"Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us" Golda Meir 


This revealing insight spoken by one of Israel's greatest leaders is one of the reasons that we support the work of Yad b'Yad, the German and Jewish exchange program. We take seriously the responsibility to teach our children that evil must be overcome with good, hatred with love.

Since 2005 Yad b'Yad has lead Israeli and German youth towards real reconciliation for a new generation. As the 2014 Yad b'Yad prepares to leave, we share this update for your prayers from Rachel the new administrator for Yad b'Yad.


Yad b'Yad 2014

This year is unique as for first time we will be hosted by a youth group in Austria. Our young people will spend their first week together in a small village in Austria, getting to know one another and also to prepare for the journey together to Auschwitz in Poland. 

Having the first week in Austria is an exciting new venture for Yad b'Yad which has until now been held in Germany with German youth. This year they will gathering in a small village which is not far from the borders with Switzerland and Germany with young people from Austria, Switzerland and Germany.

This fact adds a new and challenging dimension to the program. We are hopeful this will prove to be a good and healthy challenge that will be beneficial to all the youth involved.

Prayer for this year's Yad b'Yad delegation:


PRAY for the program to impact the lives of the young people with the love of God. 

PRAY for the staff and participants to receive all God has for them during this special journey together and that they all be blessings to one another. 

PRAY for Israeli Youth Leaders: These young men and women are all local Messianic Youth Leaders


PRAY for the Austrian leaders.

PRAY for Franz and Monica guiding the youth during time in Auschwitz.

Prayer for this new venture in Austria and the new dimension this poses to the program.

Pray for overall grace on the program especially during this difficult season in Israel. That the youth and leaders be both open and also respectful towards one another even if any disagreements or difficult subjects arise. That the leaders have wisdom and grace to deal with any situation as it may arise.


Would you help?


Because of the situation here in Israel the costs of flights has gone way up and one of our Israeli youth is still short $265 for the flight. Perhaps you would like to make a contribution and help this young man make the trip. It will be a life changing experience for him and for all those whose lives are touched by God's reconciling love.


You can donate on our website at Support Yad b'Yad


Or contact Rachel at Yad b'Yad Exchange

At Beit Immanuel Congregation we assist a number of families in crisis with prayers, intensive counseling and practical helps. 
Thank you for partnering with us in your prayers.
David Lazarus

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