According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month. We are not thrilled, as those of you who are familiar with our work can imagine, for we believe that focusing on obesity does more harm than good. This month, Joanne and I discuss why.
Jonah Soolman, Registered Dietitian / Co-Owner
He Said, She Said: National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
My greatest concern is the effect that focusing on childhood obesity could be setting up kids to develop eating disorders (EDs). I cannot tell you how many preteens who have stepped into my office had been sent home with their BMI report card and then developed either extremely disordered eating or an actual diagnosable ED.
We were recently invited to appear as guests on a couple of podcasts and will be recording the episodes soon. Be sure to follow us on
Facebook so you can catch the episodes once they are released.
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Whenever an athlete gets busted and blames his supplements, the common reaction is to assume they are lying and covering for having purposely taken a performance enhancer. That may indeed be true, but we have to remember that what we often see as an excuse is also a completely plausible explanation.
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