YES  Nature to Neighborhoods 
Welcome to Episode 3 of our Year-End S'More Campaign! We've been sending campfire warmth your way through stories of YES participants that offer hope, inspiration, and a light in the darkness. And you've been sending that warmth right back: With $30,200 in donations received thus far, we are nearly half-way to  our $75,000 goal for the campaign! 

This week I am thrilled to unveil a brand new video highlighting the impact of YES's youth programs through the story of Nia, YES's Camp-to-Community Peer Advocate. Nia is a ten-year YES participant who became the first in her family to graduate high school in June, is now attending college, and has joined the YES staff, providing peer mentorship and support to younger YES youth.

Meet Nia: C2C Peer Advocate

"YES made me realized that life gets better, and it's a safe environment to start growing  and finding your true self. Working in such a non-judgmental  space has helped me correct  my own mistakes and made me realize that  absolutely want to be a leader and teach  my experiences to the younger  youth so I may see them grow and become leaders to  help our community  become the best."

Please consider a year-end donation to support YES's work with Nia and her fellow Camp-to-Community teen participants! Every donation made through December 31st will be matched 1:1, and every donation will support transformational experiences in the outdoors for YES youth and adults.


Eric Aaholm, Executive Director

Missed out on a previous S'More Episode? Click to look back at Episode 1, or  Episode 2.
Your donation can directly support the Peer Advocate position. Just type "Peer Advocate" when donating online, or as the memo on your check!

More Ways to Support YES!

Consider a holiday donation in honor of a special person in your life. A special letter will be sent to your honoree in acknowledgement.
Support YES through your regular online shopping!
1. Click here 
2. Shop
3. We receive a dona tion!

"YES helped me shape my strengths, and find my inner self. It's hard, but it's a process I work on, and I grew from a seedling to a sprout to a stem - and I'm still blooming." 
- Nia, C2C Peer Advocate

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