In This Issue
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Worship at Grace
Year-round Schedule

Sunday Services at 10:30 am 


Celtic Meditations at 5:00 pm



Healing Services  every week at 5:00 pm


Young  and the Restless Chapel at 9:00 am the second Sunday of the month 



All are always welcome to worship and pray with us at all services

This Week's Calendar

10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Art Class
11:00 am
Funeral for Barbara Hawkes
7:30 pm
Choir Rehearsal 
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Office Hours   
10:00 am
Funeral for Elizabeth Famico Montoni 

9:00 am
Music Together
7:00 pm

9:30 am
Choir Rehearsal 
10:30 am
Holy Eucharist 

11:30 am
Coffee Hour

5:00 pm
Celtic Service


2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Rector to Collins MS to teach "Spy Academy"

Tues day
10:00 am to 12:00 pm 
Office Hours 
6:00 pm
AA meeting

10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Art Class
7:30 pm
Choir Rehearsal




The Reverend Debbie Phillips, Rector




Joanne Moar,
Sr. Warden

David Ashton,
Jr. Warden

Peggy Carter, Clerk

Jesse Angeley,



Jonathan Bailly

Jane Eskelund

Tom Gaither

Christopher Patzke

Jason Stonehouse

Caroline Watson-Felt




Eileen Hunt, 

Interim Director of Music


Tom and Karen Tucker, Sextons




The Reverend

 Debbie Phillips, 




Hugh MacKay 
Joanne Moar,



Pauline Grady, 

Altar Guild Directress


Deb Papps, 

Flower Committee Chair


Celtic Meditations Team

Eric Wagner

Jane Stewart

Joanne Moar

Kathleen Tone



Director of Church School

Melissa Barnes

Anna Layne 


Jonathan Davis

Jesse Angeley

Tom Lemons

Angela Williams

Anne Busteed


Real Asset Management/Property

David Ashton

Eric Wagner

Mike Ouellette

Tom Tucker

Bob Cole

Jon Papps



Ministry Team

Joanne Moar, Chair

Priscilla Lemons, Clerk

Caroline Watson-Felt

Tom Gaither 


Nathaniel Bowditch School Partnership
Paige Nalipinski, 

Team Leader

David Ashton

Ingrid Fox

Pam Myrie

Deb Papps

Debbie Phillips

Eric Wagner


Representatives to the North Shore Mission Hub


Paige Nalipinski


Convention Delegates

Laura Beasley-Topliffe

Joanne Moar

Thought for the Week
We talk a lot about bringing people to God through the Church, the Body of Christ. We consider the many ways Jesus brought people to God. We pray. We make use of social media. And of course, we invite and bring them along.

This month I have had 3 funerals of members of the Church. Often, when I look out at the congregation, I see many people who haven't darkened the doors of a church since the last funeral they attended. So what made them come this day? Who has been the evangelist? The deceased. The person who mattered in their lives in life, has now drawn them to the Church in their death.

Now this is not an opportunity for us to sign them up, or to invite them to our next fundraiser! The point is that it is in the relationship that has been built between the deceased and those present that has brought them to this place. It is in the shared experiences and care they have for one another, and the need, in their friend's death, to be in that sacred space.

So let us be aware that it is the building of relationships with others that begins the process of evangelism. It is through this relationship that we can give them a mere glimpse of the magnitude of the joy in being in relationship with God.

                                    - Debbie
This Sunday

Laborers in the Vineyard  

In our first reading this Sunday, we hear Jonah complain that God is too quick to show mercy, while Jesus offers a parable of laborers in the field. 
At 10:30 am, the Parish Choir will sing Richard Farrant, "Lord, for thy tender mercies' sake." The children will continue to harvest their Abundant Life Garden. 
At 5:00 pm, Celtic Evensong with Communion will continue its series of services with prayers and music focused on Creation. This week's reflection will be given by Kathleen Tone. All are welcome to come to this quiet and reflective time with God and one another.

Please join us wherever you are
in your search for meaning. 
Leaders for Worship

Lord's Prayer
*Note to leaders:
The new schedule is on the website at  

Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
10:30 am
The Reverend Debbie Phillips, Presiding and Preaching 
Eileen Hunt, Organist
Joanne Moar, Hugh MacKay, Vergers
Oliver Boisvert, Acolyte
Tony Boisvert, Lector
Christopher Patzke, Helen Watson-Felt, Chalicers
Tom Gaither, Marc Hawlena, Ushers
Beth Brown, Altar Guild 
Maureen Joyce, Flowers
Tom Gaither, Angela Williams, Counters

Celtic Service
5:00 pm

The Reverend Debbie Phillips, Presiding 
 Debbie Phillips, Eric Wagner, Musicians
Joanne Moar, Opening and the Lesson
Kathleen Tone , Reflection
Eric Wagner, Affirmation and Prayers 
Debbie Marchand, Chalice
Jane Stewart, Greeter
An Invitation to Journey

Life is an opportunity. Life is a journey. A journey to saying "yes" to God who calls us the Beloved. Life is a journey to love; a journey to welcome; a journey to invite; a journey to peace; a journey to generosity.
From the moment we draw our first breath to the moment we breathe our last, we are both receivers and givers. How we move from takers of everything given to us to sharing everything we have is one measure of how we live into saying, "Yes."
On our journey to generosity, we learn from our parents and other family members. We learn from friends and church members. We learn through our own actions and from hearing the stories of other generous people.
The gospel stories of Jesus inform, challenge, and inspire us. Whether it's the story of the Good Samaritan, the rich young ruler, or Zacchaeus, Jesus invites us into what the journey to generosity looks like.
TENS has chosen "Journey to Generosity" as the theme for 2017 to invite everyone into that journey. It is not simply about how much we give to support the mission and ministry of our parish. The journey is about how we live our lives as the Beloved.
Are we generous in our dealings with others? Are we generous when we welcome the stranger and the strange to church on Sunday mornings? Are we generous in our forgiveness and in our acceptance of forgiveness?
We will begin this leg of the "Journey to Generosity," our Fall Stewardship Program on October 1st. Won't you come and join us on this heart trek?
Upcoming Events

October 1: Blessing of Animals
This is our annual blessing service for our pets at both services. Please make sure you invite your neighbors to this event!
October 8 Young and the Restless:
For infants, toddlers, their families and for all those young and restless at heart, come to this service of music and communion at 9:00 am. This month's story is the story of Creation.
October 13: Friday the 13th Organ Spooktacular
Come hear Mark Engelhardt  give a Halloween Organ Concert, beginning at 7:30 pm. This concert is sponsored by the Boston and Merrimack Valley American Guilds of Organists.
October 21 and 28: Silent Movies
Two perfect movies for the season: Nosferatu and Phantom of the Opera, accompanied on the Grace Church organ by Ryan Patten.
October 29: Blessing of Trick or Treaters
Come dressed in your Halloween costume at 10:30 am and receive a blessing and prayer for safety for Halloween night trick or treating. Halloween Coffee Hour to follow.

Grace Episcopal Church | 978-744-2796 
385 Essex Street
Salem, MA 01970