The Magnificat Weekly

St. Mary's Episcopal Church
Crystal Lake IL
Weekly E-Newsletter                                                                October 19, 2017
In This Issue
Worship Times
Sundays, 8 & 10 am
Nursery available at 9:45
Coffee Hour fellowship  follows both services;
join us for treats, and conversation


Children's Worship meets every Sunday at 10:00 a.m.


Clergy & Staff
Rev. Barbara Bishop, Deacon
Amy Noe, Parish Administrator
Sandra Molyneux, Organist and Choir Director
Parish Vestry  (term expires)
Marge Smith, Warden (1/19)
Cate Williams, Warden (1/18)
Peter Becker, Treasurer
Judy Tracy, Clerk of the Vestry
 (1/18)  Michael Choquette, Mark Cornelissen, Dan McLauglin
(1/19)  John Amrein, Peter Carroll, Jerry Kolarczyk
(1/20)  Tracy Higgins, Judy Thornton, Sally Van Vranken
Monthly Events
The next CRYSTAL LAKE FOOD PANTRY volunteer opportunity is Friday, October 27.  Contact Chris Bednaroski if you can help.  Shift times are 9:30-Noon, and Noon-2:30.
A LABYRINTH WALK is normally held on the second Saturday of every month, from 10:30 a.m. to Noon, in the Great Hall.   All are welcome.  The next scheduled walk is Saturday, November 11. 
CENTERING PRAYER meets the first and third Tuesday of every month, at 7:30 p.m. in the Great Hall.  Contact Rev. Fran with any questions, or for more information.
TAIZE is an ecumenical, meditative common prayer, incorporating song, chant, scripture readings, and silence.  People of ALL faith traditions are welcome this monthly candlelight service.  The services are held on the 4th Tuesday of the month at the First Congregational Church of Crystal Lake, 461 Pierson St.  The next service will be  held Tuesday, October 24. 

We Pray For
Heather, Johnny, Bob, Pete, Susie, Kathy, Nanci, Charity, Carole, Donna, Cheri, Jeremy, Sue, Mary, Diana, Kelly Marie, Alyssa, Sharon, Cameron and Linda, Lori, the Wayne family, Matthew, Kurt, Gail, Regina, Katie, Darcy, Irene, Julie, Betty, Barb, Phyllis, Raven, Sue, John, Carol, Susan, Meg, Nancy, Maggie, Nicci, Dn. Barb, Karen, Ann, Galen, Betsy, Bob, Harry, Marion,  Brian, Sarah, Judie

Those Who Have Died and Those Who Mourn Them
Edna Jean, cousin-in-law of Daphne Starr;   Don Miksch , father of Barbara  Wasilk; Joe , uncle of Jerry Kolarczyk;
Frank, father of Gail Head  

Those Serving in the
Armed Forces
Jeremy, Ryan, Terry, Dan, Corey

Birthdays October 19-25
10.19  Kristen Davis
            Sharon Duffy
10.20  Cory Kimble
10.21  Sarah Koegel
            Matthew Koegel
10.23  Denise Butera
10.24  Margaret Wood

October 19-25

Quick Links


News from The Episcopal Cafe
From the Rector

Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Mary's,

This Sunday we are celebrating the Feast of St. Luke , which is traditionally celebrated on October 18 th .  St. Luke is believed to have been a physician and a healer in the early church.  The Episcopal Church has traditionally offered prayers for healing, as well as anointing for healing on this day.  This Sunday we will have an opportunity for anyone who wishes to come forward for prayers and anointing .  As Christians we are encouraged to bring our burdens, fears, illnesses and hopes to God and to ask for God's assistance.   We may not always understand how God is working in our lives because our prayers for healing do not always get answered in the way we feel they should, but rest assured God is with us and is always seeking to comfort, guide and strengthen us.  I invite you to come Sunday with an open heart and open mind and to pray for our healing, the healing of our family members and the healing of our world. 

The Episcopal Church has given us a rich heritage of liturgies including  "A Public Service for Healing", found in the "Book of Occasional Services", which we will use on Sunday as we pray for healing and celebrate the Eucharist.   Parishioner Dick Hattan will be our preacher. Dick received his M.Div. from Chicago Theological Seminary and he along with his wife Karen, have been involved in the order of St. Luke, a lay led healing ministry which has its roots in the Episcopal Church.  They will be assisting me this Sunday in offering prayer and anointing for healing at both the 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. services.

On Sunday, November 5 we will celebrate The Feast of All Saints and remember all those who have died.  We invite you to make a prayer flag for those whom you would like remembered this year.  You may make as many prayer flags as you wish.  We will hang them for our All Saints' service and keep them up for the month of November.  You may also give us a picture to hang as well of anyone who has died.  Amy can scan a picture you have or you can email it to us.  As part of our All Saints' Day Celebration we will process out to the churchyard after both the 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. services and read the names of all who are buried in that sacred space. 

Congratulations to Ted & Judy Thornton, who celebrated their 50 th wedding anniversary this year.  Ted and Judy were featured in this past Sunday's Northwest Herald, highlighting the gift of 50 oak trees (one for each year of their marriage) given by their family and friends, and planted at Merryman Park in Woodstock in their honor.  If you  missed the article, we have a copy on our bulletin board, or you can click here to view the article online. 

This Saturday I invite you to join us at our Community Meal from 5:00-7:00 p.m.  This is a great place to meet people and have a great dinner. 
See you Sunday
Fran + 
October Community Meal

Please mark your calendars for this  Saturday, October 21st our next free , monthly  Community Meal . Chef Tom will be whipping up a batch of Southwest  Chicken Chili, served with Cornbread, Salad, and Dessert - perfect for the Fall weather.  Meals are served between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Remember, this meal is open to anyone, and no RSVP is required. There is no charge for the meal, but free-will donations are appreciated.  Bring your family and friends!  Hope to see you on October 21 st !

If you would like to volunteer at this or any future monthly  meal (3rd Saturday of the month), please contact Tracy Higgins, 815.459.4787, or [email protected].
Stewardship Season

2018 Pledge cards were handed out/mailed last Sunday.  If you did not receive a pledge card, there are extras on the table in the Narthex.  Please prayerfully consider making a pledge for 2018 as our pledge dollars are the main source of income we have to fund our ministries at St. Mary's.  Please return your pledge card no later than November 19, Pledge Sunday . On this day we will gather to celebrate Thanksgiving at one 9:00 a.m. service followed by our annual Thanksgiving brunch .

ReVive Center for Housing and Healing 
Christmas Basket Program

For many years St. Mary's has participated in the ReVive Center's Christmas Basket Program.  This is a wonderful opportunity for members of our Parish to purchase Jewel gift cards or shop for individual Christmas gifts for some of the most impoverished families and seniors of our metropolitan area. This year we have been asked to sponsor 6 seniors and 12 small families. 

Beginning this Sunday, October 22 , you may sign up to sponsor one or more of these individuals/families on the poster hanging in the Great Hall.   The instructions and the individual's wish list will be in the file box below the poster.

Please bring gift cards to the office , and gift items to the Nursery by 11:00 a.m. Sunday, November 19 Please Note :  This due date is the Sunday BEFORE Thanksgiving - one week earlier than the gifts were due in the past.

Please wrap and label the gifts (new) and put them in a cardboard box for transport to the ReVive Center.  Label the box with the family code number.  If your box isn't full, don't tape it, so we may add more gifts if necessary.

Volunteers are needed to help organize the boxes on Sunday, Nov. 19, right after the 10:00 am service.  

Please contact Cate Becker  if you'd like to help.   Thanks for your continued support!

Cate Becker,
2017 Christmas Basket Ministry Coordinator
 Thrivent Financial Coffee Hour Discussion

Join us this Sunday morning, October 22, after the 10:00 service for a conversation with community meal volunteer and Thrivent Financial Adviser,  Bill Collingbourne, about how Thrivent Financial helps their clients give back to the community.  This year Thrivent gave away 3 million dollars for Hurricane Relief through their clients.  If you are a Thrivent Client you have the opportunity of making available $250.00 to a charity of your choice.  Jim and Annie Krueger, who are dedicated volunteers to our meal program, decided to use their Thrivent charity benefit to help St. Mary's monthly community meal.

St. Mary's can be your charity of choice if you are a Thrivent Client.  Come and learn more about "Community Actions Teams" and about Thrivent Financial. 
PADS Dinners

St. Mary's is once again supporting the PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter) program by providing meals at the PADS Shelters during the winter months.  Our first volunteer date is Sunday, October 22 .   We are always looking for volunteers, including older youth, who would like to cook, shop, and/or serve the evening meal at Bethany Lutheran Church.   Thank you to Mary Frake who is once again coordinating the PADS Ministry for St. Mary's.  Please contact Mary and let her know how you can help. Thanks for your continued support!

If you are unable to help this month, we will have opportunities again in December, February, and April.

Whenever you did one of these 
things for someone overlooked 
or ignored, you did it for me.

All Saints' Sunday - November 5
This year in preparation for our All Saints' Sunday Celebration on Nov. 5 th , we are once again inviting people to make prayer flags for those who have died Colored paper prayer flags and markers will be available at the back of the church throughout the month of October.  Please make a flag for anyone and everyone whom you would like us to remember this All Saints' Sunday.  You may make as many flags as you wish.  The flags will be hanging in the church throughout the month of November.  You may write the person's name, dates, and/or a note about the m. 

In addition to the prayer flags, you are also invited to bring in photos of those family members and friends to be remembered.  We'll scan and print them in the office, and they will be displayed in the church, along with the flags.   Be sure to put your name on the photo so it can be returned to you.   * If you have digital copies of the photos you'd like to use, please email them to the parish office.   If you submitted photos last year, no need to resubmit them - we will use them again, unless you tell us otherwise.
It's Spiritwear Time Again!

Have you ever wondered about the clothing you see people wearing at church with our St. Mary's logo?  Where did they get that?  How can I buy something?

A Spiritwear Sale has been scheduled from November 5th through November 19th. Now is the time to add an item to your wardrobe with St. Mary's embroidered logo OR a screened T-shirt. We will have items on display OR choose that special piece you want from the catalog!  A variety of children's clothing is available also.  This is a great opportunity to show your support for our church!

Orders will be taken through November 19th with delivery on December 17th, just in time for Christmas gifts.  For more information please contact Tracy Higgins.
St. Mary's Episcopal Church |   210 McHenry Ave.   |   Crystal Lake IL  60014-6009
815-459-1009    |    [email protected]