June 21,  2018      
The light shined in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.
Picture of  the Week!
One summer seminarian and one ex summer seminarian!
Shawn Evelyn, VTS '19
The Rev. Holly Clark
Assistant Rector 
Readings of the Week
Lectionary page readings, Track 2
 Sunday, June 24th
click here for a preview.

Music of the Week
Click here to listen. 
Worship Schedule

  • 8:00 am Quiet, spoken and traditional 
  • 9:30 am Holy Communion with choir and children's programs
  • 5:30 pm Celtic
    Eventide...contemplative, musical and prayerful
  • 9:00 am Morning Prayer
  • 5:00 pm Centering Prayer
Starting the Day  
with Prayer
This summer St. Alban's will be holding a short service of
Morning Prayer  
Mondays through Thursdays at 9 am  
 We will meet in the chancel by the altar for this simple service of reading of Scripture and prayer. The service will be completed before 9:30 am. Please see Holly Clark or Shawn Evelyn with questions. Hope you can join us!    
Clergy and Music
 This Sunday
  • The Rev. Tim Boggs will be celebrating  at 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM at 5:30 PM.
  • Shawn Evelyn will be preaching at 8:00 am and 9:30 am.
  • James Strand at the organ bench.
Meetings & Events

6/22       Pilgrims Leave
6/26       Book Club
6/30       Pilgrims Return

All Are Welcome
Summer Formation

Summer Fun and Formation! 
Children ages 4- 6th grade are invited to join in some summer Sunday School fun!  
We will start each morning with a Bible story from the week's scripture lessons and open ended craft time.  
Then, we will enjoy some fun and fellowship outside. Children will rejoin their families in worship during the Passing of the Peace.
Contact Katie Holicky if you have any questions or would like to help out.    [email protected]   
Children's Formation
Camp St. Alban's
August 6th- 10th
9am-12pm Monday-Thursday
4pm-7pm Friday Family Night
Join us this summer for a fun filled week of games, arts and crafts, music, stories from the Bible and more!
Introducing....Friday Family Night
Families are invited to jump into the excitement of Camp together for an evening of fun and formation!
Dinner will be included.
Click HereTo Register 
Please Contact Katie Holicky
with questions:  [email protected]  

Youth Group
On the first and third Sundays of the month during the school year from 3:30-5 pm, our high schoolers gather to spend time with one another.
Our gatherings make space for getting to know one another and to explore our faith through times of fun and games, food and fellowship, and conversation and prayer. The High School Youth Group goes on retreats, spends extended time together in overnights at the church, and participates in mission trips. 
Holly Clark, Anne Sedlack, and Peter Durin are the adults primarily involved with our high school youth group. 
Health Ministry
It's that  
time of year!

Always use  
when you
go outside anytime. 
It Is TICK season. 
Click here
how to identify and remove.
Like us on Facebook  
Today, there are more hours of light in the sky than any day of the year. We've been given it. What shall we do with it all?
Researchers understand the importance of sunlight on our health...physical and mental. Light throughout the day in careful doses stimulates essential nutrients for our bones, blood cells, and immune systems. Sunlight boosts a chemical in our brains that can give us more energy and help keep us calm, positive, and focused. O ur eyes need light to help set our bodies' internal clocks. Early morning sunlight seems to help people get to sleep at night.
The coast of Maine enjoys a particularly fine light in these long summer days, and it makes us glad and grateful. It seems like a gift.
The Bible's creation stories put light as the first gift of God. We're told it was good, very good. And throughout our scriptural heritage, light is used as the sacred symbol of good; good that overcomes the darkness, fear and pain of the world. God's grace is described as a light that brings rays of hope and healing.
Our country needs to overcome a deep and ongoing darkness. It has thrown a heavy shade on all our hearts, as in our name, thousands of impoverished children immigrants have been physically separated from their parents at our border. Families fleeing danger have made their way to our country, in the hope that every parent holds for safety and possibility of life for their kids.  
And in our name they have been met with a cynical policy that will leave scars for decades to come.
God's grace and light is needed in this dark time. With every bone in my body, I am confident that we are to be light-bearers into this tragic darkness. For the sake of the children and for the sake of our souls, we are to carry the light of generous spirits and open hearts. Children of God call for our light. 
Today, there are more hours of light in the sky than any day of the year. We've been given it. What shall we do with it all?

Blessings and thanks,
he Rev. Tim Boggs, Rector 
Our youth Pilgrims and their adult guides leave tomorrow for their journey to  
Northern Ireland.  
A prayer for them. 
God of our pilgrimage,
you have given us a desire
to take the questing way
and set out on our journey.
Help us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus,
that whatever we encounter as we travel,
we may seek to glorify you by the way we live. Amen
Family Promise
Building Community  
Strengthening Lives 
Our next host dates are August 12 - 19
Please contact Holly Clark for more information.
Important Update
Enriching Our Worship Continues!
St. Alban's has begun a parish-wide project to enhance and celebrate
our liturgy, worship and music for all ages and for all the seasons ahead.
Our fun and faithful project of looking closely at our liturgy, worship and music continues! 
We call it Enriching our Worship, and we're discovering so much that we deeply appreciate in our hymns, choirs, preachers, and traditions. And we're also identifying wonderful fresh sources for hymns, songs, prayers and children's formation. Plus, we've been learning about organs and other instruments, as well as about the meaning and deep value in our traditional order of our worship. We are wondering about refinements and additions, as we listen to each other and some outside experts, as well. 
Here's where things stand with EOW today. 
Three subcommittees have been hard at work digging into their topics:
  • Children's worship and music.
  • The liturgy, music, tradition and possible enhancements of our 9:30 AM broad church Holy Communion.
  • The current St. Alban's pipe organ and its condition, as well as options for replacement or repair.  
With their topics in mind, each group has also been considering our worship spaces and furnishings, appreciating what works well and wondering on any refinements desired. 


Each subcommittee has prepared a short report, including recommendations, to present to the entire EOW committee. This will be done this Sunday after the 9:30 service, during the coffee hour time. The full group will then forward a report based on this subcommittee work to the full Vestry for their initial discussion at their July 10th meeting.
Soon, there will be additional opportunity for a full parish conversation and discernment. Watch for bulletin board, website and e-news reports and interactive features.

To keep you in the loop, the new reports from meetings and other resources can be found on the parish website.

Make A Difference
Jubilee Center/Essentials Pantry Summer Update
Our straw baskets for donations have been overflowing, thanks to all of you.  As you know, the need for clothing and household items is ever present.  Here is a current list of desired and undesired items to donate.
Top 10 Desirables
1.  Summer clothing for adults and children
2. Toothbrushes (only one per package, please)
3.  Soup pots, 4 qt. and larger
4.  Footwear
5.  New socks for adults and children
6.  New underwear for adults and children
7. For eating: plates, bowls, cups, mugs, glasses, spoons, forks, and knives
8.  Bedding: blankets, sheets, pillowcases, and towels
9.  Backpacks (both child and adult sizes)
10.  Child strollers
1.  Ripped, stained, or dirty clothing
2.  Worn out shoes, sandals, and boots
3.  Puzzles and games with pieces missing
4.  Broken toys
5.  Furniture (with limited storage, consider contacting "Furniture Friends")
6.  Small appliances
7.  Electronics
8.  Text books
9.  VHS tapes
Merci          Shukraan          Obrigado          Botondi mingi          Gracias          Waamaansuntahi  
Toothbrushes and Toothpaste 
The Essentials Pantry/Jubilee Center is in need of individually wrapped toothbrushes and toothpaste.  Consider picking up a package or two at the drugstore, and when next visiting your dentist, ask if he or she could spare a couple of  samples given to patients. When a dentist was asked recently, he promptly offered a case of sample size tubes of toothpaste!   
It never hurts to ask.
Let's Make Lemonade!
Thank you Daphne for signing up this week. 
  Helping is a simple and fun way to support
our Saint Alban's community!
Lemonade on the lawn has started
, the weekly coffee hour will be re placed by Lemonade on the Lawn.  Lemonade on the Lawn is an easy and fun way to get involved at Saint Alban's.  All you need to do is provide lemonade and cookies or other light summer refreshments. 

click here to sign up 
Book Club
We have changed the meeting times to
7:00 pm
instead of 7:30

Be part of the 
Book Group     
This Side of Brightness by Colum McAnn 
Tuesday June 26

This Side of Brightness is now in at Nonesuch Books 
I f you order the books from Nonesuch Books and  mention Saint Albans book group there is a  20% discount.