special Use Permit administration process. Thank you for your interest in the Olympic National Forest. 
This service is provided to you at no charge by US Forest Service.