Help Pass Proposition 41: Sign Up NOW!
With the support of SCANPH, Kennedy Commission, Jamboree Housing, and the East LA Community Corporation, please support a phone bank to help pass Prop 41. Be a proactive! Be an advocate. Be visible!
SAVE YOUR SPOT! RSVP on-line here.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Residents, seniors, veterans, labor groups, allied realtors, high school and college students, developers, housing organizations and activist help us hone-bank in support of Prop 41.
BRING A CELL PHONE (FULLY CHARGED) & BRING A FRIEND! We'll provide volunteers with call scripts, lists of voters to call, refreshments, campaign literature, poster signs. Be empowered to download, print, design or make your own lawn/window sign!
THREE LOCATIONS CLOSE BY! Los Angeles, Inland Empire and Orange County
PHONE BANK LOCATIONS Tuesday, May 27, 2014 INLAND EMPIRE - 5:30PM-8:30PM Arlington Apostolic Church 5662 Crest Av., Riverside, CA 92503 Tuesday, May 27, 2014 ORANGE COUNTY - 5:00PM-8:00PM Jamboree Housing Corporation 17701 Cowan Av., Suite 200 Irvine, CA 92614 Thursday, May 29, 2014 LOS ANGELES COUNTY - 6:00PM-8:30PM East LA Community Corporation 530 South Boyle Av., Los Angeles, CA 90033 Save your spot, visit or RSVP on-line here. |