Join us for an experimental worship gathering on Thursday nights in July: Dinner Church.
New "Dinner Church" worship starts Thursday! 

I am excited to share this special invitation with you--it comes from Rev. Nicole Reilley. Many of you know Rev. Nicole, both because she served as our Interim Pastor in 2012, and because she remains active in our congregation while serving as Director of New Ministries for our California-Pacific Annual Conference. I'm so grateful that she's sharing her gifts and leadership with is in this new way, and hope you'll consider how you might be a part of it or who you might invite to join in this special summer worship opportunity!

Grace and peace, Pastor Molly


Dear Friends,

Summer is here and so is a great new experimental worship gathering! 


On the five Thursdays in July we will be having Simple Summer Dinner Church from 6-8PM at the Reilley+Luther home, 15 Gaucho Dr, Rolling Hills Estates, 90274.  We begin July 2!


Dinner church is for all ages (kids will be with us the whole time, there is no special children's program but it should be engaging enough for most). Dinner church is for those who missed church on Sunday or who want to bring a friend to a new kind of gathering. It is an open, fun group.


When you arrive, you'll help with the meal (making the salad, cutting the chicken) and getting the table set (and meeting new friends) - we will begin with scripture at 6:30 and discuss the text over dinner. By 7:30, we will discuss it as a group and then have prayer and Communion. We will finish by 8PM and you are welcome to go or to stay for swimming, campfire and more fun.


I will be hosting the food but if you'd like to let me know you are coming (both for food and seating) that would be awesome.  But don't worry if you don't know till the last minute, because there is also more room at the Table.


 Questions?  Contact me at


-Rev. Nicole Reilley


First United Methodist Church of Redondo Beach | 310.372.8445 | Email | Website