World Suicide Prevention Day

September 10, 2014: Worldwide Suicide Prevention Day


Robin Williams left behind a legacy of heartache and humor; his genius was fueled by mental illness, addiction, and an unearthly - and at times delusional - worldview. Less well known is the journey of family members who are left behind - the ones who try to love and live with volatile personalities like Williams, who chose to "give back the gift of life." 


That's about to change. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Collier County is proud to launch The Funny Farm Project, in partnership with author Deena Baxter, a new book and companion website dedicated to bringing mental illness out of the darkness and giving it a voice through heartache, humor and creative arts. It's a voice worth listening to. 


About the book: Hot off the press, SURVIVING SUICIDE: Searching for "Normal" with Heartache and Humor, a mostly true story by Deena Baxter.



"SURVIVING SUICIDE is irreverent yet serious, lighthearted yet profound, science-based yet intimately personal...a must-read for anyone who has experienced mental illness in a family member. Of course, given the prevalence of mental illness, this means almost everyone. Highly recommended!"

-(Stephen Hinshaw, Ph.D., Vice-Chair Psychology, UC-Berkley). 


To learn more or order your hard copy, click here or visit All profit from sales benefits NAMI of Collier County and other mental health organizations. 


About the Website: is a virtual global community where folks impacted by mental illness in any way (patient, caregiver, family member, friend, employer or colleague) can find helpful resources and be inspired by the different ways the mind can speak - in words and in art. You can submit content for consideration, too!  Come take a look:



 Author Deena Baxter is available for speaking and book signing events: community groups, book groups, church groups, civic associations, health forums, etc. Contact her at: [email protected].


Please help us spread the news by forwarding this email to those in your world who may be interested.



Kathryn Hunter, Executive Director 

NAMI of Collier County 

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