This Valentine's Day,
we will be thinking of you.
(Maybe Marco too.)
All lasting relationships start with trust. Thank you for trusting us with your Geographic Information Systems (GIS) implementations, spatial data services, and workflow support.

What's New
We have been busy here at Integrated Informatics, hard at work helping customers get the most out of their GIS services. Not to mention, several GIS and Natural Resources talks are on the horizon!
Time for a Matchmaker?
Valentine's Day brings out the inner matchmaker in all of us. Let your GIS in on the fun. Find out what the biggest signs are that your spatial data is in need of a little matchmaking of its own.
Reconsider Your Resolutions
Not all your New Year's Resolutions make it into February? Discover goals for the GIS Professional to focus on in 2018 and beyond! 
Hint - #5 is our favorite.
Too shy to reach out just yet?
Get to know the solutions and services we offer, what we've been up to, and a wise word or two online from the comfort of your desk.