Week 1 of Preparation for Multidimensional
Leadership Training

H ello Everyone, 

Each Tuesday throughout our 4-week preparatory process, we will be guiding you through some exercises to prepare for the upcoming Multidimensional Leadership Training. Please make an effort to focus upon the lesson for a week, and we will return with another exercise next week. Stay tuned to my blog posts to follow the process.

If you are feeling the call to step into a leadership role, please be sure to participate in these preparations. 
Thank you all for your wonderful enthusiasm.
Have a great day,
Preparing for Transmutation into a
Fifth Dimensional Human

Week 1 of Preparation for Multidimensional Leadership Training

Follow the Yellow Brick Road
            There are NO mistakes or accidents

Transmuting into a New Body
            To perceive and inhabit your New Home/Planet

Students find the “analogy for ascension”
            What is deeply changing in your 3D life?
            How is that change transmuting you into your 5D reality?

This new life is the life you have always wanted since you were a child,
            or perhaps for many lifetimes—but you forgot!

Finding your SELF
            Your SELF is the you who (consciously or unconsciously) volunteered to assist Gaia with Her planetary ascension before you took this body

Within this NOW it will begin!
The fifth dimension is ONLY NOW—NO Time
            *Clearing darkness, which is usually old traumas which create
doubt and fear
            *Find the life in which that “darkness/fear” began
            *and heal it from that SOURCE LIFE
What was your “Source Life”?
            WITHIN this NOW, you have the ability to remember and BE that YOU
                        Look into your Multidimensional Aura

Where on Gaia’s body did you volunteer to assist with
P lanetary Ascension?
            Clear any darkness in that area with Unconditional Love and Violet Fire
                        Clear the “transmuter”—which is YOU—first,
                                    Then clear Gaia

Did you volunteer to stay with fifth dimensional Gaia?
            Or did you volunteer to return to the Ship to act as a liaison?
            Did you volunteer to be both?

Whatever Mission, dedication to Gaia and dedication to your SELF are the same because
Your Fifth Dimensional SELF is ONE with Gaia

Please share your answers to these questions in the
comments section.
We are being called to step into our leadership roles to help prepare others. We invite you to click here to learn more about our upcoming Multidimensional Leadership Training. 
Private Session Specials
For a limited amount of time, I am offering discounted private sessions. I look forward to connecting with you and finding out what the Arcturians wish to share.

One of our primary challenges with love is that we have had so many experiences of conditional love that we cannot trust unconditional love enough to accept it when we do feel it. This month, Sue's Special is
Releasing Fear and Choosing Love. 
  Featured Learning Packages 

2-part webinar series in which we gather as leaders and wayshowers to understand the shifts that are occurring within ourselves and our lives as we recognize and release all illusions.  

Learn More & Purchase

“I am ready to receive my orders, and to fulfill those orders to the greatest of my ability within that NOW.”

Learn More & Purchase

Do you feel the momentum building?

The time has come! Join us for a one-of-a kind conversation as we discuss ways in which we plan to prepare others for first contact.

Do you like what we do? If so, you are always welcome to share your gratitude in the form of donations that will support us as we continue to provide you with free meditations, videos, downloads, e-books, webinars, and teachings. In return for your donation, please accept our free gift of 'The Violet Temple', a journey into Self to transform reality.       Thank you in advance!

Yes, I Wish to Provide a Donation Now

Dr. Suzanne Lie | Multidimensions.com