Wildcat Pride                                     December 5 , 2017
In This Issue
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It seems as though winter showed up after all. You can read over the school closing information below, just in case...This is also the season of giving across the district - food drives, toy drives, and personal care items are being collected to give to those who need them. Music is in the air: 4th and 5th graders from TF and Lakeside along with the MS stage choir performed last  week; the CLHS Scholarship Concert was over the weekend; and you can still catch Unexpected Company at 3:00 on 12/10, the CLHS Choir at 7:00 on 12/11, CLMS Choir 12/12 at 6:00 p.m., and CLMS Band 12/14 at 6:30 p.m. - all in the PAC. At this point, the holiday season is all around us - feel free to jump in with both feet!

TIES Teachers of Excellence Award Winners for 2017

  Laura Greene at Taylors Falls Elementary           Allen Schulte at CLMS
Each year, as part of the TIES (Technology in Education) conference, teachers across the state are recognized as TIES Teachers of Excellence. This year Chisago Lakes Schools is celebrating the work of Laura Greene, kindergarten teacher at Taylors Falls Elementary, and Allen Schulte, 7th grade social studies teacher at Chisago Lakes Middle School, for their outstanding work with students. Each Teacher of Excellence recipient has worked to integrate technology into their classrooms and beyond, helping both students and colleagues take advantage of the tools available to them to enhance their learning opportunities.

The TIES 2017 Education Technology Conference will take place at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis December 9-12, 2017.  As part of our ongoing staff development emphasis on technology, 35 of our administrators and staff will be attending part of the conference.  Over the course of four days, attendees will have access to information and resources covering hundreds of educational technology-related topics.  Presenters have hands-on experience with the subjects they address and attendees will leave ready to hit the ground running with students and staff. From Makerspaces and Google apps to professional development and digital portfolios, TIES 2017 workshops and seminars shed new light on innovative classroom technologies. Laura Greene and Allen Schulte will be recognized as Teachers of Excellence on Tuesday December 12th as part of the keynote presentation.
Across the District, Generosity Abounds

It all started at the Primary with a food drive, gathered speed with a toy drive at Lakeside, really got some momentum with a compassion collection at the middle school and high school, and capped off with the giving tree at Taylors Falls.
Each year students and staff at Chisago Lakes make giving back to the community part of the holiday celebration. In addition to the list above, individual buildings adopt families, partner with area churches, and work to make sure kids and families in our communities have what they need this holiday season.

If you're looking to help out, the compassion collections run through December 6th at the high school, middle school, and district office - you can drop off donations. The giving tree at Taylors Falls is up, and the food shelf will continue to take donations. 

Information on School Closing Guidelines:

Our Considerations:
  1. Can students get safely to school and safely home?  Not only are students bused to school, but many students drive.  We will take into consideration both modes of transportation when making our School Closing and Delay decisions.
  2. Weather forecasting.  We'll do our best to understand cold, wind, road conditions and visibility.  Keep in mind those 165 varying square miles in our District.  We will utilize "spotters" (school employees and law enforcement) throughout the District to provide us guidance when possible.
  3. Keeping routines for families and the school.  We all want students in school.  School staff want to keep the learning going and parents wish to minimize disruptions to their daily routines.  However, inclement weather may trump those goals.  Parents and guardians, ultimately you will make what you deem to be the "right" call for your student(s).  It should be noted however, that schools must meet state requirements for attendance and if cancellations exceed what is allowed in our calendar, make-up days may be required.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Where can I get information regarding school closings and delays due to the weather?    The decision to close or delay school will be made as early as possible so families and staff will have time to react.  You may receive notification in the following ways:  Announcements for school cancellation or late start will be made on WCCO radio AM 830, Channel 4 TV, Channel 5 TV, Channel 9 TV, Channel 11 TV,  the district website , Facebook, and Twitter.  In addition, parents will be notified via the automated School Messenger system. 
What time does my child's school start when there is a two-hour delay?

Chisago Lakes Middle School - 9:40 a.m.
Chisago Lakes Education Center (CLEC)/SOAR/Pathway to Change - 9:40 a.m.
Chisago Lakes High School - 9:50 a.m.
Lakeside Elementary School - 11:05 a.m.
Taylors Falls Elementary School - 11:05 a.m.
Primary School - 11:15 a.m.
In terms of bus pick-up times, add two hours to your child's normal pickup time.  If the normal pickup time is 6:45 a.m. it will be at 8:45 a.m. on a two-hour late start day.
What if the weather worsens during the day?  There are times when an early dismissal is unavoidable.  We are asking parents and guardians to consider this scenario and have a plan in place should we dismiss school early.  We realize this is a tough situation for families, so it is critical we have complete and accurate contact information for parents, guardians, and emergency contacts.  If weather worsens and schools remain open, parents and guardians still have the option to pick up their child early by following normal office procedures.
How will I know if other programs, activities, field trips or Community Education events are canceled?  When school is closed, it doesn't necessarily mean all other activities are canceled.  Please refer to our district website   for information on closing and delays for all school activities.

On the Calendar:

12/7: Parent-Teacher Conferences at the High School 3-7 p.m.

12/10: Unexpected Company Concert in the PAC at 3:00 p.m.

12/11: CLHS Holiday Choir Concert in the PAC at 7:00 p.m.

12/12: CLMS Choir Concert in the PAC at 6:00 p.m.

12/14: CLMS Band Concert in the PAC at 6:30 p.m.

12/14: School Board Meeting (Truth & Taxation) in the DO @ 6:30 p.m.

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