February 4, 2016
Banner By Mail? Do you know someone who doesn't "do email?" Please ask them to call the office and add their name to the "snail mail" list. We will also print some extras to leave by the entrances to the church.

In This Issue

A Message from Fr. Gary 

During our Ash Wednesday services the celebrant always says, "I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self- denial; and by reading and meditating on God's holy Word." (BCP p. 265)

When you first read that list, it certainly doesn't sound like something in which you would really want to participate.  Most of us would prefer to go to the movies, out to dinner, or to spend time with our friends.  Perhaps that's why churches see more people at the Pancake Supper than at the Ash Wednesday service.  

But as you consider that list of Lenten disciplines, we might also consider another quote from the catechism of the prayer book: "Redemption is the act of God which sets us free from the power of evil, sin and death." (BCP p.849). For me, that quote is particularly helpful in this time of Lent.  It is helpful because it reminds me that the point of examining and repenting from my sin is not because I deserve the torment of having my sins thrown in my face, but rather because I deserve the great JOY that comes from receiving the redemption only found through believing in the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Being redeemed means knowing God has removed my sin.  Through redemption, God has taken away those things which once blocked our relationship and the result is an increased feeling of His presence in my life.  And that joy, which redemption brings, is not the same joy I get from eating pancakes or going on vacation.  Rather the joy that comes from my renewed relationship with God is much fuller, deeper and powerful.

So as you think about Lent this year, my suggestion to everyone would be to embrace those often uncomfortable disciplines of our faith so that by working with them you might receive the greatest joy imaginable.  No one knew that truth quite like, Peter Chrysologus, a bishop of a town in upper Italy around the 5th century.  I will leave you with a quote from one of his sermons where he is speaking about the necessity of prayer, fasting and showing mercy to others:

"There are three things, my brethren, which cause faith to stand firm, devotion to remain  constant, and virtue to endure.  They are prayer, fasting and mercy.  Prayer knocks at the door, fasting obtains, mercy receives.  Prayer, mercy and fasting; these three are one, and they give life to each other. Fasting is the soul of prayer, mercy is the lifeblood of fasting.  Let no one try to separate them; they cannot be separated.  If you have only one of them or not all together, you have nothing.  So if you pray, fast; if you fast, show mercy; if you want your petition to be heard, hear the petitions of others.  If you do not close your ear to others you open God's ear to yourself.  When you fast, see the fasting of others.  If you want God to know that you are hungry, know that another is hungry.  If you hope for mercy, show mercy.  If you look for kindness, show kindness.  If you want to receive, give.  If you ask for yourself what you deny to others, your asking is a mockery.  Therefore, let prayer, mercy and fasting be one single plea to God on our behalf, one speech in our defense, a threefold united prayer in our favor."
-from a sermon by Bishop Peter Chrysologus.
Yours in Christ,


Warden's Corner 
Our annual meeting was held on January 31, 2016. 
To read the report click on this link 2015 Annual Report.  

You will read in the various reports that our Church is in good shape financially and spiritually. While there is always more to do and more growth possible, we are all blessed to be part of this renewed parish family under the guidance of Priest-In-Charge Father Gary Parker. 
New Vestry members were elected, including Elisa Delaney, Melissa Murphy, Jamie Pines and Jonathan Shields. John Longmire was elected to serve as Warden along with current Warden Einar Haukeland. Thanks to Sona Hyde, you can see an updated Staff & Vestry page on the website.

Our heartfelt thanks to retiring Warden Donna Blankman, who has given so much to our parish family. We also extend our appreciation to retiring Vestry members Matt Bendix, Justin Newby and Larry Schwirzbin. 

With Lent beginning this week, we encourage you to read on in this email about our Lenten Soup and Study program and how you can renew your faith during the Holy Lenten season. The Youth Group is rocking, with many activities for you and your family to share in. Don't miss the Chili Superbowl fundraiser this Sunday, and Pancake supper on Tuesday just for starters! Alan Dinn is running an acolyte training class for those interested. The Shop is humming with a Jewelry sale. We are running on all cylinders. Don't miss being a part of this active parish family during this Holy Lenten Season. As Father Gary stated above, it's all about JOY.

Father Gary introduces new Vestry members.
 L to R: Elisa Delaney, Melissa Murphy, Jamie Pines, new Warden John Longmire, and Jonathan Shields at the Annual Meeting 1.31.16
Reflections on the Anglican Communion Primates' Call for Sanctions

Here is Bishop Provenzano's Message responding to the Primates' call for sanctions, which includes  a video message from our Presiding Bishop and Primate, the Most Rev. Michael B. Curry. 

Here is the link to The Rt. Rev. William H. Love, Ninth bishop of Albany's Message - Reflections on the Anglican Communion Primates' Communiqu e. 

Worship and Ministry

Join us at the Rectory for supper, reflection and discussion every Wednesday, 6pm to 8pm, during Lent from February 17th through March 25th. Each evening includes a soup and salad supper from 6:00-7:00pm. The study will be on the Cycle of Grace: the church season biblically and spiritually from 7:00-8:00pm. Please bring your Bible and we will discuss the appointed Bible readings, reflection, and discussion at the rectory.  
Here is the schedule:
February 17th-Advent/Christmas
February 24th- Epiphany
March 2nd-Lent
March 9th- Easter
March 16th- Pentecost
Please invite a friend or family member. Each Wednesday can stand alone and no need to worry about missing a class. 
Acolyte Class
I plan to hold a training session for prospective Acolytes in late March or early April. Candidates must be entering 5th Grade in the fall of 2016 (or older). If you have a young person who is interested in serving, please contact Alan Dinn at [email protected]
A Message from the Counters
It is the first week of February and in the cloister there are still MANY 2016, donation envelopes awaiting collection.
Following good accounting practice, St Stephen's Church keeps a PAPER record as well as a computer entry of every donation or payment made to the church.  If your contribution is NOT in the numbered envelope associated with your name - the counters are required to complete an index card recording this donation.  This means they: look up your number and write on the card your number, name, date, check #, amount, designated purpose etc........ all of which takes time.
So please continue to GIVE however it is convenient for you, but the counters, all of whom are volunteers, would really appreciate your using the envelopes.  This applies for parishioners who pledge and for non-pledgers.
Parishioners who make contributions directly from their bank accounts or online MAY wish to take their boxes anyway and use them should they wish to donate for special services Christmas, Easter etc for which there are designated envelopes.
In the past we have mailed these boxes to everyone's home, but this is obviously a costly alternative.
The boxes are in the CLOISTER on the benches. Please find yours and take it home.

The Scripture Readings  
For the scripture readings for the month of February please visit this link:   Scripture Readings
For Our Prayers 

For the sick: Dick and Jean, Virginia, Peter, Carol, Jo, Tom, Ann, Gerry, June, Nancy, Julia Motch, Monica, Carol, Darlene, Jeanne, Steve & Debbie, Dianne, Lucyanne, Valerie, Linda, Nancy, Frank, Edith, Sue, Christian, Nina, Shirlee, Karen, Susan, Kevin, Ian, Richard, Donna V., Lisa F., Deacon Betty, Elizabeth, Fred, Brian and Tom.
For the departed:  William G. Murphy

To have someone entered onto our Prayer List please send an e-mail with the person's name and the requester's name to: [email protected].  Your prayer request will be included for four weeks - please submit another request if you wish to have prayers continue after this time.

Ministry Schedule 
The latest schedule for the 1st Quarter for Acolytes, Lay Readers and Eucharistic Ministers can be found by clicking schedule .

Parish Life

Coffee Hour Schedule 
The latest schedule is here. Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall after the 10:00 service is an important part of our fellowship at St. Stephen's. 

If you'd like to be added to the rotating schedule, please contact Susan Massingill at [email protected] or 917-710-6971.

February 2016
Saturday, Feb. 6 Youth Group trip to Freeport to provide lunch to Habitat for Humanity workers 10:30-1:30
Meet in Church parking lot to travel to Freeport and return
Sunday, Feb. 7
Youth Group Super Bowl Chili Fundraiser
Coffee Hour
Parish Hall
Tuesday, Feb. 9
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner
6 - 7:30pm
Parish Hall
Wednesday, Feb. 10
Ash Wednesday Eucharist and Imposition of ashes
Noon and 7:30pm
Monday, Feb. 15
Presidents' Day and Winter break week
Office open 9 - 1

Wednesday, Feb. 17
Lenten Supper and Study Program
6 - 8 pm
Sunday, Feb. 21
Teachers' Workshop
Coffee Hour
Room 104
Tuesday, Feb. 23
Vestry Meeting
8 pm
St. Cecilia Room
Wednesday, Feb. 24
Lenten Supper and Study Program 
6 - 8 pm
Saturday, Feb. 27
Vestry Retreat
All Day
St. Cecilia Room
Monday, Feb. 29 Deadline for March Banner submissions
By end of Day
email to office
Wednesday, Mar. 2
Lenten Supper and Study Program
6 - 8pm

Thursday, Mar. 3
March Banner published

Children & Youth Group Corner

For the past month or so, the Sunday school, grades 2nd and up have been acting out and singing the songs to the musical "Joseph and the Technicolor Dream coat," during music class. Thanks so much Jessica Griffin for teaching this amazing class. The kids love it.

The Youth group is very busy for the first couple of weeks in February.

Sat Feb 6th for the FIRST TIME EVER St Stephens Youth group, along with Girl Scout Troop # 411, will be serving lunch to the workers of Habitat for Humanity.  We are very much looking forward to this great outreach event.  

Sun Feb 7th after family service the youth will hosting their annual Super Bowl Chili Fundraiser during coffee hour.  They will be selling chili, sandwiches, hot dogs, corn bread, and more.   Please stop by and grab a bite to eat.

Tues Feb 9th from 6-7:30PM, the youth are hosting Shrove Tuesday in the parish hall.   Please join us for ALL YOU CAN EAT pancakes, bacon and sausage, as we celebrate this time before the start of Lent.  Kindly RSVP to [email protected]   Bring your friends!!!  

For the months of February and March the Youth group collects food to fill Our Lady of Fatima's Food Pantry.  This is the time of year where they are low on food and could really use our help.  Please bring non-perishable foods and drop them off in the baskets located at both entrances of the church. Thank you in advance for your donation.

There will be a teachers' workshop Sun Feb 21st during coffee hour. We will meet in the classroom downstairs. Parents are welcome!

Last but not definitely not least, I would love to get a group together, both kids and adults, to see "Godspell" Sat evening March 5th at Chaminade. Tickets are very affordable.  I hear the show is amazing. Please let me know by Feb 14th if interested in joining, so I have enough time to reserve tickets.

                                                       HAPPY VALENTINES' DAY  !                        

Rhonda Fay
Children and Youth Minister

Please view the  calendar below Sunday School and Youth Group activities, quarterly Family Services and field trips. 

Consignment Shop News

We are running a jewelry sale the first two weeks of February. We receive many wonderful jewelry pieces throughout the year, 25% off selected items. This is your chance to snag one just in time for Valentine's Day.

Want to volunteer or have a question? Email Virginia at  [email protected] or call 944-8829. Thank you!


Please feel free to contact:    
Priest-in-Charge Rev. Gary Parker O: 516-767-0363 [email protected]
    C: 847-946-1007  
Warden John Longmire 516-695-3520 [email protected]
Warden Einar Haukeland 516-883-5249 [email protected]
Music Director Mark van Schenkhof 516-353-0738 [email protected]
Youth & Children Rhonda Fay 516-944-5635 [email protected] 
Consignment Shop Supervisor Virginia Corrigan 516-944-8829
Parish Administrator Sue Waiter 516-767-0363 [email protected]


St. Stephen's Church Office Hours are:

Monday to Thursday, 10am-1pm


Around the Diocese

To find out about what is happening in the Diocese of Long Island

 click here. 


St. Stephen's Church
9 Carlton Avenue | Port Washington, New York  11050

An Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Long Island