First Universalist Church
Weekly E-News: July 24th, 2014
July 27th Order of Service and Bulletin
To view the July 27 Order of Service and Bulletin online, click below. 
Summer Worship Schedule, one service at 10:00AM.

Art Exhibit in Social Hall

ART EXHIBIT:  Our Current exhibit in the Social Hall features fine art collage pieces by Madeleine Lowry.  This is a fundraiser for Camp Unistar and all artist proceeds from art sales will be donated to the Camp Unistar Foundation. The exhibit runs through August 31.

Upcoming Preachers


August 3: Lake Harriet Bandshell Service and Potluck!  Service is at 10AM with a potluck to follow; bring a dish to share.  Rev. Justin Schroeder will be preaching


August 10: Rev. Elaine Aron Tenbrink preaching "The Promise of Promises"


Don't forget to collect and save water from a sacred place this summer!  We'll gather and merge the waters on September 7, at our Water Communion service.



Photoshopped image of our chancel. This is an approximation of the color.

Church 'Spruce Up' 
August 4th to 9th


We will be re-painting the back wall of the chancel and four of the classrooms during the first week in August.  A poster showing the new chancel colors is on display Sundays in the narthex or social hall.  If you can volunteer some help that week, please sign up online by clicking here. We hope to see you there!


We extend our gratitude to the Association of Universalist Women (AUW) for generously donating the funds to paint the chancel.


Did You Know?


Our membership directory can be found online.  Simply click on this link, and enter the password when promoted-the password is: member
For the latest news and information, be sure to check out our website:


July 27 OOS & Bulletin
Art Exhibit in Social Hall
Upcoming Preachers
Church Spruce Up
Did You Know?
Make-A-Wish Fundraiser
Lake Harriet Bandshell August 3
Let Them Know You Care
Your invitation to sing in Summer Choir 

Do you like to sing? Have you thought about being in a choir, but you can't make an extended commitment? Summer Choir may be just right for you. The Summer Choir is scheduled to sing on July 27 and August 24.
Rehearsals are at 9:00 a.m. on the day of the service. Yes, only one rehearsal on the day of the service. Music is easy enough to learn in the 45 minute rehearsal. All are welcome! If you have any questions, please contact: 


Make-A-Wish Fundraiser 


As a part of their Summer of Service,  the elementary children will be collecting donations for the Make-a-Wish Foundation following the 10:00 service.  At the beginning of the summer the children all voted on what causes they would like to support and Make-a-Wish was near the top of their list.  They will be handing out star stickers for every coin they collect.  Now's the time to empty that penny jar for a good cause!


Lake Harriet Bandshell on August 3rd at 10am! 


Join us for an energizing worship service and a potluck lunch at the Lake Harriet Bandshell on Sunday, August 3 at 10am. 
The Universal Jazz Band may just blow the top off the bandshell!  Please bring a dish to share and your own dishes/utensils.  This will be our only worship service that Sunday.


Let Them Know You Care

Looking for a small, yet powerful way to make a difference? Send a card to someone experiencing a significant joy or sorrow in their life.  Each Sunday, we honor those who are experiencing a major life transition during our worship service and in our printed Cycle of Life.  To extend a gesture of care and connection, write them a card in the Welcome Center, which is the small room in the atrium located between the social hall and the education wing.  Simply select a card, write a caring message, and drop it in the basket provided.


First Universalist Church
3400 Dupont Ave South
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55408
[email protected]

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In the Universalist spirit of love and hope, we give, receive, and grow