Preventing Anger from Turning Into Rage



By textbook definition the difference between anger and rage is that anger is a feeling of annoyance or hostility while rage is the actual act of violent, uncontrollable anger. Basically, rage is the next step after anger; if cold water is calm, anger is when the water begins to heat up and bubble, and rage is when it's really boiling.


#ConsciousCoupling reminds us that anger is experienced by everyone; some more than others, but nonetheless everyone has been angry at some point in their life. Rage on the other hand is experienced much less often but is always extreme. There is research that suggests that suppressed anger is an underlying cause to anxiety and depression. Anger that isn't dealt with right away builds and builds until it explodes and can eventually lead to the destruction of a relationship, romantic or not, as well as health problems such as sudden heart attacks and high blood pressure. In many cases where rage in expressed, it is because someone is trying to encourage the enraged person to become that way which right off the bat should be an indication that this provoker is dangerous.


In order to prevent your anger from turning into rage, you should know how to better manage your anger. #ConsciousCoupling is here to help. First, you need to accept that you are angry because suppressing that feeling will only lead to an irrational expression later on. Second, you need to know why you are angry; you need to find the origin of your anger and figure out the best way to deal with that issue and/or person. Third, you need to figure out how you are going to deal with your anger. You should visualize a solution, ask yourself if you want people to remember you as an angry person, and remember that repressed anger blocks the ability to engage in constructive problem-solving. 













We are providing the tools and techniques to keep your relationship from heading down the path of divorce. Everything about your relationship takes work, some things more than others. We are not trying to stop your divorce if you have made the decision to do so, we are trying to make you aware of the things that would drive you and your partner down that path. Get the professional help your relationship deserves. Surprise yourself in finding the true happiness that you both deserve.  Soul mates are made and not found.





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