Created because of overwhelming demand...Dickie O'Neal's introduces Irish Mac-n-Cheese to our menu!
What makes it Irish?
I remember, when I was a kid, my grandmother Rose would create the most incredible Macaroni and Cheese using her secret recipe. Keeping it in the family, I swore to secrecy that I'd never reveal the mouthwatering ingredients to any one.
Last month, we introduced a taste of this marvelous, melt-in-your-mouth dish, and it was an instant hit. Our guests begged to put it on our menu. And while I'm sworn to secrecy, we've replicated the recipe and adding Mac-n-Cheese to our menu...
...with a twist!Now, we're introducing this secret Irish recipe to you...just the way you like it.
A mouthwatering macaroni and cheese that features
buttery, parmesean, toasted breadcrumbs on the top. Order it plain, or add any type of side to be mixed in and baked for just $1.00 each addition.
Some of our guests favorite combinations are:
- Mac n Cheese with chunks of lean Corned Beef
- Mac n Cheese with Jalapenos
- Mac n Cheese with Bacon crumblies
- Mac n Cheese with Salsa (to add some kick)
- Mac n Cheese with Sausage + Bacon
- Mac n Cheese with Tomatoes + Hamburger
Any many as you like...just $1.00 per addition.