JANUARY 17, 2013
You can't keep doing the SAME things and expect to get DIFFERENT RESULTS- That's the definition of INSANITY! (Send to all you know who live in District 227: Matteson, Richton Park, Park Forest, Olympia Fields, Country Club Hills)
The reason why we have a failed school system is because we keep electing, reelecting and then reelecting the same people over and over again. 100% is supposed to be all you can get. If only 30 some percent of the students of this district are meeting academic standards, does that meet your standard? What about the other 70%? If you happen to be a parent of one of the 30%, you are probably satisfied and you are probably one of the parents that toots the horn of this FAILED SCHOOL SYSTEM and you are pleased with the STATUS QUO!
I want you to know that I do not and NEVER had a child to attend 227 because I live in a different district. My children are grown and successful. So, why do I care? BECAUSE ALL BLACK CHILDREN ARE MY CHILDREN AND ARE MY GIVEN RESPONSIBILITY TO SEE THAT THEY BECOME ALL THAT THEY CAN BE! Remember, as a people, we will NEVER achieve full equity and parity in this country until we have equal access to all the resources available to Americans considered nonblack. If they can kick President Barack Obama and his family around, then what do you think will happen to your children?
WAKE UP, BLACK PEOPLE! STAND UP BLACK PEOPLE! FIGHT FOR WHAT IS YOURS! You didn't get your 40 acres and a mule; but, the least you should get from the toil of your ancestors, who were by law, not allowed to learn to read and write, IS TO GET THE QUALITY EDUCATION THAT WILL GIVE YOUR CHILDREN A CHANCE TO COMPETE FOR JOBS WITH WELL PREPARED WHITE CHILDREN!
Helen Burleson, 9 year member Flossmoor Board of Education, District 161, 1972-1981, member of the IL State Board of Education, 1981-1983 and recommended the late Ronald Blackstone to Gov. Thompson to fill my vacancy when I resigned.
During a special election for District 161, I surreptitiously manipulated the system and got a second Black school board member in, Benjamin Deberry and was responsible for getting the first Black teachers hired in District 161, Victor Scotti was the first and Art Byrd, a current resident of Olympia Fields was the second. Why did I do that? Because our children need positive role models that look like them, it was my responsibility to do so.