Dr. Ray presents 8th annual Ramiah Memorial Lecture in India
 Nebraska Water Center director, Chittaranjan Ray, PhD, presented the 8th annual Ramiah Memorial Lecture at the Indian Institute of Technology's Centre for Environmental Science and Engineering in Bombay, India Jan. 9. His talk highlighted ways to develop sustainable water resources for food security, including improving irrigation efficiency, using hybrids and fertilizers, and using alternative energy sources for irrigation and other agricultural activities. The prestigious lecture is named in honor of Dr. Krishnaswami Ramiah, a world-renowned Indian rice breeder and geneticist.
Executive director Roberto Lenton, PhD, presented at the Global Water Initiative's global conference Sept. 30 in El Salvador. His comments are featured in the newly released conference report, "Coping with Climate Change: Sustaining Central America's Food Security and Landscapes Through Water Smart Agriculture."
The U.S. Geological Survey released a new report detailing changes in groundwater levels in the High Plains Aquifer. DWFI's Richael Young highlights how Nebraska's underground water resources are protected through effective water management -- and affected by real physical constraints that vary over space and time Learn more.
January 28, 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Hardin Hall, UNL East Campus
Dr. Houser, spatial analyst and remote sensing/GIS expert at George Mason University, will present: "A Vision for an Ultra-High Resolution Integrated Water Cycle Observation and Prediction System." Learn more.
"High Plains Aquifer: Sustainability for Food Production and Water Supply" will be March 19. The symposium will be followed by a one-day law conference on March 20. Both events will be held at the University of Nebraska College of Law on UNL's East Campus. Registration information. Contact Tricia Liedle at 402.472.3305 with any questions or concerns.
'Transdisciplinary Conversations' to begin Feb. 18
 DWFI is partnering with the Rural Futures Institute to again host a series of informal events intended to help bring together the University of Nebraska's diverse water for food research community. Colleagues from outside the University are also welcome to attend. Each event will include a featured speaker, along with food and drinks. Please join us for this opportunity to make connections and explore new directions for collaborative research. More details coming soon.
Save the dates:- Feb. 18, 4:30-6 p.m. | UNL's Nebraska Innovation Campus
- March 16, 5-6:30 p.m. | UNO's Community Engagement Center
- April 22, 4:30-6 p.m. | UNL's Morrill Hall
Water funding opportunities
Michigan State University: Global Center for Food Systems Innovation Innovation Grants Closing Date: March 16 Award Amount: Innovation Scalability Grants (max. $500,000 each, with a required 1:1 match) 24-36 months; Innovation Evaluation Grants (max. $250,000 each) 18-24 months; Early Stage Innovation Grants (max. $100,000 each) 18-24 months.
Michigan State University's Global Center for Food Systems Innovation is seeking applicants who can help create innovation in the global food system by finding, incubating and evaluating new and potentially game-changing knowledge and technology based solutions to development challenges, especially those related to population growth, climate change and urbanization.
The McKnight Foundation Southeast Asia Initial Inquiry Closing Date: May 1, annually (full proposals invited) Award Amount: varies, funded projects from $50-600,000
Focuses specifically on sustaining and improving the livelihoods of the most vulnerable people in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Supports balanced approaches toward better management of natural resources in ways that support both local communities and biodiversity conservation. Specific geographic regions: southern Laos; Cambodia's northeast, Tonle Sap, and Phnom Penh; and Vietnam's northern highlands. McKnight will also consider funding coastal areas in Vietnam and Cambodia.
World Food Prize Foundation World Food Prize 2015 | Borlaug Field Award 2015 Closing Date: June 30 Award Amounts: Food Prize, $250,000; Field Award, $10,000
The World Food Prize recognizes an individual or individuals who have made outstanding achievements to enhance the world's food production and its distribution to those most in need. The Borlaug Field Award recognizes science-based achievement in international agriculture and food production by an individual under age 40 in the challenge to eliminate global hunger and poverty.
Additional funding opportunities may be found at grants.gov, a single access point for individuals to search competitive funding opportunities from more than 900 grant programs offered by the 26 federal grant-making agencies.
The Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Institute at the University of Nebraska was founded in 2010 to address the global challenge of achieving food security with less stress on water resources through improved water management in agricultural and food systems. We are committed to ensuring a water and food secure world while sustaining the use of water for other human and environmental needs.