Nov. 10,

No. 63

AMS Weekly Newsletter
Supporting the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
Weekly Readings

On November 7th, Presidents Xi Jinping and Ma Ying-jeou met in Singapore for the first meeting between the leaders of the PRC and ROC. This week's readings are the summary of the meeting according to Xinhua and blue-leaning UDN as well as two analyses of the view from Taiwan. Once China-Taiwan may have been an issue within a "Chinese nation" but, as the polling data shows, Taiwanese increasingly see themselves as distinct from those across the strait w
俗语 in Xi Jinping's  Speeches
hé zhōng gòng jì

Meaning: work together with one heart to overcome difficulty

This chengyu shares two characters from last week's 同舟共济. Xi Jinping used this in his speech in Singapore on November 7.  Xi's focus was the history, friendship, and cooperation between China and Singapore, and, more broadly, with Southeast Asia.

Original:  近代以来,中国和东南亚国家在国家独立和民族解放的进程中彼此激励、相互支持,在经济社会发展的历程中相互启迪、通力合作,在应对亚洲金融危机、国际金融危机和抗击印度洋海啸、中国汶川特大地震中守望相助、和衷共济。时至今日,中国正同东南亚国家一道,书写着自身发展的历史新篇章。

Documentary of the Week

This week's suggested video is the panel discussion about Obama-Xi summit hosted by Bob Schieffer at CSIS. Although this video will not give you Chinese language practice, it offers three different perspectives that reflect a professional, rather than bureaucratic, version of where you stand depends on where you sit. The three panelists---a policymaker, a journalist, and an intelligence analyst---focus on different outcomes and different information, and i t's worth listening closely to how each approaches China.

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