Story of Hope
Finding Hope   Ricki Elks
There was a time in my life in which I was overcome with hopelessness. Little by little this oppressive emotion added weight upon my heart. How can you hope when nearly every area of your life is failing?
I remember one particular day putting a wig on my baldhead, the result of chemotherapy, and I visited my son behind a heavy glass window at the county jail. His arrest had confirmed the suspicions-my son was abusing drugs. This report was just one negative report from one child that month; there were others. Although my husband had once been someone to whom I could run, he was now distant and unavailable. I felt so alone
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 THANK YOU! You are making a difference.  
In Times of Wait
Dr. Michelle Bengtson
Our lives are largely spent waiting. How do you maintain hope during times of waiting? Sometimes my vision is near-sighted, reacting based on what I see in the near future. That contributes to discouragement or despair. When I believe God's truth, rather than my near-sighted view of my circumstances, I can rest in His plans to prosper me and give me a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). Isaiah 40:31 reminds that if we wait on the Lord, our strength will be renewed.

Read More from Dr. B's blog, Hope for the Hurting 

Seasons of Waiting, Times of Renewal Patty Mason
As summer fades and the autumn air kisses the leaves on the tress, turning them from bright green to hues of orange, red and yellow, a time of winter barrenness is coming. I don't like winter; primarily because everything looks dreary and dead. As hard as it is to embrace, there are seasons in my life when I feel just like the barren winter season, where everything feels dead and dried up.
Even though these barren seasons are difficult, it is a time when God can get us all to Himself and minister to our souls. The winter seasons may look desolate and dead, but that doesn't mean nothing is growing, or we will never again bear fruit. In times of outward barrenness, God wants us to be still before Him.
So often many grow inpatient, because seasons of bareness mean a time of waiting. Waiting can be the hardest thing God asks us to do; yet, on the other hand, if we understand its purpose, waiting can be the most beautiful thing God asks us to do. We think when we are in a time of waiting nothing is happening, but God is calling us into a time of rest and renewal. And when we submit to the Lord's desires, we will come out of this time ready to produce a harvest.
"I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning" (Psalm 130:5-6).

Community Rewards Program 
LICM has been approved to be a part of the Kroger Community Rewards Program, receiving funds quarterly that will help us to continue reaching out to those who have lost hope.  
Visit and register your Kroger Plus card by signing up as an online customer. Once you have an account, click edit Kroger Rewards and add your PLUS card number, confirm. Then select Liberty in Christ Ministries by entering our NPO  # 71714, click confirm.  
Participating will NOT affect your points or other Kroger Rewards. If you sign up, please let us know, we'd like to send you a thank you gift.