Weekly E-News
Monday, August 21, 2017
Worship Next Sunday, August 27:
Tim will continue our "Lettuce Pray" Sermon Series with "Packing Lunch: What a Pastor Learned from an Imam While Seated by a Rabbi."

During August, our Sunday schedule is modified with a time of worship at 10 am, followed by Fellowship Hour. Nursery care is available at 10 am for children through age 2.
Worship Last Sunday, August 20:
Tim preached "Saying Grace" as part of our "Lettuce Pray" Sermon Series. 

The church's Office Hours are:
Mondays & Tuesdays, 10 am - 5 pm
Wednesdays, 12 - 3
Thursdays & Fridays 10 - 5 
Join the Central Atlantic Conference Justice & Witness Action Network

You are invited to join the new Central Atlantic Conference Justice & Witness Action Network. It is the CAC’s goal to reach 1000 members from across the Conference by the end of 2017. Join now by clicking here !

The Justice & Witness Action Network serves as the primary arm for the Conference to carry out it's mission and agenda for justice and witness ministries. It is a grassroots advocacy network composed of
individual members, clergy, and churches across the Conference.The Network educates and engages members in community organizing, grassroots advocacy, prophetic witness and action, and shaping public policy that advances our vision of securing a just and compassionate world for all.

Our work is grounded in Central Atlantic Conference and General Synod resolutions, consonant with historic UCC witness, informed by a biblical understanding of justice, prophetic ministry and action, and a set of guiding principles to define our witness.
Labor Day Weekend
Picnic & Swim Party
Sunday, September 3, 5:00 pm
The Board of Membership and Mary and Keller Staley invite Westmoreland members and friends for a picnic dinner and swim at the Staley home. Fajitas and fixings will be provided! Participants are invited to bring beverages (soft drinks and adult drinks) or dessert, as well as lawn chairs and blankets. Bring or wear your swimsuit and towel if you plan to swim! Email Keller or call 301-229-7766 to RSVP by 12:00 on Wednesday, August 30 with (1) the number of adults and children in your group and (2) what you are bringing to the picnic.
Adult Discussion Group Resumes
Sunday, September 10 at 9:00 am
You are invited to join Jill Johnson, Katie Taylor, and Rick Sullivan in the Library at 9:00 am every Sunday morning, beginning September 10. They will facilitate a conversation based on Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II's book,  The Third Reconstruction: Moral Mondays, Fusion Politics, and the Rise of a New Justice Movement . Jill, Katie and Rick will do the hard work of reading the book and distilling it down into some key quotes and ideas to talk about, all you have to do is show up ready to share your ideas and listen to those of others. The first week's session will focus on an article that provides some background information:  Religious Liberals Sat Out of Politics for 40 Years. Now They Want in the Game.
Sign Up to Host Coffee Hour
Coffee Hour is a time to welcome guests and to strengthen relationships within our church community. This ministry is vital to the life, spirit, and growth of our church. Beverages (coffee, tea, water, juice/lemonade) and tableware are provided by Westmoreland. Food is a welcome addition and is provided by Coffee Hour Host(s). Please sign up to host coffee hour (once per year is recommended) with your family or pair-up with another member of the church.
Donate Flowers for Worship
The flowers on the chancel add much beauty to our worship. Individuals or families may sign up for any given week to provide flowers with a dedication included in the Sunday bulletin. Please contact Judy Fogt and let her know that you are interested. The cost is $50. You can mail your check the church office or drop it in the collection plate with a notation that it is for chancel flowers.
Giving to Westmoreland
Look for information in the mail and via email about ways that you can support Westmoreland and our work in the world.
2017 Annual Giving
Gifts to support the ongoing life of our church -- music and worship, spiritual formation programs, fellowship events, staff salaries, and building maintenance. 
Capital Campaign
Gifts to our four-year campaign to build a new entrance, add a new elevator, add a gender neutral restroom, and an updated kitchen. 
Children's Collection
Items collect by our children in worship each Sunday to give to local helping groups.
Special Offerings
The five UCC offerings (plus our own outreach offering) that go across the country and around the world to meet needs.