Since 2009, Congress has borrowed more than $1 trillion each year, pushing the national debt from $10 to $19 trillion or nearly $160,000 per tax-payer, and it plans to borrow another trillion each year over the next decade - providing proof that Washington has no plans to change!
In order to prevent a severe economic meltdown, we must impose fiscal restraints on Congress via a federal balanced budget amendment (BBA).
Thomas Jefferson first called for a BBA in 1798 when he wrote, "I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment ... taking from the Federal Government the power of borrowing."
Congress has flirted with the possibility of proposing a balanced budget amendment for over forty years, but has never found the courage to do it.
Only the States have the constitutional power to rid Congress of its deficit spending addiction via a BBA. In order to do so, 34 States must call a convention to propose an amendment and 38 States must ratify it. To donate,
click here.