Olive Tree Reviews

October 15
GRACE CHURCH, Eden Prairie, MN
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Anne Graham Lotz
Dr. Mark Hitchcock
Amir Tsarfati
Bill Koenig
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Jan Markell
  Check out all our products! 
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 Maple Grove, MN  55311-6452

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Our suburban Minneapolis office is open M - F, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CST.
New DVD from Curtis Bowers
The masters of deceit are Leftists with an agenda to take America down as she impedes the effort for global Marxism. These masters are in charge of much in our country--and they are in the Evangelical church as well. 

This is a stunning 90-minute expose' of their efforts which in a few years may be complete. People you trust may be a part of this agenda. Learn who they are and what their tactics are. For sure, they have your kids.

Join Curtis Bowers as he heads out again to expose the Masters of Deceit and their purposeful, premeditated, treasonous attacks on our freedom.

Also find a trailer.

Find the DVD and trailer here for $18 + S/H.

Or call us M - F CST at 763-559-4444.

  New DVD from Bill Salus

This DVD identifies and explains the biblical prophecies that were written ages ago for this generation!  It contains two important lessons from the NOW prophecies book.  They are entitled, "Preparing for the Coming Prophecies" and "Nuclear Showdown in Iran, Revealing the Ancient Prophecy of Elam."

This DVD is almost 3 hours in length

Find it here for just $15 + S/H. Also find a trailer at that link. 

Or call us M - F CST at 763-559-4444.

New DVD from Eric Barger

The biblical truth that evil will become good and good, evil (Isaiah 5:20-21) is playing out all around us.  We're now told that perversion is normal, Islam is peaceful, and Christianity is the problem.  The political correct culture now demands that no one voice dissent.  Free speech is under fire and those charged with upholding that Constitutional right are leading the effort to silence any naysayers.
Persecution isn't coming -- it is here!  Now the question remains:  Will we be victors or victims during the "perilous times?"

Find the 100-minute DVD here for $16 + S/H.

Who Are the Masters of Deceit?
By Jan Markell

February 25, 2016

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There is an agenda going on. Since the beginning of time there has been a conflict between good and evil. But now the agenda is so precarious that a new film says America is at the most vulnerable time since the Revolutionary War. When there is vulnerability, people become afraid, and then they ask government to do more.
Filmmaker Curtis Bowers did not believe there was a Communist agenda in the early 1990s. The Soviets had been brought down by Ronald Reagan. The Berlin Wall came down. But then he learned of the 45 Communist goals in a book by Cleon Skousen written in 1958 and he started on a journey. It resulted in two films that are an expose' of the Marxist agenda to take down America. His newest is just out and we carry it: "Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit."
The agenda to take America down began over 100 years ago. It originated with Marx and Engels but Vladimir Lenin put things into practice a century ago. They are installing it in increments, thus the term "progressivism."  As Lenin said, they can't get their agenda through all at one time so they compromise. It's okay if it takes 100 or 200 years. They are patient.
But we must be taken out of the way. America is the last stumbling block to world Communism. The agenda is to transfer what God gave to the family, church and state to a godless Marxist road map.  The agenda is to make government god.

Following WWII, Germany was "de-Nazified."  All vestiges of Nazism were removed. When Reagan brought down the Soviets, the KGB was not brought down. Everything was left intact.  So they slithered into their caves but continued to plan on world domination. The evil empire never really went away.
Now Vladimir Putin is bringing the goal of world domination back to the forefront, and we have no world power or global leader to push him back.  In fact, today's Left just encourages the evil empire to flourish. 
The Left doesn't care what people think. They disguise their totalitarian agenda behind words like "justice" and "fairness." Yet, the only fair outcome they want is their way imposed upon you. They will use every means necessary starting with the abolition of God. Progressive bullies will tell you what to do, what to think, and how to live. They do not care about the poor, Blacks, Muslims, kids, or babies. They care ONLY about their agenda.

And a free America is all that stands in the way of those who want global Communism. We have always been an obstacle to their agenda. But it's not just a fight for America, it is a fight for civilization.


1)  Children must be made into useful idiots through public education. They must have the collectivist mindset. And with Bill Ayers & Co writing curriculum, they stand no chance. Children are being held captive.

2)  Create dependency! Dictatorship always follows dependency.  That's the goal of dependency. 

3)  Socialize medicine.  But it is not about healthcare, it is about tyranny.  Ration care--particularly withhold from those who don't follow the party line.

4)  Infiltrate the political parties. The Left has now been taken over, although your average Democrat still thinks they are voting for Harry Truman or JFK.  

5)  Make people long for Socialism, but Socialism never works--only Marxism works as it will be enforced with the barrel of a gun.

6)  Emphasize that taxing the rich is good for a country and that it will stimulate the economy. It never does.

7)  Invade the seminaries and divinity schools. Corrupt them with the Leftist agenda. Get them to focus on "social justice" and saving the planet. Get the focus off of saving souls.

8)  Invade the World and National Council of Churches and subvert evangelicalism.  Get them all to worship the gospel of environmentalism.  

9)  Honor Gorbachev's "Green Cross" even though he destroyed the environment in the Soviet Union. He will save America's environment, nonetheless. Gorbachev is really all about big government, a bigger U.N. and much less freedom.

10.) Pretend there is always a crisis and then never let a good crisis go to waste. But there may not really be a crisis.

11.)  Exalt the United Nations and its off-shoots like "Agenda 21."

12.) Come up with an "Earth Charter" and an "Ark of Hope" that resembles the Ark of the Covenant. Place gifts in this and treat it as sacred.

13.)  Make sure the "village" (government) raises the children and in the process, destroy the family and all views of traditional marriage.  Promote obscenity and immorality.

14.) Promote change and a new society.  

The Ark of Hope
The Ark of Hope

As one film commentator says, if America goes down, the entire free world goes down. Is that the entry point for the Antichrist? Possibly.  We don't know that this man of lawlessness will be a Marxist but it is possible. He will be a global dictator.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn said that the Communists took over Russia because Russia forgot God. History shows us what happens when government is allowed to be god. It is not a pretty picture.

In fact, God hates these agenda-driven God-haters more than we do. Read Psalm 2. He who sits in the Heavens laughs at them.  He holds them in derision. He will speak to them in His wrath and terrify them with his fury. Their day of judgment is coming.
Call me a conspiracist but there is an agenda. Curtis Bowers has sounded a warning. He has fired a shot across the bow. 

I hope you will heed his warnings.  And buy the DVD. View the trailer below.

Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit

Order here.
Or call us M - F CST: 763-559-4444

Hear Part 1 of our 2-part radio program with Curtis Bowers here.  Part 2 airs February 27-28. Find a link at same location or see our radio syndication outlets below.

Support our radio outreach on over 800 radio stations across North America. Find a listing here.  

We had almost 7,000 attendees over two days at "Understanding the Times 2015" in October. 
Find information on our 2016 event here.
Our speakers include Anne Graham Lotz, Dr. Mark Hitchcock, Amir Tsarfati and Bill Koenig.

NOTE: We surf the Internet and post current headlines each morning. Find them   here 
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Find complete syndication for "Understanding the Times" radio on 800 radio outlets here. They include American Family Radio Talk Network, American Family Radio Inspiration Network, CSN Network, HOPE-FM Network, Bott Radio Network, The Psalm FM Network, Sirius Satellite Network, The Word FM, Salem Communications, OnePlace.com, and individual radio stations. We are live Saturdays, 9 a.m. CST out of Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN. You can listen live here or here.

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Awaiting His return,

Jan Markell

You may pass on these items or have people sign up on  our Web site.  You can access our radio programming from the last five years on Complete Archives.  Also see the Web site for other options to catch the program, "Understanding the Times."

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Also, we truly appreciate those who remember us prayerfully and financially.   Donate on our Web site (gifts are tax-deductible with receipts sent out in January). 

Olive Tree Ministries, Inc.
Box 1452
Maple Grove, MN  55311-6452
763-559-4444 or 763-210-8291