Olive Tree Reviews

Saturday, September 29

8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Amir Tsarfati
J.D. Farag
Jack Hibbs
Billy Crone

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Location: Eden Prairie, MN, near Minneapolis

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Jan Markell
  Check out all our products! 
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 Maple Grove, MN  55311-6452

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New DVD from Jan Markell

John Lennon "imagined" a coming one-world system
. He had no idea this was an appeal for Antichrist's kingdom. How is that manifesting today? Who are the major players and organizations throughout history who have promoted this? How do men like George Soros fit into this plan?
This is not silly conspiracy talk. Dark forces today wish to insert their kingdom on earth to stop God's coming Kingdom.
The schemers of this plan think it will bring about world harmony. They cannot see it will be an Orwellian nightmare that is forming even now.

Find this DVD here for $14 + S/H or call us M - F CST at 763-559-4444.

Five messages given on October 7. Two messages by Amir Tsarfati, one by J.D. Farag, Mark Hitchcock, and Michele Bachmann. Find order info here. DVDs have valuable speaker PowerPoint in high-definition. 

Or call us M - F CST at 763-559-4444.
DVD: How the Blessed Hope Became the Blasted Hope: The Attack on Bible Prophecy

DVD by Jan Markell

Why has eschatology or Bible prophecy been downplayed in the last 25 years? What kind of damage have Rick Warren, Lynne Hybels, John Piper, Hank Hanegraaff, and others done and how have they done it? Dispensationalism has become almost a dirty word in the world of scholars and is seldom taught any longer, yet Amillenialism, Preterism, Dominionism, Replacement Theology, and Latter Rain theologies are gaining in popularity. Jan Markell has collected one hour of vital information if you care about these issues and hope to reverse tragic trends.

Find the one-hour DVD here for $14 + shipping or call us M - F CST: 763-559-4444.

We Are Summoning Up Demons
By Jan Markell

January 30, 2018

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Late last year I started to become aware of a phenomenon known as "artificial intelligence" or "AI."

The first troubling headline I saw stated, "Ex-Google Executive Anthony Levandowski is Founding a Church Where People Worship an Artificial Intelligence God."

The second headline read, "Why Humans Will Happily Follow a Robot Messiah."

I started watching videos online of robots who look human and who "think." They answer questions and seem to process real thoughts. Developers of these robots say someday they will solve society's problems. Such men also believe that it is possible for artificial intelligence to be a billion times smarter than humans. Try to process that!

Various leaders in the field of "AI" have made some of the following statements:
  • "The human era could be ending and machines will take over."
  • "He who develops AI rules the world. We aren't going to be able to control it."
  • "We are summoning up demons."
  • "We are playing with fire."
  • "This is one of the dumbest things we can do."
  • "Soon robots will walk among us. They will play with us, teach us, and they will truly be our friends."
  • "AI will be smarter than humans and will become a god."
  • "AI could become the worst event in the history of civilization."
  • "In the end, the machines will win."
Maybe this new religion isn't the promise of paradise after all. Some promoting AI are evangelists and some of them offer a new Promised Land. But some of the very movers
and shakers of the artificial intelligence industry are
sounding serious warnings.

This is really not the wave of the future as it is all being employed now! Outfits like Google have every bit of information on us they need: Address, e-mail, occupation, history, photos, our family, our interests, our searches. Simply stated, they have all our vitals.

So how will this play into Antichrist's agenda? Will this manage all buying and selling? We want tech companies to work for us but we end up fitting into their plans and purposes! Dare I say, we are almost their useful idiots.

We're all aware of the biblical prophecy found in Daniel 12:4 that knowledge will increase in the last days. But machines smarter than people? Surely God would never allow that to happen. He created mankind in His image and He didn't create them to be superseded by computer chips. That is not stopping man from trying!

In 1948 there was a milestone event as it concerns "signs of the times." That was the re-birth of Israel 70 years ago. Are we in the generation of a more current sign that could involve end-time technology, the "image of the beast," "mark of the beast", etc? Could this wave of technology be as relevant as the stirring of the dry bones? We look at that 1948 happening in a rear-view mirror. Technology is a 21st century fulfillment.

Viewing one now-famous robot, Sophia, is a bit unnerving. YouTube loves to feature her and has introduced her to millions. She is attractive, clothed, looks you in the eye, and answers your questions. She can be your friend, companion, problem solver, and perhaps someday, your spouse. At the very least, she will run your errands and put away your groceries. In the wrong hands, she will be dangerous.

Young people are particularly drawn to artificial intelligence. Some will tell you that they can get an answer more quickly from Google or Alexa than they can from God. Who needs God in an age of artificial intelligence? Who needs an invisible God? And Google or Alexa may tell you what you want to hear in Technicolor, 3-D, and instantaneously!

Don't brush this off as silliness. It's our world today. Welcome to the brave new world.

Google admits that they want to be like the mind of God and suggests we will be "godlike." They are grabbing bundles of data from us. There is a "home invasion" going on by the world of technology. If you think you have privacy, think again! We are being monitored and this is not crazy talk. It is not sensationalism. It is not kooky conspiracy language.

The world of "Big Brother" exists and will be in full bloom during the Tribulation from which the Church is absent. And as I quoted above, an inventor admits, "This is one of the dumbest things we can do." It has a very dark side.

In late January I featured artificial intelligence expert Pastor Billy Crone on air for a two-week series on AI. You can access the programs from January 20-21 and January 27-28 here or here.

You may not be skilled in technology and you may think this doesn't affect your life but it does. And it's a guarantee that younger people in your world are captivated by all of this.

Things are falling into place.

AI cannot speak anything into existence or give anyone eternal life. It cannot give anyone comfort, guidance, or offer anyone peace or hope. It cannot still the wind or calm the sea. It is more like Frankenstein than like God. It is trying to be like God but will fall far short! We are fearfully and wonderfully made. AI is fearfully fraudulent.

Stay ahead of the game and become informed. Events of the Tribulation are casting a shadow today. The shout and the trumpet are close. He is coming soon! God sits in the Heavens and laughs at these people (Psalm 2).

He will allow them a short season of notoriety and then will crush the evil doers at His Second Coming.

No cost - free-will offering. Call Revive Church with your questions: 763-391-6140. Brooklyn Park, MN is a NW suburb of Minneapolis. The church will offer CDs or DVDs a month later. This is the former Brooklyn Park Evangelical Free Church. They have only changed their name under Pastor Mark Henry.

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Awaiting His return,

Jan Markell

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Olive Tree Ministries, Inc.
Box 1452
Maple Grove, MN  55311-6452
763-559-4444 or 763-210-8291