Question of the Week:
My conversion process has been a huge learning curve. One of the many challenges is getting my head around all the terminology. I can finally pronounce Chanukah correctly, and I now know the difference between Kiddush and Kaddish (was embarrassing when I didn't), but there is one word that still confuses me: Shkoyach (spelling?). I hear people shout "shkoyach" after the rabbi's sermon, after someone gets called to the Torah, and sometimes even when I pass the herring at the Shabbos table. What exactly does shkoyach mean and when is the right time to say it?
According to the Oxford Etymological Dictionary of Jewish Jargon [*], Shkoyach is a condensed version of the Hebrew phrase Yeyasher Kochacha, literally, "May your strength be extended." Ironically, the word "extended" was shortened, and people didn't have the koach (strength) to say the two guttural 'ch' sounds at the end, so it became Yasher Koach, which when said quickly sounds like Shkoyach. 
Shkoyach is a versatile expression. It can be used to say bravo for a great sermon, good on you for being called to the Torah, or thank you for passing the herring. But the meaning is always the same. You have done something good, you should have the strength to do more. 
This is much deeper than just saying thank you. Thank you is an acknowledgement of the good deed that has been done in the past. Shkoyach also encourages more good deeds in the future. It is bravo and encore rolled into one.
The message is that no matter how much good we have done, we can always increase. No matter how much we know, we can always learn more.  As you know from your conversion process, in Judaism the learning never ends. The Talmud says, "Don't be shy to ask, or you will never learn." 
So I'm glad you asked. Shkoyach for the question.

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss

[*] Soon to be published, B'ezras Hashem (with G-d's help)

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Friday, 27 January, 2017 | 29 Teves 5777
Candle Lighting............ 7:46 pm (*Earliest 6:37pm)  
Mincha......................... 6:10 pm
Friday Evening Service... 6:30 pm
Followed by Kiddush sponsored by Malka Kurta in honour of the yortzheit of her late father Alexander Rees, Shlomo Ben David HaLevi on 7 Shvat - Long Life.

Shabbos, 28 January 2017 |Rosh Chodesh Shevat 5777
Chassidus Class........................ 9:00 am
Shabbos Morning Service........ 10:00 am-12:30 pm
Children's program................. 11:00am
Followed by Kiddush.
Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishis ..7:40 pm
Shabbos ends and Maariv............. 8:44 pm
Followed by Havdalah
Sunday  .................................. 8:00 am
Mon- Fri................................... 7:00 am
Latest Shema this week........... 9:39 am
Monday Chassidus.................... 8:00-8:45am
Naomi Ziv.................... 6 Shvat/ Thursday 2 February
Golda Moss.................. 6 Shvat/ Thursday 2 February
Natalie Dabscheck........ 7 Shvat / Friday 3 February

Ricki Corrick, Justice Stephen Rothman OAM and their families on the passing of their mother Anne Rothman a"h.
Tauba Tanchum for her late brother Percy Kaplan, Pesach ben Tevia...1 Shvat/ Saturday 28 January
Annabel Sherell De Florence for her late father, Isaac Leo Sherrel de Florence...1 Shvat/ Saturday 28 January
Adam Ensly for his late father Gideon Ensly,  Gideon ben Shlomo...2 Shvat/ Sunday 29 January
Harry Kornfeld for his late mother Regina Kornfeld, Rivka bas Alexander...5 Shvat/ Wednesday 1 February
Malka Kurta for her late father Alexander Rees,  Shlomo Ben David HaLevi..... 7 Shvat/ Friday 3 February