Meher Baba Books Los Angeles

 Artwork by Cherie Plumlee  


"I would prefer to make a hundred people love God to converting millions to Babaism. Arrange meetings only if they will be work done for God 

and not just to make Baba well-known."

- Meher Baba
(from Kitty Davy, Love Alone Prevails, p. 470)
Weekly Reflections No. 22
from Meher Baba Books
(Los Angeles, California)
Greetings from Los Angeles, and Happy Spring to All once again!

Welcome to the world of this mini-circular which is now 22 weeks old. Thank you Meher Baba.
This week's circular is on "Meher Baba on Work, Part (1)". We would like to reflect on this theme in two parts, as there are so many Baba pearls on this theme to share.  

As explained by Meher Baba at Rajahmundry, India, 1954, "You have been called upon to do 'Baba's work,' and you have been called 'Baba's workers.' But, is it necessary for you to work at all for 'Baba?' If I am the Highest of the High and God-Incarnate, then where is the necessity for me to have workers and to be entangled with Centres and Organizations, mass Darshan programmes, and other channels through which to spread my Message? Can I not, in my own silent way do the Universal Work. If I am 'Baba,' which definitely I am, then whether the whole world goes against me or worships me, it is all the same to me."

So Baba really does not need our work. He alone does His work, and out of His compassion, He shares the joy with us.

We offer this small circular at His feet and hope He is pleased. We hope you enjoy these small occasions for reflecting on the beauty and divinity of Beloved Baba's words. Enjoy His presence, knowing He is the only doer.
In His Love and Service,
Meher Baba Books

Meher Baba on Work, Part 1  

~~ Working For Baba ~~
Meher Baba

A devotee from Bombay expressed a wish to offer one thousand rupees at Baba's feet. He lovingly placed this amount before Baba. Baba decided to use this money for His work with the poor. Accordingly, on June 9, 200 children below fifteen years, from the poor families, were brought to Baba. Baba bowed down to each one of them and gave each a packet of sweets and a piece of cloth as prasad.


There were also some who spontaneously offered what little they could give. Baba directed that this amount be sent for a newly opened Center and remarked, "Baba does not like to give money and expect work for Him in return. This is ridiculous. However, I am giving this money as PRASAD. Do not expect any more from Baba for His work."


In the course of discussion He humorously remarked, "It is easier for my lovers to give their heads than to give money!" About the attendance at the Centers, Baba said, "If five hundred attend the meeting it is well and good. If you try your utmost and people do not come, do not lose heart. Even if there are five persons present at the meeting, take it I will be there."


Baba further said, "Recently I heard that among some of My workers there has developed a considerable difference of opinion. Better you do not work for Me than develop such an attitude. I will appreciate your competitive spirit only in your surrender to Me and love for Me. To get yourself divided while doing My work shakes the very foundation of that work. That will defeat its own end. It is the height of hypocrisy to say 'I alone can do Baba's work.'"


Those concerned were given the opportunity to give vent to their feelings and express their thoughts freely. "When you get divided," Baba explained, "I and My work are set aside. You open a Center to spread Brotherhood but first see for yourselves how you behave among the group! If you cannot work together with concord, why open new Centers for Me? If you want to further My Cause, there is no escape but to become like dust in My work. There cannot be any compromise. Each of My lovers must become like dust. Then people of their own accord will flock around him and his own life will radiate My message of Love to others.


"I do not object to having Centers. There, lovers of Baba can meet and exchange their ideas and feeling of love for Me. But there should be concord. There must be a spirit of giving in. Today we must fix something - whether to have Centers or to dissolve them. The only solution is to become like dust in My work.


"But what do you understand by becoming like dust? How will you become like dust? If you could but do what I ask you to do, what else could you be but like dust? It is extremely difficult for you to do what I ask you to do. It is only possible when your heart is kindled with love for Me. If you cannot love Me as I ought to be loved, at least try to hold fast to My daaman. I will help you. Dust never complains even though we walk over it, trample upon it or use it in any way we like. If any number of calamities befall you and still you keep a smiling face, this may lead you to become like dust. You can become like dust only if you possess the highest type of love for Me. Becoming dust-like is the only link that would bring you together."


Referring to the older members of the group, Baba said, "As one grows old one is possessed by a peculiar spirit of expectation. He feels that the youngsters are purposely ignoring him or even hating him. My great expectation about you all, young and old, is that you should not entertain any expectation at all. Let the Centers newly created by you all be your school. Remember that everyone has his own peculiar way of expressing his love for Me; so try to behave like brothers. Let there be concord among yourselves. Try to accommodate one another. For the present, continue My work at the Centers as best as you can.


"I will lay down certain definite principles and they will be of real and lasting value. I intend to destroy the bindings of all superfluous ceremonies. The times when Jesus and Krishna lived were different; the present time is altogether different. I have to tell the people according to the needs of the time.


"In the present atom-age, material progress has nearly reached its zenith, and this is but the shadow of the internal progress in the realm of Spirituality."


In the end, Baba lovingly stressed again the following points. He said, "It is a fact that I am God. I am the Highest of the High. I wish that those who raised their hands should hold fast to my daaman for good.


"There is no need for My lovers to visit other saints. Stick to Me and spread My message of Love to all and become like dust in Baba's work."


The Best of the Glow, ed. Naosherwan Anzar (1984), pp. 23-24

  * * *

Hints For Spiritual Workers
Meher Baba

Spiritual progress consists in the spontaneous growth of understanding from within.

As spiritual workers, you have also to remember that the spiritual wisdom you desire to convey to others is already latent in them, and that you have only to be instrumental in unveiling that spiritual wisdom. Spiritual progress is not a process of accumulating from without; it is a process of unfoldment from within. A Perfect Master is absolutely necessary for anyone to arrive at Self-knowledge, but the true significance of the help given by the Master consists in the fact that he enables others to come into the full possession of their own latent possibilities.


Some questions are more important than answers.


You, as spiritual workers, must not lose sight of the real work the Master desires to get done through you. When it is clearly understood that spiritual wisdom is latent in all, you will no longer be anxious to provide others with ready-made answers and solutions. In many cases you will be content to set up for others a new problem or to clarify for others the nature of the problems they face. You may have done your duty if you ask them a question that they would not ask of themselves, when placed in some practical situation. In some cases you will have done your duty if you succeed in putting them in a searching and questioning attitude, so that they themselves begin to understand and tackle their problems along more fruitful and creative lines.  


To give them a deeper point of view or to suggest to them a fruitful line of thought and action may itself mean much more than thrusting upon them the results of your judgment.

The questions that you may help them formulate for themselves should neither be merely theoretical nor unnecessarily complicated. If they are simple, straight, and fundamental, these questions will answer themselves; and people will find their own solutions. You will have rendered indispensable and valuable service to them because, without your tactful intervention, they would not have arrived at the solution of their multifarious problems from the spiritual point of view.


Discourses, 7th ed, pp. 347-348

The Task for Spiritual Workers
Meher Baba

To realize God is the dwell in eternity; it is a timeless experience. But spiritual work must be done for the souls who are caught up in the mazes of creation, which is bound by time. Spiritual workers cannot afford to ignore the element of time in creation. To ignore time would be to ignore the spiritual work itself. It is imperative to be discriminatingly aware of the flow of time in creation and to appreciate fully the supreme importance of the moment in the future that shall witness the universal dispensation of the Truth of spiritual wisdom.


The task for spiritual workers is to help me in this universal dispensation of the Truth to suffering humanity. You have not only to prepare humanity to receive this Truth but also to get established in it yourself. It is extremely important to remember that you can help others to gain spiritual freedom and to come out of the illusion of duality, only if you yourself do not forget this idea of unity while working for others - who are inclined to create divisions where they do not exist and who thus allow no respite to spiritual workers. The minds of people have to be completely purged of all forms of selfishness and narrowness if they are to inherit the life in eternity that I bring. It is by no means an easy task to persuade people to give up their selfishness and narrowness.


It is not an accident that people are divided into the rich and the poor, the pampered and the neglected, the rulers and the ruled, the leaders and the masses, the oppressors and the oppressed, the high and the low, the winners of laurels and the recipients of ignominy. These differences have been created and sustained by those who, through their spiritual ignorance, are attached to them and who are so settled in perverse thinking and feeling that they are not even conscious of their perversity. They are accustomed to look upon life as divided into inviolable compartments, and they are unwilling to give up their separative attitude. When you launch upon your spiritual work, you will be entering into a field of divisions that people desperately cling to, and that they accentuate and strive to perpetuate consciously or unconsciously.


Discourses, 7th ed., pp. 345-346



Meher Baba

Do whatever needs to be done, but do it as a spiritual being.


As one who knows he is divine by nature and unlimited with the whole of life in essence.


Do it as if you are doing it for Me or for God.


Do it with equal consideration for the interests of all concerned, for God is equally in each.


Do it with utmost concentration, yet with utter detachment for the results of action.


Leave the fruit of action to Me or to God.


Do it as if it were the most important thing in the universe, yet let it be destroyed, or ignored, 


or ridiculed without concern, or let it be praised without elation.


Leave the response to Me or to God.


Do it, in short, as if you were not doing it at all, but as if I or God were doing it through you.    


from John Grant,  Practical Spirituality with Meher Baba (1987), p. 208


Meher Baba

It is absolutely impossible for an ordinary man to understand my work. With my universal mind, I work on an unlimited scale for the universe; to understand what I do is not within the bounds of human intellect. I always work for the universe and not for myself. Why would I need to work for myself? I do my work through various mediums. With that object in mind, I visit places, see different sights, or go to plays, films, and do a hundred and one other things. But I don't enjoy movies or plays as you do; I make them the medium of my inner spiritual work. My every breath does this work constantly, while outwardly you find me doing nothing special. You cannot grasp the internal mystery.


I have to do great work for the welfare of humanity - it is my universal duty. Times are critical and due to certain crises, my responsibility has increased in proportion to the circumstances and prevailing conditions. I am the Emperor of the spiritual kingdom and every second receive inner reports and messages from my agents in every corner of the world. Because of the troublesome times we are facing, I am inwardly receiving only distressing reports, such as the conflict between China and Japan. Such news pours in every moment from various parts of the world and I have to issue inner instructions to my agents.


You cannot see this outwardly, as I simultaneously manage an infinite number of things inwardly unknown to anyone. However, the effect of my work does appear outwardly. For example, you may find me suddenly and quite abruptly in a bad mood. One moment I may look happy in a jolly mood; the very next, you may find me serious, irritable and morose. All this depends on the reports I receive, and I have to plan my work according to them. Or suppose I am quite happily having tea, and at that moment I am inwardly informed that someone in India is passing through a great crisis. At that time, I send out a message in reply on how to cope with or remedy the situation. And while doing that, my mood will change so that I will appear absent from my present surroundings.


You will have a thousand and one thoughts at this sudden change in me; but it is your ignorance which prevents you from either understanding the nature of my work or the cause of the change in my mood. You will be pained at my behavior and pondering it, thousands of thoughts will pass through your mind in a second. But all this is beyond intellect and you will never be able to follow it with the help of an inquisitive or arguing mind.


~~  LORD MEHER, 1st ed, Vol. 4, p. 1458




On Sunday, April 16th, Baba discoursed to the westerners, spelling out: "When love for God reaches its zenith, it destroys the 'I-ness,' and all desires and longings. Nothing remains except God and his lover united as one! This is Perfection.

"You do not know what love is; emotional feeling, intense longing and sexual attraction are nothing. When a person wants to possess something, it is not love."

Baba then urged, "Love me, follow me and serve me!"

Kitty asked, "How can we help you in your work?"

Baba answered, "Love me and do as I say. Pure love makes one understand."

It was Easter Sunday and Baba visited a Christian chapel with the group, remarking, "All worship returns to me. The sigh within the prayer is the same in the heart of the Christian, the Mohammedan, or the Jew. They are all indivisibly longing for the same God."


-- Lord Meher online, p1510




There are different kinds of seekers of God in the world. Many want God, and at the same time, they also want the world. They try to follow God, but they have reservations and make compromises in their search. They are not wholehearted. There are also those who renounce the world externally and remain engaged in doing austerities and penance prescribed by certain religions, not for the sake of love of God alone, but to gain some power or for spiritual advancement.


But you, as Spiritual Trainees, should be serious seekers of God, renouncing your own false self and waging war against it. It is your duty as Spiritual Trainees to remain engaged in this inner war against the false self. It is a very difficult war! But Beloved Meher Baba is there to help you at every step. You should try to want God alone, being prepared to do everything

for Him. In this way you will become real warriors against the false self.

How can I describe the spiritual life in a way that will not be misunderstood? One thing is certain, that if you use your intellect, you will fail to even understand what the spiritual life is. The spiritual life is a life of forgetting your lower self. You become forgetful of your lower self, not through loss of memory, but through love of God. As you forget your lower self you lose name, fame, expectations, etc. And when the lower self is completely lost, you gain the Real Self, which is God.


Bhau Kalchuri  

The Spiritual Training Programme  page 42-43 




~~ A Birthday Wish ~~

Special Happy Birthday Wish for our dear friend, companion and Supreme lover of God Man,   
Adele Wolkin
We celebrate her Birthday on April 9th, every year.

Adele served as a pillar of Los Anagels Baba center for many years. We Love you Adele. 
Happy Happy Birthday and many more.

"Turning to Adele and Filis, Baba remarked, "Nothing matters but love for God. Masts have this love. One must drown in the lake of fire and come out unscathed to reach God."


"Hundreds of years from now people will be talking about what we did here, what happened while the Master was here. And then I will come again - and again, and again - and so will you all.

"Filis and Adele do love me. You have been with me before. I have known you since ages; you do not know how long! Do not worry about anything. Only love more, and more, and more. Let these words be inscribed in your heart: 'Nothing is real but God, nothing matters but love for God.' "


Baba pointed to his own heart as he stated this, and his fingers seemed to "write" it on the hearts of his lovers present.

"I will draw my sword very soon," Baba concluded.


On another occasion, Baba revealed to Filis and Adele his four favorite Christian saints, "My two favorite women saints are Saint Theresa of Avila and Catherine of Siena; my two favorite men, Francis of Assisi and Saint Augustine." He added teasingly, "Filis looks like Saint Theresa, and Adele like Saint Catherine."


Lord Meher online - page 3076



Mani Irani


One wonders, is the result of any Baba-work to be measured in the scale of mathematics? Is actual numbers to be proof of the amount of struggle and work put into carrying out any project in His cause? For the Beloved, the only yardstick that can measure our efforts is our love for Him. And, as dear Kitty (Davy) says, "Baba shows His Love for us in allowing us to work in some way, with the ability we have."


Moreover, in allowing us to work, Baba works in His own way, not only through us but within us; for if we are a means for the doing of His work, the work is often His means for the undoing of our ego. While the people are given His message of Love and Truth, His lovers are given the opportunity to live His message - by developing more tolerance, charity, understanding and love for those with whom we are harnessed in the labor of love. And if with every step we take and every stumble we make, some of our ego is worn down we should rejoice, for then His work is really being done.


82 FAMILY LETTERS, pp. 201-202  

~~ Poetry Corner ~~ 





Oh Beloved Meher, the fire of my heart is calling You-

How will I pass through this night of Your separation?


I thought there were two ends to the Path, but there is only one;

I have been unnecessarily wandering day and night to find You.


When I became Your slave, the world insulted me

Not knowing that the slave one day becomes the Master.


Your grace is this pain that You've given to me,

For it draws me from the world and brings me to You.


What is this way of love? I love my Beloved-He is indifferent;

I serve Him wholeheartedly-He appears not to love me at all.


Oh Bhau, do not ask the secret of the Path of fire.

The world will never understand why I love the One Who kicks me.


~ BHAU KALCHURI / Meher Sarod






~~ Baba's Mudras (part 1) ~~


Demonstrated by Eruch Jessawala




 -- The Awakener Magazine

    Vol. 21, No. 1, p. 8


Sunday April 12th is a Dhuni Day. We remember that.



They lit the spent garlands to a blaze
in the stone circle
and, but for the applause of the flames,
all was still.
Then, one by one, approaching the fire
with wands of sandalwood in our hands,
we tossed them in,
and tried to let fall
our most infamous desires.
We have prayed to give them up.
They will burn, now hotter
and harder to ignore - but, like a fire,
they can consume their fuel and leave...
who knows where they go?
Dark as the shadow of an ego,
the sky makes ready to loose the stars
and let them fall,
while garlands
once star-fresh on the tomb
have become coals
throbbing like a blue heart
in the circle of the Asian night.
Under the trees' thirsting limbs
it is sung: "Godman, Godman"...
May my heart, this time, approach
the threshold of that word.

-- Alice Duncan
The Awakener
Volume 21  Number 1
, Page 26th

Video Corner 

My Dear Childen by Avatar Meher Baba 

My Dear Children by Avatar Meher Baba

Message given by Meher Baba on November 2nd 1962, the second day of the East West Gathering held in Poona, India. In it Meher Baba speaks to those who gathered from both the East and the West to spend 4 days in the house of their Father.  

See you all next week.
Keep Happy in His Love.
Jai Baba! 

Meher Baba Books (Los Angeles)

Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California 
1214 S. Van Ness Avenue 
Los Angeles, CA  90019 

email: [email protected]  
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