The Magnificat Weekly
St. Mary's Episcopal Church   ~   Crystal Lake IL
St. Mary's Weekly E-Newsletter                                          December 1, 2016
In This Issue


Worship Times

Sundays, 8 & 10 am
Nursery available at 9:45
Coffee Hour fellowship follows both services
Children's Worship,
 10:00 am
(Preschool - 2nd grade)
Sunday School, 11:00 am

Clergy & Staff
Rev. Barbara Bishop, Deacon
Amy Noe, Parish Administrator
Sandra Molyneux, Organist and Choir Director
Parish Vestry
Michael Higgins, Co-Warden
Cate Williams, Co-Warden
Peter Becker, Treasurer
Judy Tracy, Clerk of the Vestry
Members: John Amrein, Peter Carroll, Michael Choquette, Mark Cornelissen, Jerry Kolarczyk, Marge Smith, Janet Stiff, and Alison Wild

Monthly Events
The next CRYSTAL LAKE FOOD PANTRY volunteer opportunity is Wednesday, December 7.  Contact Chris Bednaroski if you can help.  Shift times are 9:30-Noon, and Noon-2:30.
CENTERING PRAYER meets the first and third Tuesday of every month, at 7:30 p.m. in the Great Hall.  Contact Rev. Fran with any questions, or for more information.
TAIZE is an ecumenical, meditative common prayer, incorporating song, chant, scripture readings, and silence.  People of ALL faith traditions are welcome this monthly candlelight service.  The next service will be held at the First Congregational Church of Crystal Lake, 461 Pierson St., on Tuesday, December 20, at 7:00 pm.


We Pray For

Jerry, Daphne, Dn. Barb, Karen, Jim, Chris, Sue, Thelma,  Ann, Galen, Betsy, Meg, Bob, Pat, Harry & Marion, Don, Brian, Gene, Kathy, Kelly, Olan, Diane, Vicki, Sarah, Carol, Glenn, Tom, Kathy, Betty, Judie, Josh, Jessica,  Wendy


Those Who Have Died

George, Maxine, Carl


Those Serving in the Armed Forces

Jeremy, Zack, Ryan,Terry, Scott, Dan, Corey, Nicholas, Tyler, Ross


12.4  Jane McLean
12.2  Mark & Kathy  Vernsten



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From the Rector
Dear Friends and Parishioners of St. Mary's,

This week marks the 25th Anniversary of Barb Bishop's ordination to the diaconate. Barb was ordained in the Diocese of Chicago by Bishop Frank Griswold on December 7th, 1991 at St. James Cathedral. For the past 25 years Barb has faithfully carried out her ministry here at St. Mary's. This Sunday you are cordially invited to stop in and see Barb any time from 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at her home. She would love to see people, so feel free to stop in and say hello and share with her a word of thanks or a memory of her time here at St. Mary's. We ask that you keep your visit short. If you cannot visit please consider a phone call to her this coming week.   I am extremely grateful for Barb's friendship to me and all of the help and support she has given me these past two years that I have been at St. Mary's.   Thank you and Congratulations Dn. Barb Bishop.
Please prayerfully consider making a pledge to St. Mary's for 2017. Many of you have turned in your pledge and we are very grateful.   Our main source of income is the pledges that all of us make to St. Mary's each year. Please know that I have made a pledge to give back 10% of my salary to the parish as I faithfully do every year. Eileen has made a separate pledge of her own, as both of us feel so strongly that St. Mary's has the ability to change lives and that we are a blessing to so many people throughout Crystal Lake and beyond. I invite you to join me and to as be generous as you are able. In this season of Advent as we prepare for the birth of Christ let us continue to make Christ visible to others.

Community Meal Update
Mark your Calendars for Saturday, January 21st, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. for our "Community Meal Fundraiser".  This dinner is a fund raiser for our monthly free community meal, which will begin on February 18th, and be held each month on the third Saturday of the month from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Tickets to our fund raiser dinner are $25.00 a person, or $60.00 for a family.   All proceeds will go toward the community meal. We will be selling tickets starting the middle of December. The fund raiser will also give us chance to have a "dress rehearsal" of our actual monthly meal, so that we can have a practice run through of cooking and serving for the large crowds that will be with us.  So please buy a ticket and bring family, friends and neighbors and join the fun.

Pledge Card Reminder
If you have not yet returned your pledge card, please do so as soon as possible, so the finance committee can begin work on the 2017 budget.  If you did not receive a card, there are extras located on a Narthex table.  Cards  may be mailed to or dropped off at the office, or put in the collection plate on Sunday.  
Advent Light Bearers Still Needed
During the season of Advent, families or individuals are invited to light the candles on the Advent Wreath . It is a very special moment to bring the light into church at the beginning of the service , and then light the Advent candle(s).  W e encourage interested households to sign up for a particular Sunday; the sign-up sheet  is available on a Narthex table.

Senior Holiday Luncheon
St. Mary's Seniors - please join us for a holiday luncheon on Saturday, December 3, in the Great Hall, beginning a 11:30 a.m.  This is a festive occasion not to be missed.  Please RSVP to Amy in the parish office.  All seniors and their friends are welcome.
Christmas Flowers
The Christmas Flowers sign up sheet is now posted in the Narthex.   If you would like to donate poinsettias for the sanctuary ($15), please sign up, and also note the intention of your gift (in thanksgiving for..., or in memory of...).  Donation envelopes are located below the sign up sheet.  Thank you!
Christmas Services
Saturday, December 24:
5:00 p.m. Family Service w/hymns
10:00 p.m.  Candlelight Service of Carols, followed by the traditional festive Choral Christmas Eucharist.
Sunday, December 25:
9:00 a.m. Christmas Eucharist, w/hymns

Ushers / Lectors Needed
Saturday, December 24:
10:00 p.m.  2  Ushers needed
Sunday, December 25:
9:00 a.m. 1 Lector needed
Sunday, January 1:
9:00 a.m.  2 Ushers and 1 Lector needed

Please contact Amy in the parish office if you can help. 

St. Mary's Episcopal Church |   210 McHenry Ave.   |   Crystal Lake IL  60014-6009
815-459-1009    |    [email protected]