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The Weekly
July 11, 2018     

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Weekly Update
Sunday, July 15 - 21, 2018

Sunday Summer Services
June 24 - August 26 - 10:00 a.m. 
Our summer services are more casual than they are the rest of the year: our choir takes a break, our minister takes some vacation time, and our formal religious education program for children and youth goes on hiatus until the fall. Children of all ages are always welcome and we will have a comfortable playroom for parents who may need to take them out of the service if they get fidgety.
Most of the summer services will take place in the air-conditioned Parish Hall.
What doesn't change, no matter the season, is our need to be together, to connect with old friends and welcome new ones. We gather in the spirit of peace and reverence, taking a deep breath to prepare our hearts, minds and souls for the week to come. If you have questions about our church or about Unitarian Universalism, please don't hesitate to ask someone on the staff or to e-mail our minister. You can learn a lot about us on our website but we want to learn about you, too. It is good to be together.
Summer Worship Leaders
June 24:  Rev. Tom Schade
July 1:  Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein
July 8:  Rev. Tom Schade
July 15:  Claire Wilson
July 22:  Rev. Tom Schade
July 29:  Rev. Tom Schade
August 5:  Liz Weber, Seminarian
August 12:  Liz Weber, Seminarian
August 19:  Claire Wilson
August 26:  TBA

Summer Worship Series
Rev. Tom Schade re-narrates the history of contem porar y U ni t arian Universalism from the 1940's through the merg er to the p r e s e nt in a four-part sermon series. For four different eras, he will ta l k a bout what religious liberals were most conc erned about, what challeng es they faced, and how they were changed by the events of their time. He argue s that our faith has a shared story which tells the truth of our experiences, and which gives us tools to face the future.
June 24: Part 1: "Marching to the Beat of a Different Drummer" - Religious Liberals in the 1940's and 1950's.
July 8 Part 2: "Joining the Revolution" -  
UUism in the 1960's and early 1970's.
July 22: Part 3: "But What Are We For"  -  
UUism in the 1980's and 1990's.
July 29: Part 4: "Utopians Radicalized by Reality" -  
UUism in the 21st Century.
Each worship service will also include typical hymns and readings of that era.
Rev. Schade is a life-long Unitarian, and the son of a Unitarian minister active in the UU ministry from 1947 to 1955. Rev. Schade (the younger) served the First Unitarian Church of Worcester from 1999-2012. He now lives in Pawtucket, RI. He writes a blog "The LIvely Tradition" (www.tomschade.com) where he explores the intersection of contemporary UU public theology and current events.
Sharing Our Sunday Offerings

We will resume our 50/50 sharing of our Sunday morning offerings in September. One charitable organization or cause will be chosen each month and announced in the Weekly Update and the Sunday Order of Service Announcements.

Lifespan Religious Educa tion
Mark LaPointe joined us on July 1, 2018 as Acting Interim Director of Commun i t y L if e a n d L e ar ning. Mar k l i ves i n S a l e m with his husband, Jim , and h is son, Bry ce, an d h a d been serving as the Director of Lifespan Religious Exploration at the First Parish in Needham for the past seven years. Before that, he was the Director of Religious Education in Gloucester, and has a background in academic life, including teaching on the faculty of Endicott College in Beverly. Mark is very much looking forward to getting to know all of you and working with UUCGL to develop and support a vibrant, lifespan religious educat ion program that will help us "draw the circle wider."

Caring Corner
Get Well Wishes
Our Healing thoughts go out to Lyssa Andersson who recently fractured her humerus at the shoulder. Lyssa will not be attending church for most of the summer, and will not be receiving visitors at this time, but welcomes e-mails and Facebook interaction. Heal quickly Lyssa!

Upcoming Events
Sand Castle Building Contest!
The Green Sanctuary Ministry Team is inviting ev e r yone to get outside and to the beach this summer to build sand cas t l e s ! Send photos of your creations to: [email protected] . Or dro p t hem off in the Green Sanctuary mail box in the front lobby of the church. Prizes will be awarded in the Fall!

Remember H A W C when you travel this summer and fall
Don't forget to save hotel/travel-sized toiletries for HAWC. For many years, the UUW has been preparing gift bags every Christmas to donate to Healing Abuse W orking for Change. Founded over 35 years ago, HAWC serves individuals affected by domestic abuse. Its mission is to "support the healing process of abuse and to change social norms and behaviors that perpetrate violence and oppression". They are always most grateful for our church's generosity.  
Fresh Water -
Rivers, Ponds and Wetlands
Only 3% of all the Earth's water is fresh. That's not a lot. Especially considering that fresh water is essential to all f orms of life! Starting in the fall, the Green Sanctuary Ministry Team's new theme will be: Fresh Water - Rivers, Ponds & Wetlands. Around the globe, fresh water is threatened by over development, polluted runoff and climate change. As the World Wildlife Fund website notes, "Despite their importance to life ...fresh water habitats are disappearing at an alarming rate." We'll learn about the threats as well as what action we can take both as individuals and as a church. And although we'll be thinking globally, we will be looking at our own back yard as well. The Northshore is primarily valued for its proximity to the ocean - that great salty sea - but it also has fresh water treasures including rivers (like the Forest and Ipswich Rivers), and ponds (like Breeds and Walden Ponds in Lynn) - we even have our own pond and wetland right on the church property! So, get ready to join us as we explore and celebrate fresh water bodies and their habitats!

News Worth Noting
Toxic Charity
By invitation of LUUP (our Lynn UU Partnershi p Task Force), we are invited to learn more about how churches can do harm just when they're trying to do most good by reading Robert Lupton's Toxic Charity together. Get your copy from a library, bo rrow it from church, or order it online. If cost is an issue, please save your receipt and the church is happy to reimburse you.
This sermon by Rev. Vicki, Charity/Solidarity is a good companion piece to the book.
Stop by our Fair Trade Sales Area    
Our Sunday Fair Trade sales area in the Parish Hall, operated by the Denominational Connections Ministry Team, has a variety of coffee, tea, chocolate and olive oil available. The sale of these products help to sustain small family farms that adhere to ecologically responsible practices. Proceeds from sales at UUCGL help support the activities of the Denominational Connections Ministry Team.

Help Us Welcome Newcomers!

It's so important to have a friendly, warm, and welcoming presence in the foyer on Sunday mornings before worship. You don't need to be trained or signed up. Just greet people as they enter, get folks name tags, and point the way to our summer worship service in the air conditioned Parish Hall. Let's all help newcomers feel at home!


Does the Office Know Your Current Contact Information?
Please keep your name, address, phone number, and e-mail current in the church office. E-mail Elizabeth Muller with your correct information. Not sure what information we have on file for you? Call Elizabeth at 781-595-8836, ext. 10. 
Weekly Update
and Announcements Deadline
In order to submit information to our church's website in a timely manner, all announcements and weekly update information should be sent to Angie Kern at [email protected] by Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. Please also cc Elizabeth Muller at  [email protected] .

Recurring Events


Covenant Group   

Covenant Group is open to anyone from the church interested in learning about and experiencing small group ministry. Gatherings are 11:45-1:00 p.m. in the "Faces" classroom,  the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. If you are interested in joining this group, or even just sitting in to see if you like it, please speak to Lyssa Andersson or Suzanne Forgione. We encourage visitors to try it out for at least three consecutive sessions to get a real feeling for the group. One need not be a UUCGL member, or even a Unitarian Universalist to join a covenant group here.
Dialogue Group
"Dialogue" is a way of practicing deep listening that enables us to share personal experiences and thoughts in a way that collectively builds a more expansive understanding of ourselves and the world around us. We move from reaction to connection. The dialogue is preceded by a short "discursive meditation." Dialogue and the discursive meditation are part of the method of Cafh, a path of spiritual unfolding. For information about Cafh: www.cafh.org; the discursive meditation: http://www.seedsofunfolding.org/issues/08_11/inspiration.htm  and dialogue, http://seedsofunfolding.org/issues/04_06/features_1.htm   and
The Dialogue Group meets the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 11:45 a.m. All are welcome when able to attend. Contact Ron Fishman at [email protected] for more information.
Sunday Schedule
Worship & Children's Ministry
Fellowship Hour 11:15 a.m.
Googlemap Directions
101 Forest Avenue
Swampscott, MA 01907
(781) 595-8836