A Word from the Rabbi
Rabbi Paltiel

Is Judaism about FAITH or is it about KNOWLEDGE?

The Jewish people are described as "believers the children of believers." We are also called "the people of the book."

To us, knowledge and faith aren't in conflict. To the contrary. Because our faith is strong in the truth we believe in, we're completely comfortable exploring the knowledge of it to the best of our limited ability. We aren't worried about too much knowledge... It'll only enhance our faith!

Congratulations to those of you who have embraced the quest for learning in our new JLI course on Parenting, which began last Sunday (it's not too late to join, lesson two is Sunday at 10am)

Kudos to the parents who give their children knowledge of Judaism through our amazing Hebrew School, under the talented leadership of our principal Esther Greenspan (and good luck on the Hebrew School Shabaton which takes place at Chabad tonight)

My condolences to the Hovanec/Schneider family on the loss of Edie, a long time student of mine, someone who never tired from learning more and more, someone from whom I learned a great deal.

Rabbi Shua & Esther
Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Shalom M. Paltiel

Welcome Hebrew School Principal Esther Greenspan and her husband Rabbi Shua, along with the Hebrew School teachers who are spending Shabbat in Port Washington in honor of the Hebrew School Shabbat dinner!

In Tribute

Tribute to my dear friend and student Edie Schneider OBM

Edie was a long time friend. She has been involved in our Chabad almost since its inception when her daughter Terri and son-in-law Victor enrolled their children in our first preschool class, back in 1993. Edie was a regular at each and every JLI course over the past 5 years, enhancing our classes with her sincerity and sense of Jewishness and Jewish pride.

I will miss her, as I'm sure all JLI'ers and so many of us at Chabad will!

May her soul rest in peace!
In the News
Canada's Amazing New Stamp

By: Thomas Lifson

It really shouldn't be noteworthy, but in today's world, it is.� Check out Canada's new stamp, and ask yourself if Obama's post office would ever issue such a stamp.
Jewish Learning Network

Anyplace. Any topic. Anytime.

JNet helps people like you take time out of a busy workweek to explore their Judaism.

Discover, discuss and debate your Jewish heritage person-to-person, on the phone, on your own schedule.

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Calendar of Events


Lesson 2
| Sunday,�10 AM
Click here for more info and register.


Click here for more info and register.
Question of the Week
Question of the week
Must I Learn Hebrew?
By: Levi Greenberg

Question: Thank you for your kind invitation to join one of your Torah classes. I have a strong desire to broaden my knowledge of my heritage, but I currently feel inadequate about pursuing these studies. Although I know how to read Hebrew, I do not understand a word of it. Should learning the language of the Torah not be my first priority?


Shabbat Times
Candle Lighting Times for
Port Washington, NY
�[Based on Zip Code 11050]:
Shabbat Candle Lighting:
Friday, Jan 23
4:43 pm
Shabbat Ends:
Shabbat, Jan 24
5:46 pm
Torah Portion: Bo

Kiddush Calendar

This week's kiddush is sponsored by Shlomo (Stephen) Brody in honor of the birthday of his father Selig Buddy Brody, of blessed memory.

Click here to let us know if you can sponsor a kiddush.

Community News

We regret to inform you about the passing of Doris Warshay, long time Port Washington resident and someone who frequented Chabad often. Our condolences to her husband Harold and the entire family

Mazel tov Chabad Board Member Michael & Deborah Samuel on the birth of their grandson

Board member Michael Samuel


Lee Kalinsky 1/23
Shani Smilovich 1/23
Lidor Konfino 1/25
Lawrence Smith 1/25

Robert Spatz 1/25

Wendy Shenfeld 1/26
Lindsey Block 1/29
Elisa Rosenthal 1/29


Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Kramer 1/23

Dorothy & Bart Waxman 1/25


Max Krensky,
(Mordechai ben Abraham)
1/26/2015 | Shevat 6, 5775

Edwin & Sandra Effune

*CLICK HERE to convert any regular calendar date, birthday or Yahrtzeit to its corresponding Jewish-calendar date!


Who wants to be a MINYANAIRE?

Monday - Friday mornings
Services at 7:00-7:45 AM

Schedule of Services

Sunday Morning

Services: 9:00 AM

Monday - Friday
Services: 7:00 AM
followed by Coffee & Parsha

Friday Evening: Candle lighting time

Saturday Morning: 9:30 AM
Followed by Kiddush Luncheon at 12
Mincha: Following Lunch
Saturday night: 10 minutes after the end of Shabbos

Schedule of Classes

Sunday | 9:45 - 10:00 AM

Coffee & Parsha Class

Monday - Friday | 7:45 - 8:15 AM

Tanya Class
with Rabbi Paltiel
Saturdays | 8:45-9:30 AM

This Week @
Sun or Moon: Which One Are You?
The way we think about time informs our attitude towards the universe as a whole.
Focus on France
Slain Terror Victim's Last SMS: �Observe the Sabbath'
Father's letter urges mitzvah observance in memory of his son.
A Puppet Documentary About Gefilte Fish Selling Keys and Mice in Sweaters
A documentary film crew comes to Rabbi Kadoozy's Synagogue to explore daily Jewish life and Jono explains why he's dressing mice up in sweaters.
Why I No Longer Hate Religion
"Don't do this! You must do that!" it made me so angry.
Chabad-Lubavitch News from Around the World
At Least Twelve Injured in Terrorist Stabbing Rampage on Tel Aviv Bus
First Person
Q&A: Chabad.Org Editor Earns Second Place in International Bible Contest
First Digital-Media Birthright Trip Offers Unique Benefit: A Real Disconnect
North America
Canadian Project's Latest Endeavor: Kids Bake for Homeless
The Jewish Calendar
Friday Shevat 3 | January 23
Today in Jewish HistoryAmshinover Rebbe (1935)
Shabbat Shevat 4 | January 24
Today in Jewish HistoryR. Abraham Kalisker (1810)
Today in Jewish HistoryR. Israel Abuchatzera (1984)
Laws and Customs"Yud Shevat" observances
Sunday Shevat 5 | January 25
Today in Jewish History2nd Gerer Rebbe (1905)
Monday Shevat 6 | January 26
Today in Jewish HistoryMajorcan Jews Guaranteed Protection (1393)
Tuesday Shevat 7 | January 27
Today in Jewish HistoryR. Dovid of Lelov (1814)
Laws and CustomsSanctification of the Moon
Wednesday Shevat 8 | January 28
Today in Jewish HistoryEnd of the "Elders Era" (1228 BCE)
Thursday Shevat 9 | January 29
Today in Jewish History"Moshiach's Torah Scroll" completed (1970)
Daily Thought
Dark Paths

He could have placed streetlamps along all the pathways of wisdom,
but then there would be no journey.

Who would discover the secret passages, the hidden treasures, if all of us took the king's highway?

Likutei Sichot vol. 16, pg. 365, and in many other talks on the difference between the Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmuds.

The Parshah In A Nutshell
Parshat Bo

The last three of the Ten Plagues are visited on Egypt: a swarm of locusts devours all the crops and greenery; a thick, palpable darkness envelops the land; and all the firstborn of Egypt are killed at the stroke of midnight of the 15th of the month of Nissan.

G‑d commands the first mitzvah to be given to the people of Israel: to establish a calendar based on the monthly rebirth of the moon. The Israelites are also instructed to bring a "Passover offering" to G‑d: a lamb or kid is to be slaughtered, and its blood sprinkled on the doorposts and lintel of every Israelite home, so that G‑d should pass over these homes when He comes to kill the Egyptian firstborn. The roasted meat of the offering is to be eaten that night together with matzah (unleavened bread) and bitter herbs.

The death of the firstborn finally breaks Pharaoh's resistance, and he literally drives the children of Israel from his land. So hastily do they depart that there is no time for their dough to rise, and the only provisions they take along are unleavened. Before they go, they ask their Egyptian neighbors for gold, silver and garments�fulfilling the promise made to Abraham that his descendants would leave Egypt with great wealth.

The children of Israel are commanded to consecrate all firstborn, and to observe the anniversary of the Exodus each year by removing all leaven from their possession for seven days, eating matzah, and telling the story of their redemption to their children. They are also commanded to wear tefillin on the arm and head as a reminder of the Exodus and their resultant commitment to G‑d.