March 12,  2014   Vol. V, Issue 11
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"Swaddling" & the risk of hip Dysplasia.

"Swaddling"; the "binding" or "bundling" of babies in blankets or cloth with the arms restrained, and the lower limbs extended and adducted, remains common in many countries (90% of infants in North America). While "swaddled" infants may sleep longer and arouse less (and some suggest premature infants may have improved neuromuscular development - no benefit for "infant colic" Ed.), there is a significant association between "swaddling" and subsequent development of dysplasia of the hip.


"Safe swaddling" which allows for the healthy development of the hips, involves allowing the legs to be able to bend up and out at the hips. (Commercial products should have a loose pouch or sack for babies legs and feet, allowing for plenty of hip movement).


Archives Disease in Childhood

Family characteristics associated with adolescent subjective health complaints (SHC)

A national study of 1,041 adolescent school children - parent pairs was utilized to analyze the associations between adolescents' SHC and a variety of parental characteristics.


Adolescent HSC is independently and significantly associated with perceived poorer parental mental health, the poor quality of parent-child relationships and parental worry. Females and older adolescents are particularly affected.


Acta Paediatrica



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Breastfeeding and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Syndrome (ADHD).


"Breastfeeding has a positive effect on physical and mental development".


A retrospective matched study of 10-12 yr. old children, diagnosed with ADHD and compared to healthy siblings and a group of healthy unrelated matched children, indicates that infant's breast fed at 3 months and 6 months of age have significantly less chance of being diagnosed with ADHD.


Lack of breastfeeding at 3 months, maternal age at birth, male gender and parental divorce are all associated with an increased likelihood of ADHD.


Breastfeeding Medicine 

Video Feature  
Symptoms of ADHD in children, teenagers and adults
Symptoms of ADHD in children, teenagers and adults
via YouTube

Diagnostic evaluation of precocious puberty in girls.  


It appears, form a retrospective analysis of 57 girls referred for early signs of puberty and followed prospectively for 12 months, that serum basal luteinizing hormone (LH) level is an excellent predictor of central precocious puberty; normal levels leading to normal puberty. Gonadotrophin stimulation tests may be required where LH level and clinical progression are discordant.


Archives Disease in Childhood 

Treatment of necrotic tooth pulp in immature permanent teeth.  


There are multiple challenges to the management of immature permanent teeth with post-caries or traumatic necrotic pulp. Endodontic methods are limited by the immaturity of the tooth root anatomy; while other treatments may be both inadequate or result in a weaker tooth.Kid's Dentist  


It appears from an interesting case report of an 8 year old boy who fractured his incisors following trauma, that a triple antibiotic paste (with ciprofloxacin, metronidazole and minocycline) now increasingly used to revascularize necrotic immature permanent teeth, may become a standard regenerative technique.


Pediatric Dentistry 

Bottle feeding & hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (HPS).


A population-based, case-control study of singleton births who were diagnosed with HPS over a 6 year period indicates that as breastfeeding prevalence increases, HPS decreases. Bottle feeding (particularly in older multiparous women) is associated with an increased risk of HPS (independent of sex or maternal smoking).


JAMA Pediatrics 

"Trust your hunches. They are usually based on facts filed away below the conscious level" 

-James Joyce  

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