Meher Baba Books Los Angeles

Weekly Reflections No. 8 from Meher Baba Books
(Los Angeles, California)

Greetings from Los Angeles -- Dear Friends and Companions:

Happy New year! May 2015 be filled with more smiles from deep joy within, and much more fun. Think of darling Baba's radiant smile. Sending you our warm greetings from the sunny California.

This weekly circular, is now 8 weeks old now! May Beloved Baba be pleased with it. We are happy to offer these weekly mini-circulars in the form of words from Meher Baba to all of you. This week's Reflections at this new year's time focus on Meher Baba's New Humanity. 

We hope you enjoy these small occasions for reflecting on the beauty and power of Beloved Baba's words. Enjoy His presence. He is the only doer. 

In His Divine Love,
Meher Baba Books
Meher Baba on the New Humanity


The New Humanity


Those who are spiritually awake have been aware for some time that the world is at present in the midst of a period such as always precedes Avataric manifestations. Even unawakened men and women are becoming aware of it now. From their darkness they are reaching out for light; in their sorrow they are longing for comfort; from the midst of the strife into which they have found themselves plunged, they are praying for peace and deliverance.

For the moment they must be patient. The wave of destruction must rise still higher, must spread still further. But when, from the depths of his heart, man desires something more lasting than wealth and something more real than material power, the wave will recede. Then peace will come, joy will come, light will come.


The breaking of my silence -- the signal for my public manifestation -- is not far off. I bring the greatest treasure it is possible for man to receive -- a treasure that includes all other treasures, that will endure forever, that increases when shared with others. Be ready to receive it.


Meher Baba (from "The Avatar", Discourses, Vol. III, p. 16)

To penetrate into the essence of all being and significance, and to release the fragrance of that inner attainment for the guidance and benefit of others, by expressing in the world of forms truth, love, purity and beauty -- this is the sole game which has any intrinsic and absolute worth.

All other happenings, incidents and attainments in themselves can have no lasting importance.

- Meher Baba


(from Discourses, Vol. II, p. 110)

Irresistible Waves of Life

The spiritual experience that is to enliven and energize the New Humanity cannot be a reaction to the stern and uncompromising demands made by the realities of life. Those without the capacity for adjustment to the flow of life have a tendency to recoil from the realities of life and to seek shelter and protection in a self-created fortress of illusions.


Such a reaction is an attempt to perpetuate one's separate existence by protecting it from the demands made by life. It can only give a pseudo solution to the problems of life by providing a false sense of security and self-completeness. It is not even an advance toward the real and lasting solution; on the contrary, it is a sidetrack from the true spiritual path. Man will be dislodged again and again from his illusory shelters by fresh and irresistible waves of life, and will invite upon himself fresh forms of suffering by seeking to protect his separative existence through escape.


Meher Baba (from "The New Humanity," Discourses, Vol. I, p. 21

Love and God Love

Of all the forces that can best overcome all difficulties, the greatest is the force of love, because the greatest Law of God is Love, which holds the key to all problems. This mighty force not only enables one to put the ideal of selfless service into practice, but also transforms one into God. It has been possible through love for man to become God; and when God becomes man, it is also due to His Love for His beings.

Love is dynamic in action and contagious in effect. Pure love is matchless in majesty; it has no parallel in power and there is no darkness it cannot dispel. It is the undying flame that has set life aglow. The lasting emancipation of man depends upon his love for God and upon God's love for one and all.

Where there is love, there is Oneness and, in complete Oneness, the Infinite is realized completely at all times and in every sphere of life, be it science, art, religion, or beauty. The spirit of true love and sacrifice is beyond all ledgers and needs no measures. A constant wish to love and be loving and a non-calculating will to sacrifice in every walk of life, high and low, big and small, between home and office, streets and cities, countries and continents are the best anti-selfish measures that man can take in order to be really self-ful and joyful.

Love also means suffering and pain for oneself and happiness for others. To the giver, it is suffering without malice or hatred. To the receiver, it is a blessing without obligation. Love alone knows how to give without necessarily bargaining for a return. There is nothing that love cannot achieve and there is nothing that love cannot sacrifice.

Meher Baba (from The Path of Love, pp. 67-68) 
Copyright � 1976, 2000 by the Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual
Public Charitable Trust, Ahmednagar, India

The New Humanity

The New Humanity that emerges from the travail of the present struggle and suffering will not ignore science or its practical attainments. It is a mistake to look upon science as anti-spiritual. Science is a help or hindrance to spirituality according to the use to which it is put. Just as true art expresses spirituality, science, when properly handled, can be the expression and fulfillment of the spirit. Scientific truths concerning the physical body and its life in the gross world can become mediums for the soul to know itself; but to serve this purpose they must be properly fitted into larger spiritual understanding. This includes a steady perception of true and lasting values. In the absence of such spiritual understanding, scientific truths and attainments are liable to be used for mutual destruction and for a life that will tend to strengthen the chains that bind the spirit. All-sided progress of humanity can be assured only if science and religion proceed hand in hand.

Meher Baba (from "The New Humanity," Discourses, Vol. I, p. 19)


Prayer by Adi K. Irani

Beloved Meher Baba!
Bless us all,
So that in the stress and strain of our daily life
And the fluctuations of our mind,
We learn to relax, wholly and whole-heartedly,
And float on the Ocean of Your Love,
And call for
Your breath of joy,
Your breeze of compassion,
And Your wind of strength,
To flood into
Every fiber of our body,
Every corner of our mind,
And every space of our heart,
To cleanse us of all our impurity
And make us worthy,
Of Your Love,
Of Your Obedience,
Of Your service,
And above all, Your pleasure.

(from The Awakener Magazine, Vol. 19, No. 1 (1980), p. 6)  

By way of conclusion, we wish you a Happy New Year once again. May this New Year be the season to create longing for the Lord and to put full effort into having this feeling all the time so that our celebration may become Real to atain the supreme Reality.
See you all next week.

Jai Meher Baba!

Meher Baba Books (Los Angeles)

Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California 
1214 S. Van Ness Avenue 
Los Angeles, CA  90019 

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