BCTV Update - June 2015
Producers & Volunteers:
Take the Survey. Help set our future direction!
Vlasta handing out surveys at Rep Town Meeting in March.
Every six years, BCTV goes through a contract renewal process with cable providers Comcast and Southern VT Cable, which provide 90% of our funding through local cable subscriber fees. A critical part of this process is documenting what we do well and what more we could do to meet the community's needs as a public access  television station.

As community producers and BCTV volunteers, your opinions and feedback are a top priority for this outreach effort. The survey asks what improvements to BCTV's facilities, equipment and services would make it easier and more fulfilling for you to create local programs and participate in covering community events. Help make BCTV even better!

Vlasta has hard copies, and she's been approaching those of you who are currently active as you come into the office. (This is an online version of that survey.) Please respond by the end of June. Your responses will be used to draft the strategic plan and budget that we'll present to Comcast in the fall. The more voices we represent, the stronger our argument for support.

Here is the link to the survey:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ProdsVols

Please feel free to email me at [email protected] if you have any questions or comments. Thank You!

The next BCTV Board meeting will be Wednesday, July 15 at 6 PM in the Brattleboro Municipal Center. Please call 257-0888 for to confirm. Meetings are open to the public.
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