
As 2017 comes to a close, we wanted to thank you for helping us build this vibrant and vital League of ours!

This fall my family bought a house after ten years of apartment living in Shelburne. As I attended my first Special Town Meeting in my new town across the river, I felt anew how important our work is, and how sustaining that work has been for me personally. I've met so many amazing women this year. In fact, my new house is a direct result of the friendships I've made in the League!

When you reflect on what we've accomplished during our first year, tell us: Where would you like us to focus our energies for 2018? If you haven't been able to participate as much as you'd hoped, how can we help? What have you found most meaningful about our League? What did you like, and what didn't you like? Your ideas are important to us! You can share them by clicking reply.

Membership renewal letters have started rolling out. Keep an eye out for yours, and please, renew as soon as you can if you haven't already.

Thank you. It has been my privilege and joy to serve alongside you this year. Happy 2018!

In League,


P.S. Our next open meeting will be held directly after the 2nd Annual Franklin County Women's Rally on Saturday, January 20, at 2:30pm at the Greenfield Public Library. (For more on the rally, you can visit its event page here .) More on that soon.

Marie Gauthier, President
Nicole Moore, Vice President
Marge Michalski, Treasurer
Laura Luker, Secretary
Christine Turner , Director
Joannah Whitney , Director