Well that was a blur, right? Where did 201 6 go?

I am sure if you take a few seconds to ponder, you will retrieve some memorable moments and occurrences that happened in 2016 and for those that you did not get to ---- well, that's what you plan for in 2017.

For all of us here at HMEA, we are truly grateful to all of you ambassadors, supporters and friends who've helped us in many different ways and right now before the end of 2016 you can truly make one last memorable occasion by helping our 700 dedicated and committed staff make a difference in the lives of 4000 children and adults with autism and other developmental and intellectual disabilities with a 2016 TAX DEDUCTIBLE gift made by midnight on December 31st.

Go ahead and click here and you can add that one more memorable thing you did in 2016.
And when you do, there's a surprise for you... our all new HMEA Website!

........and  I can tell you for sure - 
it will certainly be memorable for everyone here at HMEA.

Wishing you good times, good cheer, 
and a memorable new year.