In 1990 the Czech Republic emerged from over 40 years of communist rule. For the first time in a very long time they could worship freely!

But sadly this freedom seemed to only further their spiritual decline:
  • Over 70% of Czechs say they are non-religious
  • Crime, sexual immorality, substance abuse, depression, and suicide are more prevalent now than under communism
  • Atheism rose from 40% of the population in 1991 to 60% in 2001 
  • Catholicism now plays a very minor and decreasing role in society
The remarkable testimonies of John Hus, the Moravians, and others permeate the Czech Republic's rich Christian history. Though Czechs are largely "reached," the vast majority remain lost.  Their deep heritage of faith has been relegated to history books.  Little spiritual life remains.

As Czechs spiral further into darkness, they continue to reject their nation's only hope - Jesus Christ.
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The Prayercast Team
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