November 3, 2015
Monthly Newsletter
Issue 1 

Over the last two months, the District has made significant progress in step one of the strategic planning process.  This "contextual scan" phase included conducting eight focus group sessions with students, parents, and community members.  We also gathered input from District staff through an online survey.  This initial work is an effective way for the District to listen to stakeholder perspectives, and a tremendous amount of input has been collected.  Full reports on the focus group sessions and survey results are linked below.  We thank those who were able to participate and share ideas about our school and its future. 
The second step of the planning process will commence on November 10, 2015, when the District's Strategic Planning Team holds the first of three meetings to review stakeholder input and discuss the mission, priorities, and future direction of the district.  
Strategic Planning monthly progress updates will be provided at the District website: (on the website the link is located on the top left hand side of the page.)  Hard copies of all planning documents will also be available for viewing in the three school offices and at the Virginia Public Library.  For more information or questions, please contact me at 218-741-3901 or [email protected].
Yours In Education,
Deron Stender, Superintendent
Personal Learning Communities (PLC's)
Learning communities have begun! Thank you for the opportunity to provide dedicated time to improve instruction and meet the needs of our students and staff! Our vision is "to ensure that all staff are working together to analyze data, share ideas, and implement strategies to continually improve student learning and teacher performance."  As we begin our focus, we will be following a rotating model:
  • Week 1: (A) Purposeful use of academic data 
  • Week 2: (B) Purposeful focus on behavioral, cultural, and socio-economic needs
  • Week 3: (C) Intentional focus on best instructional practices and curriculum resources 
  • Week 4: ('S) Dependent on each school and individual needs
Thank you for your support of our students and staff!
Parkview Learning Center Expansion and  Remodel  Project
Construction to expand the Parkview Learning Center continues to be on schedule and under budget!  The project is scheduled to be complete in August 2016 to accommodate the expansion of the Early Childhood and School Readiness programs.  Parents will be able to choose which educational program is best for their child and family.  The education of our early learners is an investment in their future. 

We thank our students, families, staff, and guests for your patience and flexibility during this temporary inconvenience. 
Girls Tennis Team Competes at State Tournament
Congratulations to our Girls Tennis Team for proudly representing our school and community at the State Tournament!  The team finished 5th place in the state.
6th Grade Knowledge Bowl Team Wins 1st Place!
Roosevelt Elementary School wins first place in the area Knowledge Bowl competition o ut of
21 teams representing 7 different schools.  Roosevelt had four teams compete this day.  
All the teams had a great showing and we look froward to the upcoming meets and 
Knowledge Bowl season.
Virginia 2 = 1st place
Virginia 1 = 6th place
Virginia 4 = 11th place
Virginia 3 = 14th place

We are very proud of these kids who are led by their fearless leader Mrs. Jackie LeBeque, 
a 6th grade science teacher at Roosevelt Elementary.
Students Experience Hands-on Learning at  the School Forest
Did you know Virginia Public Schools owns a "School Forest," located seven miles north of town?  Here on this one hundred twenty acre classroom, 5th grade Roosevelt Elementary students experience hands-on learning as they dig into the soil, examine vegetation, observe wildlife, conduct experiments, and explore the history of our area.  Fifth grade teachers and students manage and maintain this property, as well as host classrooms from all of our elementary grades when they take field trips to this special place.

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