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"Be Thou My Vision" in nature...

Zion National Park Utah.
Photo credit:  Thomas James Caldwell
This Sunday we continue in our series "Be Thou My Vision," and are blessed to welcome Pastor Melissa Spence as our guest preacher. Pastor Melissa knows OB well, loves this community, and her leadership as the Pastor of Justice and Compassion is an amazing resource as we continually seek to live out our faith, pouring out God's love. 

My family and I will be taking a vacation, exploring three of the National Parks in Utah. It has been many years since I've been to this part of the country, and I know it will be a place of stunning natural beauty, and perhaps even some snow at this time of the year! Being in nature is often an entry-point into prayer, and I know my heart will be with you all as you gather. 

Blessings, Jessica

"Setting the Table" Total pledges = 327 households
Total amount = $ 1, 092,946
Average pledge/year = $  3,342 ($ 279 per month)
Pledges are now being accepted for the 2019 "Setting the Table" Stewardship campaign. You may submit your  pledge online  here...   
Upcoming Events  | OB Campus
1984 Sunset Cliffs Blvd. San Diego CA 92107

Sundays | 9 - 9:45 AM | OB Campus
Dr. Stephenson has written two sessions for the "in between" times enroute to Advent (12/2). On Nov. 18, the group will discuss the topic, "Is There Another Way To Christmas?" This is the theme for the all church Advent retreat to be held at the OB campus on Saturday, Nov. 24, from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM. On November 25, the group will have conversation about the disciple, Nathaniel: "Whatever became of Nathaniel?" Then, we begin a four-week series by Hamilton, called, "Christmas According to Joseph," led by Kurt Goldacker. 

Light A Candle Advent Retreat
Saturday, Nov. 24 | 8:30 - 11:30 AM  |  OB Sanctuary |  RSVP by 11/21
Rev. Richard Smith with help from Dr. Bill Stephenson and Pastor Jessica, will lead this Advent retreat in the OB Sanctuary. The theme is "Light A Candle" that is also the focus in worship this season. There will be opportunities for conversation, prayerful reflection, and spiritual growth during this retreat of waiting for new beginnings. Please plan to join us. Participation is free.
Rachel's House Sandwich Ministry
Sunday, Dec. 2 | 10 AM  |  OB Sanctuary
During our regular service on December 2, we'll be making 100 sandwich lunches for the women staying at Rachel's House. The shelter provides a safe and drug-free environment for homeless and low-income women and children in San Diego County. Many of the Water's Edge community bring the food items needed to create the lunches. We also collect travel size toiletries that we donate. Please add your name to the sign-up sheet during coming Sundays.
Help decorate Water's Edge for Christmas - Mark your calendars!
Sunday, Dec. 23 | 11 AM  |  OB Sanctuary
Join the leadership team for a decorating party as we prepare for our Christmas Eve service. Pizza will be provided as we assemble luminarias, string lights, arrange candles, hang liturgical banners, and more! We will simultaneously run a rehearsal of the Christmas Eve service so that all those involved in reading and leading will know how everything will flow the next night. Many hands make light work, so thank you for planning to attend!
Community Events in OB
OB Holiday Craft Fair
Saturdays, Nov. 24 - Dec. 22 | 9 AM - 4 PM | Newport Ave. & Abbott St.
Another way to support our community is by attending  The Ocean Beach Town Council's 2018 Craft Fairs at the foot of Newport Avenue and Abbott Street.  All fairs are 9 AM to 4 PM unless otherwise specified. For more information on the fairs, call 619-846-6269.
More Events


OB CHRISTMAS PARADE | Saturday, Dec. 1

Ongoing Missions | OB Campus
1984 Sunset Cliffs Blvd. San Diego CA 92107
OB Emergency Food Bank
Here in Ocean Beach we support an already well-established food ministry run by several churches. The OB Emergency Food Bank has been feeding people from OB and surrounding areas for 40 years. The distribution takes place at our church three times a week. If you want to participate, contact Pastor Jessica for more details on what types of donations are needed.

Upcoming Events | Mission Valley Campus
2111 Camino del Rio South, San Diego CA 92108
Church Conference
First Church Charge Conference
Sunday, Dec. 2 | 12:30 - 2:30 PM |  The Cove (UMC building)
This is the annual fall United Methodist Charge Conference held with the congregation. The agenda will include matters of business, administration and a review of the spiritual life of the membership. The South District Superintendent, Rev. John Farley, will preside.

Yugo Mission Trip
Thursday, Feb. 14  through Monday, Feb. 18, 2019
For the past few years, First Church has sent a team of people down to Ensenada to work with an organization called Yugo. Absolutely no building skills are required, and there is no age limit on who can go. If there is interest and enough volunteers, we may even be able to do a VBS for the local children. Cost is $350 adult and $200 children. Please sign up by February 1, 2019. Learn more...

Join us on Sundays, at 10 AM
1984 Sunset Cliffs Blvd in Ocean Beach

Pastor Jessica Strysko