The A+ Foundation is seeking 75 individuals, couples or businesses to contribute $1,000 to the A+ Foundation for West Aurora Schools Reading Endowment Fund.
"Committee of 75" will have the distinction of supporting an initiative that will increase the reading proficiency of West Aurora's elementary grade school students.
The A+ Foundation is one of sixteen organizations that have been awarded $25,000 challenge grants by the Community Foundation for placement in their endowment funds.
Once the A+ Foundation raises $25,000, the Community Foundation's challenge grant will be released.
If 75 gifts of $1,000 are received, the result will be an impressive $100,000 endowment to support the reading initiative.
As of today, nearly $25,000 has been received.
You can support this fund by
clicking here or by sending a check to the
Community Foundation at 111 West Downer Place, Suite 312, Aurora, Illinois, 60506. Please indicate "Reading Fund" in the memo section of your check.It has been proven that early and consistent intervention in a young child's academic life translates into a brighter and more successful future.
Be one of the 75 to make this happen. Be one of the 75 to change young lives!