Join us for worship and fellowship Sundays at 10 am!
Coffee fellowship immediately following the service
Upcoming Events
9/14 - 6:30 pm

9/15 - 8:30 am

Council Meeting 9/18 - 7 pm

Prime Timers 9/21 - 9 am

Pastor Monica at SE Synod Meeting 9/20-22

Joint Worship w/ Kingsway 9/23 - 10:30 am (NO 10 am Worship)

Service Opportunities
But be doers of the word,
and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves .  ~James 1:22
Epiphany Community Garden

Collierville Food Pantry

Collierville Connected Resource Center

Chosen Vessel Ministries

Room In The Inn (RITI)

See upcoming events schedule
for specific happenings!

The Word This Sunday
September 16, 2018
17th Sunday after Pentecost
Three weeks ago we heard John’s gospel’s version of Peter’s confession of faith. This week we hear Mark’s version, when Peter says, “You are the Messiah.” In John, the stumbling block is Jesus’ invitation to eat his flesh, given for the life of the world. In Mark too the scandal has to do with Jesus’ words about his own coming death, and here Peter himself stumbles over Jesus’ words. But Jesus is anointed (the meaning of “messiah”) in Mark only on the way to the cross (14:3); so we are anointed in baptism with the sign of the cross.

Pastor Monica's 
60-Second Sermon
" We live in a society that idealizes celebrity, fame and fortune as the ultimate goals in “living the good life.” Yet Jesus teaches us by his example that fame and financial power are meaningless in God’s eyes; it is the humble and lowly whom God lifts up and blesses, throughout Scripture. The apostle Peter struggles with this upside-down logic, confused about why Jesus the Messiah wouldn’t use his own power to prevent his own death. Peter and the disciples can only measure success by the definitions and comforts of this world, not by God’s value system, where those who empty themselves for others are filled with God’s richest grace and joy. Jesus asks us to ‘lose our lives’ in service to the world: not to become hermits or beggars, but to use the blessings God gives to us to accompany the outcast, feed the hungry, visit the imprisoned and the sick, and clothe the naked. When we lose focus on ourselves and our self-importance, our eyes open to the suffering all around us, and we can reach out a hand to relieve it, as Jesus does. 

Mark 8:27-38

Peace to all,   Pastor Monica
Join us on Saturday,
September 15th for MIFA CommUNITY Days at the Garden!

This will serve as our “official” God’s Work, Our Hands project this year! Our work day will begin at 8:30 am with a prayer and garden orientation.

ALL congregation members are welcome to join us for this celebration (even if you can’t work in the garden) - please wear your God’s Work, Our Hands T-shirts! 

In addition to garden work, we will be making mason bee houses (and there will be cake!)
Page Robbins Adult Day Center will host a free caregiver educational session, Shining Light on Successful Strategies for Care, on Monday, October 8 from 2 to 4 pm at First Evangelical Church (735 Ridge Lake Blvd., Memphis). Featured speakers are nationally recognized care champions, LeDonna Jensen and Marilyn Hartle of Jentle Harts.  Download flyer .
Remember on September 23rd we will hold our joint worship service with Kingsway in their sanctuary at 10:30 am. No service in Schaeffer Memorial Chapel at 10 am.

Please purchase 2lb canned hams for the Collierville Food Pantry (CFP) as they prepare for Thanksgiving/Christmas holiday clients. Please bring all hams on 9/23; there will be an area in the entryway where you may place the hams. Kingsway members have also been asked to donate to this effort. If you’d like to volunteer to help transport the hams to CFP on Thursday, 9/27, please contact Candy Knight.
Casserole Drive October 7
Our casserole drive for Trinity Ministries at Peace Lutheran is on Sunday October 7th. Casseroles can be homemade (in foil pans) or purchased (ex. Stouffer's Lasagne) but must be baked, frozen for transport, and able to be reheated in the future. Contact Jill Bryson or Jennifer Parker for more information.
A single mom and her children have located temporary emergency housing for several weeks until they can move into a rental home that will be more safe and secure.

This family urgently needs the items listed below; if you can help through donations of the items or monetary gifts toward their rental/purchase, please let Carol Rife or Pastor Monica know as soon as possible:

Refrigerator: preferably a full-sized but a dorm-sized fridge would also work
Washer & Dryer
Gas Stove
3 bed frames/mattresses (in good condition)
Kitchen equipment: dishes, pots/pans, utensils, plastic food storage containers, cups, glasses
Kroger cards to buy groceries/stock pantry, purchase cleaning supplies

Let’s give thanks to God that this family is safe, and in gratitude for God’s abundant blessings to us, let’s please share what we have with these people in urgent need.
Corneilia Pearson, RN, MN, and Chair of the Health Ministries Task Force, writes about the 14 simple reasons she gets a flu shot every year. Every flu season is different and there is never any way to predict whether it is going to be a mild season or one that sends many individuals scurrying to the doctor for treatment of flu symptoms. 

Read more here, and consider getting your flu shot soon!
For Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, Isaiah 43:1-7 is one of the most hopeful and lovely passages in all of Scripture. Find out why in her September column for Living Lutheran, where she says it is possible for us to fear and fear not. Read her column here.
Epiphany Community Garden - Feeding God's People
Worship Servants

Sign up   here OR Sign up at church OR Contact Carol Webster   to sign up