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Lifestyle: Visualize Your Life!

April 2016 

Happy April beautiful readers!  The inspiration behind today is your life and what you choose to create to be the best version of you! April showers bring May flowers . . . after all, Gaia is alive with the energy & vision of spring--and beyond.

  But, what about our personal vision?  Our energy? Our wants and desires? Are they clear and focused?  Now, more than ever as we move into the new paradigm of manifestation, "what you think about, you bring about."  We all know that before a airplane or jet takes off, a flight plan is filed in order to reach the destination.  The  pilot  and crew are not just going to fly around for awhile to see where they end up!  The same can be said for our life.  Our focus and intent 
drives our direction.  Did you know that we can actually change the bell-curve from average to co-creating an extraordinary life by focusing our intent? It takes planning (intent)--it takes work--and it takes a vibrational shift to do so, but that is inside us all.  We all know this deep down, but sometimes we need a nudge or reminder.  
 So, set some goals, and create a vision board to get you on your way!
 Besides being a fun way to let your inner child out--there is great purpose.  Read on . . . 

Seeing your greatness!

Entrepreneurs and athletes frequently use visuals to train their focus and stay on target, and you  can too!  Compelling images in the form of a vision board is extremely effective at influencing your mind and harnessing your intention to bring about positive change.

A vision board contains images of actions, words, products or places representing what you want in your life.  Vision boards not only keep your motivation driving directly towards your well-thought-out desires, but they strengthen you decision making process.  They serve as a road map and very present reminder of what your actions should work towards.

Create a Vision Board

1. To Make a Vision Board, invest time clarifying your goals.  Decide what part of your life this board will represent and for what period of time.  Is this for short-term or long-term goals?  (You  can make several mini-boards for each area with a goal or connect them as one large board.)
2. After your goals are clear, use a blank wall or board to pin images as a collage.  Collect images from magazines, online, personal photo albums, or your own sketches.
3.  Supplement Images with quotes or words that also represent your vision.  Use vibrant colors to enhance the emotion of these pieces.  A vision board represents everything that is YOU, so creatively express YOU! For a "portable" vision boards, use a piece of cardboard to glue or tack images in place.  Cork boards work well for this too.  Otherwise, tape images to open wall space in an area where you frequently work.
4. Display your vision board  in a place that is highly visible to you.  Popular places to hang vision boards are above computer screens, in offices, next to mirrors, on refrigerators, or any high traffic area of your home or office.  You may even want to take a photo of your vision board or create a digital version to display on a mobile device.
5. Mediate on these images  for a few minutes a day.  As these visions become reality, acknowledge the success with check marks or stamps recognizing the piece as achieved.  Give yourself the satisfaction of completion.
Remember, a dream or vision board is not a wish-list--not a "to-do" list, and not witchcraft or some kind of magic spell.  A dream board is a visual representation of the dreams and goals we want to achieve in our life.  It's less about stuff we want, than it is about who we want to be in this world!

Ask yourself, "What would make me feel proud to overhear someone say about me?"

Thought for the Day: Inspirational Wisdom

"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
-Albert Einstein

A Message from the Angels
"TRUST" card  by Doreen Virtue
"Believe in yourself and have faith that God and the angels are with you.  Ask them to help you lose the fears that block you from enjoying with full faith."

Ask: Please tell me what I need to know . . . and then get quiet and listen for your answer.

Resolving the "unseen" . . . Biological Decoding

So, what is the message our body is sending to us?  If we have physical illness or emotional anxieties--we have unresolved emotional conflicts-- which can even be passed down from our ancestors.  Once a "brave" soul acknowledges and begins to heal their psyche, generations begin to heal too! 

"Through the millennia, humanity has more or less consciously known that all diseases ultimately have a psychic origin and it became a "scientific" asset firmly anchored in the inheritance of universal knowledge; it is only modern medicine that has turned our animated beings into a bag full of chemical formulas."

~Dr. R. G. Hamer, MD

 The Biology of Decoding is an amazing tool to assist in the discovery of the root cause of dis-ease.  This discovery and decoding opens the door to healing, deepens spiritual understanding and releases limiting beliefs and patterns.

"If the mind doth bend, disease can end."

For more information on Biological Decoding call 954-661-1972

Runes: An instrument for seeking the Will of the Divine in our lives . . 

                                             Rune of the Month

For those unfamiliar . . . "The Runes as described here are healing, merciful Runes; they will do you no harm.  Learn their 
language  and let them speak to you. Play with the possibility that they can provide "a mirror for the magic of Knowing Selves," a means of communication with the knowledge of our  subconscious minds."                                                            ~Dr. Martin D. Rayer


"The Rune of terminations and new beginnings, drawing URUZ indicates that the life you have been living has outgrown its form.  That form must die so that new energy can be released in a new form.  This is a Rune of passage and, as such, part of the Cycle of Initiation.
Positive growth and change, however, may involve a descent into darkness as part of the cycle of perpetual renewal.  As in nature, this progression,consists of five aspects: death, decay, fertilization gestation, rebirth. Events occurring now may well prompt you to undergo a death within yourself.  Since self-change is never coerced--we are free to resist--remain mindful that the new life is always greater than the old.
Prepare, then for opportunity disguised as loss.  It could involve loss of someone or something to which you have an intense emotional bond, and through which you are living a part of your life, a part that must now be retrieved so you can live it out for yourself.  In some way, that bond is being severed, a relationship radially changed, a way of life coming to an end.  Seek among the ashes and discover a new perspective and new strength.
The ancient symbol for Uruz was the aurochs, a wild ox. When the wild ox was domesticated--an immensely difficult task--it could transport heavy loads.  Learn to adapt yourself to the demands of such creative time.  Firm principles attach to this Rune.  At the same time humility is called for, since in order to rule you must learn how to serve. Uruz puts you on notice that your soul and the universe support the new growth."
 Ralph H. Blum The Book of Runes

                     How Can I Help You? 

 "Cathy has a passion for breaking the unhealthy patterns that are overlooked and underestimated by western medicine. In partnering with her clients to promote their wellbeing, she's had major success in decoding the biology (hidden blocks, buried feelings, etc.) that negatively impact their pain, illness, grief and overall discontent in the human journey. Clients are astonished by her knack to mine underground emotions and the root causes behind physical distress through her innate intuitive ability, problem solving and integrity; and it has earned her the nickname "Wellness Warrior" by some longstanding clients.  Cathy provides an ever-growing supply of resources, practices and modalities in helping her clients achieve their wellness goals."  

Author ~ Speaker ~ Facilitator
Biological Decoding
Family Constellations ~ Nutrition ~ Hypnosis
Grief Counseling ~ Channeling and Spiritual guidance 
IMARS Healing Mat ~ Kangen Water

"My mother was diagnosed with PTSD, after a traumatic car accident. It was at that time her primary care physician referred her to Catherine Silver. 

While I knew that it was critical for her to receive counseling. I was slightly anxious, to find the right person to guide my mother on the path back to emotional health. 

It was upon the first meeting that I felt that she was in good hands. After each session I can see the positive difference in my mother's to demeanor and outlook. It gave me hope that she can overcome PSTD with Cathy's unique holistic approach to mental health.  Cathy is warm, patient, compassionate and an advocate on behalf of those in her care. She is more than just a therapist, she has shown her to be a friend and I feel so fortunate that we found her. "

Tessa S. 
~Miami Gardens, FL


"For some minutes he lay there miserably, but when the five hundred and eight-seventh Heffalump was licking its jaws, and saying to itself "Very good honey this, I don't know when I've tasted better," Pooh could bear it no longer. "

Wherever I think of honey--I think of the old honey bears and one of my favorite childhood classics--Winnie-the-Pooh.  Honey though, is quite a bit more than a childhood tale with a stuffed bear.  Various flavors and ways to enjoy honey abound, including raw and on the comb.  Everyone has their favorite.  
In fact, this sweet food made by our bees from the nectar of flowers has been a prized household staple dating back to the Bronze Age.

But, what are the medicinal benefits to this treasured food?  I defer to Rebecca Wood, and her expertise from The New Whole Foods Encyclopedia.

Medicinal Benefits:

"Energetically, honey acts upon the stomach, spleen, and lungs.  It tonifies, soothes, and nourishes and has laxative properties.  It is also useful in cases of fluid retention.  Some health-care experts believe that consuming honey may decrease the allergic response for people with pollen allergies.  Ayurvedic medicine has long observed the beneficial properties of honey are destroyed when it is heated and that further more, it becomes mucus forming.  Raw honey reduces vata and Kapha."

Honey is sweeter and has a more complex flavor than white sugar.  There are no industry standards for honey because the composition varies according to the bees nectar source.  Seventy-five percent of honey is glucose and  fructose.  It is quickly absorbed and produces hypoglycemic symptoms.  However, honey is not empty of nutrients as is sugar because it contains a small amount of enzymes and minerals.

Recipe of the Month: Gluten Free Blueberry Muffins 

On my continuing mission this year to invite local eateries, cafes--and bakeries to share something with my readers, and part of supporting these independent entrepreneurs with visibility, I selected a bakery suggested by a friend in Palm Beach County.  I took the 50 minute drive north to the bakery.  Unlike last month, where Freedom met my invitation with 
excitement and enthusiasm, my request this month was met with resistance and fear.  So, I simply choose another source. Keeping in mind everyone's busy schedules, I prepared the recipe using Arrowhead Mills package of Organic Gluten Free All Purpose flour.  Not as "romantic" but practical.  I joyfully baked a batch in my own kitchen.  The bigger question for me in this lesson was,  have you ever allowed something good, to by-pass you because you were afraid?

 I found these blueberry muffins moist, easy to make and comparable to the traditional wheat-flour version-- delicious!  I understand this many not be on the weekly menu--but certainly a wonderful option for a Sunday morning.  The house smelled great--and I shared them with friends since my own family are miles and miles away. :)

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 20-25


 2 Cups Arrowhead Mills Gluten-Free All Purpose Flour
2/3 Cup organic sugar
1 1/2 Teaspoon Baking Powder
1/2 Teaspoon Baking Soda
1/4 Teaspoon Salt
1Cup Plain Yogurt
1/4 Cup Milk
1/4 Cup Vegetable Oil/Olive Oil
1 Egg, Lightly Beaten
1 Teaspoon Grated Lemon or Orange Peel
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
1 Cup Blueberries
1 Tablespoon Cinnamon
1 Tablespoon Granulated Sugar

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Lightly oil muffin pan or line with paper baking cups.  Combine flour, granulated sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt.  In a separate bowl, mix together yogurt, milk, oil, egg, orange peel and vanilla. 
Add flour mixture and stir just until dry ingredients are moistened.  Batter will be thick and lumpy.  Gently, stir in blueberries.
Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups, filling each cup 2/3 full. Mix cinnamon and sugar  together and sprinkle lightly over the top of muffins.
Bake for 18-25 muffins or until a toothpick inserted in center of muffins comes out clean.
Immediately remove muffins from pan and place on a cooling rack.

Best served warm, with honey butter--if desired. Makes 12 muffins

Warm Fresh out-of-oven Gluten Free Blueberry muffins


P.S. If anyone knows of a local cafe, or bakery that you love and visit, mail me!  Perhaps I can feature them in an upcoming edition.

Blog - Parting Thoughts . . . 

    Awakening to Biological Decoding

Let me make a bold statement:  All disease is emotional.  Dr. R. G. Hamer, MD, establishes the existence of biological laws that operate at 100% without exception: The disease is the translation of a conflict in the individual's biology.  John Hopkins trained Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, MD simply says it this way, "If the mind doth bend, disease can end."
Cancer, breast cancer for example, specifically, has it's roots from a strong feeling of  ( Click to rest of blog . . .

Every Truth passes through three stages before it is accepted.  In the first it is  Every Truth passes through three stages before it is accepted.  In the first it is ridiculed; in the second it is opposed; in the third, it is regarded as self evident.  

                          ~Arthur Shopenauer (19th Century Philosopher)

Health Coaching
        Grief Counseling
Biological Decoding
As a Health Coach, I am your personal advocate for living an energized and passionate life. I work with my clients to help them create happy, healthy lives in a way that is flexible, fun, and free of denial and discipline. By ...  Read More ... 
The Grief Recovery Method - The Action Program for Moving Beyond Loss. Grief: what we don't want to talk about. The Definition: Simply defined, grief is the normal and natural reaction to significant emotional loss of any ...            Read More ...
The missing link? Biological Decoding: Are you ready to let go of your dis-ease? How closely are the diseases we attract and our emotions linked together? "Modern" medicine has dismissed this idea and supports the premise  Read More ...

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