I love plants! But I’m not very good at taking care of them.

Let me rephrase that - I’m not very disciplined in taking care of them.

They look great in the store. And they look great when they first come home with me. 


But once I get them home, I just sort of forget about them. 

Oh, I enjoy them! I love a nice-looking plant. I love the peace and tranquility and joy they bring.

But I don’t take the time to really care for them. And sooner or later, they start looking rough. And a little scraggly. 

And I realize, the same thing can happen to our souls. 

We receive a word of revelation. We step into a next level of healing.


But then we forget. Or get complacent.

And pretty soon we’ve stopped stewarding the word or revelation or gifting or prophecy.

And instead of watering it or fertilizing it, we ignore it. 

We somehow assume that it should just happen on its own. That it should just somehow water itself. 

That if God said it, He’ll make it happen. Which can be true. But most times, there are some things we need to do as well.

There’s some stewarding, some tending on our part.

I heard someone say, after God had spoken to them much of what He had in store for their life, that God said: And time will tell if you believed Me.

Wow! All the things God prophesied about this person, but they had a choice to walk in it. A choice to step into it. A choice to steward it - well and faithfully.

And so do we!

We each have the choice, we each have the opportunity to learn to steward our own giftings, our own words of prophecy, our own words of revelation for ourselves!

It's not the responsibility of the person next to us, behind us or in front of us. It's not even the responsibility of God to steward our souls, gifts and words! It's ours!

And so today I encourage us. 

I encourage us to take the time, take the energy, take the discipline to care for our souls. To grow in our giftings. To steward the words of revelation and words of prophecy that God has spoken into and over our lives!

Yes! God is fully invested in your life! He has great purpose for you! He has good works that He’s planned in advance for you to walk in! For you to grow through! For you to change the world with!

It’s time to learn to steward - well and faithfully!

Are you in?

God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10 NLT

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.  1 Peter 4:10 NIV

His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’  Matthew 25:21 NIV

Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in Me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing.  John 15:5 NLT
Join us tonight for our new class - Fashioned to Reign!
What does God say about men & women partnering together in leadership?
Join us Thursdays to find out more!
Thursday evenings 7:30-8:30 pm
Join us throughout the week as we grow together
and water our lives!
Pre-Service Prayer
Join us Sundays as we partner with Holy Spirit's vision for our Sunday Service!
Begins at 9:55 am
Sunday Service
Experience God's goodness and receive truth, hope and vision for your life!
Begins at 10:25 am
Daniel Fast
Experience Holy Spirit in a fresh way as we set aside 21 days of focused time with God!
Begins Jan 1
Candlelight Prayer House
Experience the joy of partnership as we pray, celebrate and rejoice together at CPH everyday for 21 days!
Small Groups
Experience the beauty of family as we grow into our destinies together through Small Groups!
Resume Jan 4
Fashioned to Reign
Experience the truth of God's goodness and empowerment in your life!
Begins Jan 4
Partner with us in watering the words God's given us for Stratford & South Jersey!
Read the prophetic word God gave us for our church & community.
Listen to teaching based on this prophecy.
See the plans for our community center.
Partner with us financially.
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check out our website, Facebook and Instagram