April 3, 2016
3rd Sunday of Great Lent
Veneration of the Cross
St James the Confessor the Bishop of Catania, St Cyril the Bishop of Catania,
St Thomas the Patriarch of Constantinople, Venerable Seraphim of Vyritsa, St Serapion Bishop of Thmuis in Lower Egypt

Let the heavens rejoice! Let the earth be glad! For the Lord has shown strength with His arm! He has trampled down death by death! He has become the firstborn of the dead! He has delivered us from the depths of hell, and has granted to the world great mercy! 

O Lord, save Your people, and bless Your inheritance. Grant victories to the Orthodox Christians over their adversaries; and by the virtue of Your Cross, preserve Your habitation.  

Now the flaming sword no longer guards the gates of Eden; it has been mysteriously quenched by the wood of the Cross! The sting of death and the victory of hell have been vanquished; for You, O my Savior, have come and cried to those in hell: 'Enter again into paradise!'
To thee, the Champion Leader, do I offer thanks of victory, O  thou who hast delivered me from terror; but as thou that hast that power invincible, O Theotokos, thou alone can set me free: from all forms of danger free me and deliver me, that I may cry unto thee: 'Rejoice, O Bride without Bridegroom!'
Epistle:   Hebrews 4: 14 - 5:6
Gospel:   Matins: John 21: 15-25
               Liturgy: Mark 8: 34 - 9:1
Agia Sophia Coffeehouse and Bookstore
Is in need of volunteers
This is a great opportunity for those who love to cook as well as those who love to share our Orthodox faith.
Training will be provided; all you need is a will to serve others and a smile.
Monday:  Counter volunteer - 8am to 11am; Tuesday:  Kitchen volunteer - make soups, salads, wash dishes (flexible hrs); Thursday: Kitchen volunteer ; Friday - counter volunteer 8am to 1pm 
Contact Joanne Wevodau - 717-580-4833 or jwevodau@verizon.net
People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel 
Metropolitan Paul, Archbishop Youhanna, Archpriest Srboljub and Protinica Ljubica Jockovic, Priest Ioan Comanescu, the child Katie Elizabeth and her parents Mileva and Michael Repasky, the child Metodija and his parents Milan and Mira Damljanovic, Lauren Rocknage and Lilijana Jane newly born of her, Elissa and the child newly born of her, the newborn Harrison Duckett, Courtney Sollenberger and the newborn twins Austin and Nash, Kelly Rajkovic and the newborn Nolan Djuro, Matushka Anastasia and the child to be born of her, Nina Gilroy and the child to be born of her, Jessie Murphy Gibson and the child to be born of her, Brankica Skinder and the child to be born of her, Jordyn Reigel and the child to be born of her, Heather Dockery and the child to be born of her, Louisa Balach and the child to be born of her, Cvjeta Novicic and the twins to be born of her, Jennifer Havalchak and the child to be born of her, Slavka Miljevic, Peter Mrgich, Alex Filepas, Susan Jacobs, Lou and Helen Vasity, Carole Healy, Michael "Bo" Venesevich, Georgianne Herigan, Peter Lalic, Annabelle McLaughlin, Orlando Donato, Bozidar (Bob) Mrgich, Nenad & Barbara Pantelich, Scott James Kendall, Margaret Radanovich, Robert Webb, Marija Miljkovic, Adam Herigan, Edith Herigan, Jack McFall, Jayden Wight, Leroy Tepsich, Jr., Rosemay Roysden, Kitty Paone, Mary Helmsen, Lori Grant, Dick Shoemaker, Joyce Wherley, Michelle, Penny MacDonald, Christian Geib, Millie Christ, Rose Kepp, Carole Blitva, Andrea Govelovich, Stephan and Barbara Blitva, Tommy and Kara (Blitva) Dorsey, Spencer Klinge, Mary Zuvich, Steven Martin, Nicole Stefan, Samuel Atzeff, Joseph Timko, Kristina Vukalo, Brian Venesevich, Steve Vulich, Palmer Vorkapich, John Szeerba, Francis Ann Radosevich, Seraphima, Helen Miscevich, Goran Lazarevic, Mary Shroy, Herb Conlan, Dianne Martin, Nana Gasic, Dorothea Garcia
Those Currently Deployed       Ilija Balach III, Jaqueline Gesford, Collin Gruin
Those Who Need Special Care   
ECUMENICAL COMMUNITY: Ann Lubic, Amy Filepas Bldg. 1 Room 3, June Taleff, Sophie Papandrea; HOMELAND CENTER: Mary Yanich;  MASONIC HOME ELIZABETHTOWN: Jim Mihailoff, 600 Freemason Dr, Elizabethtown, PA 17022; Catherine Shank, 8019 California Ave SW, Seattle WA 98136, phone 206-765-6809, Cedo Lukic, RS, Margarita Carrillo 
Please continue to pray for all of those currently being persecuted for Christ's sake in Kosovo, Metohija, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Kenya, Nigeria, Libya, Pakistan, Egypt, the Sudan, North Korea, for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ suffering throughout the world, for all of those suffering in the civil strife in the Ukraine, for all our men and women who are serving in the Middle East and around the world,  and for those who work at the Orthodox Coffee House, Agia Sophia.  LET US PRAY TO THE LORD!

Our DearlyDeparted Loved Ones
Mother Ana (Radetic), Columba Navarro,  Jane Klipa, Milka Kosovac, Christopher Nelson, Anthony Nikoloff, Smilja Hoshower, Grigorij Radczenko, Christopher Burgen, Natja Kessler, Lou Yandric
Pomen Offered Today - Vjecnaja Pamjat!  Memory Eternal!
MIRJANA DONISON Offered in loving memory of the repose of our beloved sister, Tetka, Teta (13 years-Mar 30).  Offered by brother Pero, sister Zorka and family.

KRITZIE MARIJAN Offered in loving memory of my mother's repose (10 years-Mar 31).  Sadly missed by daughter Sandy.

MARY KLIPA LALIC Offered with love and in remembrance of her birthday (Apr 1) by her children and grandchildren.

LEROY "SUG" TEPSICH Offered in loving memory on the anniversary of his repose (6 years-Apr 3) with love by wife Janie and family.

ANNA VELENCIA Offered in loving memory on the anniversary of her repose (8 years-Apr 3) by her family.

Vigils Offered Today
BEBA YANICH  Offered for our dear friend on her birthday (Mar 30) from Phil and Kat Gruich and family.  Many Years!  Mnogaja Ljeta!

JANE KLIPA   Offered in loving memory of her repose (40 days) by her devoted husband Elliott and family.  Vjecnaja Pamjat!  Memory Eternal!

KRITZIE MARIJAN Offered in loving memory of my mother's repose (10 years-Mar 31).  Sadly missed by daughter Sandy.  Vjecnaja Pamjat!  Memory Eternal!

LEROY "SUG" TEPSICH Offered in loving memory on the anniversary of his repose (6 years-Apr 3) with love by wife Janie and family.  Vjecnaja Pamjat!  Memory Eternal!

ANNA VELENCIA Offered in loving memory on the anniversary of her repose (8 years-Apr 3) by her family.  Vjecnaja Pamjat!  Memory Eternal!
Parastos Today
JANE KLIPA      Offered after Liturgy today in loving memory of her 40 day repose, by her devoted husband Elliott and family.  Vjecnaja Pamjat!  Memory Eternal!
Flowers Today 
KATARINA (KA Č A) BILAL Red roses offered by her Kumovi (Healys and Venesevichs) for a safe journey (Sretan Put) home to Montenegro, on April 9th.  May our Holy Mother watch over your travels and keep you safe always.  With love and blessings!
April Birthdays
Doni Cashman (Apr 3), Sandy Marijan (Apr 10), Shirley Hathaway (Apr 11), Sue Petrovich (Apr 12), Nick Govelovich (Apr 20), Cameron Barber (Apr 21), Grant Govelovich (Apr 22)
This Wednesday, April 6, we will celebrate the Pre-Sanctified Liturgy with our brothers and sisters in Christ at Holy Trinity in Camp Hill, for the Pan-Orthodox Pre-Sanctified Liturgy at 6:00PM.  Friday, Pre-Sanctified will be held as usual here at 6:30PM.

Confessions during Great Lent will be heard Saturdays after vespers, Thursdays following the Small Compline, and Wednesdays and Fridays from 5:45pm-6:30pm before Pre-Sanctified Liturgy.

On Thursday, April 7 (March 25) we will celebrate the Feast of Holy Annunciation with a Vespral Divine Liturgy at 6:30PM.  On Sunday, April 10th, we will continue the celebration with the Slava celebration for our brothers and sisters of the former Holy Annunciation parish after Liturgy.

The St Nicholas Seniors will meet on April 12, at Leeds Restaurant on Eisenhower Blvd starting at 11:30 am.  Hope to see you there.

The second quarterly meeting of the KSS will be held Sunday, April 17, following Diving Liturgy.  All Sisters are urged to attend as there are several items to be discussed. For questions contact Kolo President Nancy Yetter at (717) 944-2261 or via email nxm1@psu.edu.  Thank you!

We are once again having our Pascha Fund Raising event.  For your Pascha dinner on May 1, let us provide you with hot Roast Leg of Lamb or Roast Pork.  Roasted Potatoes in lamb/ham juice are also available. Contact Chris Radanovic at 303-3611 or chrisrad@mindspring.com.  There will also be a signup sheet  in the church school area.  Deadline to reserve your lamb/ham is April 24.

If anyone would like to purchase an Easter lily to help decorate the Lord's Tomb and the Church on Great & Holy Friday, please contact the church office.  Cost is $9.00 each.

If anyone would like to make donations for red candles, wine, incense, rose oil or olive oil, please contact the church office at 939-3872, office@stnicholassteelton.org, use the mail slot, or see Daria.

We are currently working on the schedule for the Grave Watch.  If anyone is interested in reading/guarding Christ's Tomb beginning on Holy Friday, please contact Dewey Yetter via phone (717) 215-0170 or email day3@psu.edu.  Shifts include at least two people/two hours each, beginning 11 pm April 29 and ending 10 am Holy Saturday, April 30.  Then resume on Holy Saturday from 1 pm through 7 am Easter Sunday, May 1.  All ages are welcome!  Thank you.

House blessings will resume after Pascha.

The Parade is scheduled for Saturday, May 7, 2016 at 2 pm and the Borough is looking for help.  If you are interested in participating in the parade, being a sponsor, or volunteering your time, contact the Borough Office at 717.939.9842 ext 5010 or email Nikki Salov at nsalov@steeltonpa.com

Once again, our Junior SOTAYA group humbly asks for all of our parishioners to provide Gift Cards for those in need.  Gift Cards can be any denomination for stores ranging from Giant to Target to Gasoline Stations.  These cards would be provided to those in need throughout the year who come to our parish seeking some compassion and assistance.  We thank you for your participation in this worthwhile project helping out our brothers and sisters in need!

SOTAYA has chartered a bus and reserved a block of rooms for the historic 100th Anniversary celebration of Serbian Day at Kennywood Park.  Calling all present Kolo Ensemble Vojvodina members and alumni from 2010 to the present.  We are planning to participate in this historic event and join the many other folklore groups at Kennywood on Saturday.  Please contact Yovanka Hoover via email yshoover@gmail.com if you are interested in performing.  Help make this a memorable event for the Serb National Federation.  More info on the weekend is available in the Srbobran.  Hvala!

We would like to begin listing all our parishioners birthdays and anniversaries, for each coming week, in our weekly bulletin.  While we have records of weddings, our records are not completely up to date for birthdays.  We are asking that you please provide this information to the church office.

Cost for the flower arrangements placed in front of the Icon of the Theotokos will now be $33.50.  And deadline for orders is Wednesday at 11 AM.   You may also bring in your own arrangements, with the exception of major feast days like Pascha and Christmas.

Regular office hours are Monday thru Friday from 9:00 am until noon. You may call the office during these hours at (717) 939-3872 or come by the office in person.   Office hours will be adjusted when services are occurring during those hours.

office@stnicholassteelton.org. This includes all pomens, parastos requests, flowers, vigils, and other information to be included.   DEADLINE IS WEDNES DAY AT 11 AM
Orthodox Peace Fellowship of the Protection of the Mother of God
The Orthodox Peace Fellowship of the Protection of the Mother of God is endorsed by the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox bishops in the Americas (SCOBA).  It is an association of Orthodox Christians who seek to bear witness to the peace of Christ by applying the principles of the Gospel to situations of division and conflict, at home, in the parish, in the community in which we live, in the work place, within our particular nations, and between nations.  OCP works for the conservation of God's creation and especially of human life.  While some of its causes are sensitive, it is not a political association and it does not support any political parties or candidates.  OCP's work includes (1) theological research generally focused on the meaning and uses of peace in scriptures, the Liturgy, individual and community examples and testimonies; (2) publications including the quarterly journal In Communion; (3) practical assistance in practicing peace and tolerance; and (4) meetings and conferences.  A North American OCP branch is in the formative stages.  For more information about OCP's activities and membership, visit the website at http://www incommunion.org.
Did you know?
It is very important to take precautions when lighting the vigils in the vestibule of the church.
Try not to allow a piece of the stick you are using to light the candle, to break off and remain inside the candle.
Whether it is a glass or a plastic globe, it can cause the glass to crack and the plastic to melt producing a potential fire hazard.
Thank you very much for being vigilant about this issue.