NEWSLETTER: December 2017

Check Out Our 2017 Resource of the Month Winners: Every One Is Free!

Eleven of 2017's best online teaching resources for biology teachers presented in a simple, fun interactive. All the winners of our "Resource of the Month" award are free. Every one of them is worth a glance over the holidays. Zip through "BioEd Online", "Understanding Evolution", or MIT's "OpenCourseWare" now.

A Gift That Keeps On Giving

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A Collection of Bio-related News Stories From 2017 That Will "Wow" Your Students!

A dozen carefully chosen news stories with the biology classroom in mind. Researcher vetted, up-to-date, interesting, and wide-ranging feature stories that will invigorate your classroom. Read the latest on ant genomes and the Panama land bridge, how snakes lost the blueprint for making limbs, genes and dreaming, and more. Brush up on these topics, or offer extra credit for your classes. Terrific materials for discussion groups.
Our Biology Teachers Resource Library: Royalty-Free Art, Interactives, & Presentation Ideas

Located in the "Learn" area on the Genome: Unlocking Life's Code website. Our teacher resources portal is like none other. You'll find unique tools like a 5-minute animation about the human genome that will please students and adults of all ages, ready-to-use curricula, the Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms, projects for National DNA Day, current news stories, free artwork, and more!

Check It Out Here!

Quick links to popular teacher resources on Genome: Unlocking Life's Code.


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