Dear Neighbors,
Thanks to all who provided compelling and strong input to the City's 2017 Peak Democracy to make Jet Noise a high priority for 2017.
Sky Posse strongly urges the City Council to make jet noise and emissions remediation a high priority for Palo Alto as demonstrated by asking the city to take the following actions (see our recent Council letter):
Most immediately to secure a seat on the Ad-Hoc sub-committee recommended by the Select Committee, to work with the FAA on the ongoing implementation of regional solutions (section 3.1 of the Select Committee Report)
Assign 3 to 4 Council members, for a Council Committee on jet noise
Maintain and enhance the requisite specialized resources and capabilities so that the Council can be effective
How you can help
This Saturday January 28th, Council will vote on the 2017 priorities at their retreat.
Please join us at 9:00 AM, at the Palo Alto Art Center, 1313 Newell Road, so we can make a strong presence showing the importance of the jet noise problem.
If you can join for about one hour on Saturday, RSVP here and we will send you more details.
Latest news from the FAA
The FAA is due to respond in mid-February to the report issued by the Select Committee containing measures to abate jet noise, as requested by the Congressional Reps. Eshoo, Speier and Farr. Since the Select Committee recommended that the FAA work with a new Ad-Hoc committee to evaluate and implement solutions, and in light of favorable comments by an FAA representative made at a recent meeting, we expect the FAA will agree to the formation of that committee.
Most urgent items in the Select Committee Report
We have the following high priority areas from the Select Committee recommendations, and believe that we have a strong case that they need to be addressed first.
Southern Arrivals – rec. 2.5.5 (p. 13 of the Report) "Assess the feasibility of establishing a different waypoint for the entry to the final approach into SFO on the SERFR procedure (or any procedure which may replace it)...", including the waypoint FAITH (which would allow full use of the Bay).
BDEGA flights – rec. 2.2.1 (p. 10) Utilize the so-called East leg (over the San Francisco Bay) as much as possible
Night-time flights – rec. 2.2.2 (p. 11) All aircraft on BDEGA overnight to use the East leg; and various other items in the report, which address night flights.
- San Jose Reverse Flow traffic – rec. 2.13 (p. 20)
Overall, we will be working to assure that the many months of community testimony and engagement with the FAA in the last years will result in as much substantive relief as soon as possible, especially for those most impacted, as intended by the FAA.
Sky Posse Palo Alto