C2 Your Health LLC
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Q. I'm hearing so much about dieting what is the best diet for me?

A. The diet at the core is fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds.

Ok I admit it. I bet you too have fallen victim to some of those crazy diets too. Who hasn't?  Here are a few I remember ... Ice Cream Diet, Rice Diet, Peanut Butter Diet, Mayo Clinic Diet and all those crazy Celebrity Diets! After years of experience and research from the experts I can tell you none of these work in the long run. Oh wait, you lost weight? Oh course you did ... at first.

You may not know this .... It is a natural tendency for our body to lose weight when any huge adjustment in food is made. This is your body's way of readjusting or in more popular terms "balancing". Once your body is adjusted to the food change, back comes the weight, this time gaining back more than you originally lost. This weight cycling is know as yoyo dieting. Recent research demonstrates the YoYo Diet over time can make you sick in some cases life threatening.

Weight cycling (Yoyo Diet) causes:
  1. Gaining more weight
  2. Losing muscle mass
  3. Increasing fat tissue
  4. Increased low density (bad) cholesterol
  5. More likely to develop type 2 diabetes
  6. Negatively Impacts blood pressure
  7. Increased your risk of heart disease

For the full article click here<< 

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A. Fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds & beans.
Yesterday the U.S. News World Report published Find the Diet Best for You. In the article the U.S. News evaluated 32 of the most popular diets and identified the best. I have to say it was a great article providing an overview of their idea of the best diets. Here is how it fell out:

All of these food plans have at the core fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds with variations on this theme. Some have beef, chicken, fish others milk products. Healthy choices are included in all these diets, just some are healthier than others. It is best to focus on making healthy life changes you can live with that makes you healthier every day rather than participating in the YoYo Diet plan. You health, like your life is a journey. Let's plan for a long and healthy trip.   


To read the whole article about best diets click here<<


right-arrow-icon5.gif DON'T  

Don't try to make too many changes at once. The hardest eating plan is the one you eliminate foods. It is much easier to fill you diet with healthy foods, and slowly eat less and less of the unhealthy ones.  




Do stay away from processed foods by reading food labels such as high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, trans-fats, and sodium. A rule of thumb is if the food comes prepared by someone else, it most likely is the unhealthiest ... unless it's homemade.   


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