April 2017 Volume 21  Issue 3
Featured Investor
Cardinal X-Press
2751 Jacques Drive
Bonne Terre, MO 63628
Phone: 314-514-4116

Thank you to Treva & Mike Winslow and the entire Cardinal X-Press Crew for hosting the April 2017 First Friday Coffee! 

What a GREAT presentation of products you shared with us! We really enjoyed visiting with you!

Inside this Edition
April First Friday Coffee
April Investor Meeting
Membership Renewals
Ground Broken for 911 Center
Ribbon Cutting
New Ambassadors!
2nd Annual Disc Golf Tournament
2nd Annual Disc Golf Tournament
Battle of the Badges
Battle of the Badges
Chamber Trip
Investor News
Investor Events
Investor Job Listings
Investor Deals
Seminars, Training, & Workshops
All About Business: Management - "3 Management Improvement Techniques"
All About Business: Leadership - "7 Things Leaders Give Away"
All About Business: Personal Growth - "7 Mental Toughness Tips"

Welcome NEW 2017 Investors!!

Wizzard Carpet Care

Louie Seiberlich

Culver's of Farmington

Coljac Artisan Cafe


St. Francois County
Fair Board

Cafe Redux


Thank You for Continuing to Invest in Our Chamber!!

Central R-3 Schools
Since 1977

City of Park Hills
Since 1974

D & S Storage
Since 2004

East Missouri Action Agency
Since 1987

Harvey & Mary Lee Faircloth
Since 1999

Habitat For Humanity
Since 2011

Hungry Bellies BBQ
Since 2016

KFMO/B104 Radio
Since 1974

Missouri Baptist University
Since 2015

Missouri Job Center
Since 2013

Since 2004

Park Hills Lions Club
Since 2001

Sam Scism
Sam Scism Motors, Inc.
Since 1974

Sechrest/Wagner - Ozark's Modern Insulation & Leadbelt Stove & Fireplace
Since 1986

State Farm Insurance
Louie Lucas
Since 1979

Giggle Break!

Say My Name...

The manager of a large office noticed a new man one day and told him to come into his office. 

"What is your name?" was the first thing the manager asked him.

"John," the new guy replied.

The manager scowled, "Look, I don't know what kind of a namby-pamby place you worked at before, but I don't call anyone by their first name. It breeds familiarity and that leads to a breakdown in authority. I refer to my employees by their last name only - Smith, Jones, Baker ? that's all. I am to be referred to only as Mr. Robertson. Now that we got that straight, what is your last name?"

The new guy sighed and said, "Darling. My name is John Darling."

"Okay, John, the next thing I want to tell you is..."

Visual Giggle

Enjoy the Rest of 
Your Week!

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Chamber News   
Stay on top of all the Chamber happenings between newsletters by regularly visiting the Chamber website at or following us on Facebook , Twitter , LinkedIn & Pinterest !
May First Friday Coffee Hosted By The City of Leadington

Join us at Leadington City Hall for the May First Friday Coffee to be hosted by The  City of Leadington !

First Friday Coffee Events are held the first Friday of each month. They are hosted by Chamber Investors, are held at various investor locations, and include coffee and morning refreshments.

This is a relationship building event for Chamber Investors, clients, and potential clients.

Visit with other investors and members of the business community and learn about the sponsoring business or organization and their products and/or services while enjoying coffee, a light breakfast provided by the sponsoring business or organization.

Register Your Attendance Here:   May First Friday Coffee
May Investor Meeting - Leadington State of the City Address

Please join us for the May Investor Meeting on Tuesday, May 16, 2017, at, 12:00 p.m. at Cafe Redux, located at 3413 Rosener Road in Park Hills.

Leadington Mayor, Dustin Winick, will be our featured speakers for May.  

It's a " State of the City" Address!  The Mayor Winick will be on-hand to tell us W hat's Happened, What's Happening, and  What's Yet to Happen, in Leadington, in areas of growth, economic development, improvements, and more!

Lunch to be Catered by Cafe Redux And will be $10.00 per person.  Reservations Required.
Our May Business Spotlight is on  The City of Leadington !  
Monthly investor meetings provide Chamber investors with a variety of information through guest speakers.  Topics range from small business information to governmental issues and assistance to community interests.  Monthly meetings keep investors abreast of current chamber happenings and provide an excellent networking opportunity.

Register Your Attendance Here: 

Claddagh Irish Dance School Celebrates Move To New, Larger Location!

Rains may have been torrential, but the sun was shining inside the new home of the Claddagh Irish Dance School on Friday, April 28th as Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce board members, and students, friends, & family members of Marianne and Charley Politte celebrated their recent move. A Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, special dance performances, new registration discounts, and refreshments were all part of the celebration.

The dance school moved only a few blocks from their previous location, across from Park Hills River Mart, to 514-B East Main Street (the Ragsdale's building). The new space is 4-times larger than their previous location and includes several additional classrooms, providing room for additional classes and more students!

Please join us in congratulating Marianne & Charley on their new location! We are honored to have this unique cultural dance school available right here in our community!!
2017 Chamber Scholarship Awarded to Brandon Norfolk

The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors is excited to announce that the third recipient of the Chamber Scholarship is, 2017 Central High School Graduate, Brandon Norfolk!  Norfolk was awarded the scholarship at the Central High School Academic Banquet on April 27, 2017.

Norfolk, son of Kristy Thomas of Park Hills, will receive $500 per semester, for up to four consecutive semesters, towards his enrollment at Mineral Area College.  The scholarship will help with the costs of general studies classes potentially leading to a degree in Wildlife Management.

Norfolk has been actively working toward his career goals throughout high school by taking many dual credit classes such as Elementary Spanish 1 & 2, English Comp 1 & 2, and General Biology, along with maintaining a 3.5 GPA.  He has also worked extremely hard to earn the highest rank in The Boy Scouts of America Organization, Eagle Scout. 

Norfolk is still determining his exact career path but is sure his degree will be focused on wildlife and nature.  His love for wildlife and being outdoors caused him to aspire to be a Fish & Game Warden since the age of 10, however, he also has an interest in teaching biology.  His experience in The Boy Scouts of America program will be very beneficial in helping him to achieve his career goals.  Norfolk tells us that his family has been active in The Boy Scouts of America Organization for over 50 years, with his grandparents serving as troop leaders for 30 years prior to retiring.  In following family traditions, Norfolk is not only an active member of The Boy Scouts of America, but also currently serves as an Order of the Arrow member, and is a four-year member of the Ozark Trailblazers Ceremonial Team.

After college, Brandon plans to stay active with The Boy Scouts of America by serving as a leader; teaching young scouts the values and morals of the organization, and he hopes to inspire other young scouts to earn their Eagle Scout rank.  He also plans to donate time to local charities.  Norfolk says that participating in the "Scouting For Food" program for more than 13 years has taught him a love for helping others, and he intends to continue this tradition for years to come.

Aside from his dedication to The Boy Scouts of America, Norfolk is a member of the Central High School Band; he loves music; plays the trumpet and guitar; works at Park Hills River Mart; and volunteers at the Veterinary Clinic of the Mineral Area.

As a recipient of the Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce Scholarship, Norfolk will receive his first $500 installment of funds to assist with either summer or fall classes at Mineral Area College during 2017.  Three more $500 installments will be available to Norfolk; one for each consecutive semester he attends Mineral Area College, Central Methodist University, or Missouri Baptist University.  He will receive a total of $2,000 in financial aid toward his continuing education studies.  After finishing his general studies at Mineral Area College, Norfolk plans to continue his education at Southeast Missouri State University in hopes of earning his bachelor's degree in Wildlife Management. 

Finally, one of the recipient requirements of the scholarship outlines the importance of being an active member of the community in which you live, by insisting that the scholarship recipient attend and/or volunteer at one Chamber of Commerce Investor Meeting and one Chamber Sponsored Event such as the Annual Firecracker Run or Sweetheart Trivia Night.  We look forward to having Brandon join us at an investor meeting and help at one of our Chamber sponsored events.  This will be a great opportunity for Chamber Investors and local members of the community to congratulate him on an outstanding high school academic record and continuing education plan!
Farewell to Our Retiring Ex-Officio Member, David Easter!

We would like to bid a fond farewell to retiring ex-officio member, David Easter. David has served on the Chamber board since June of 2014. A representative is appointed from both Park Hills and Leadington to serve as a liaison, partner, or "bridge" per say, between the city and the chamber. Ex-Officio members are appointed for three-year terms.

When serving on the Chamber Board you become a member of the Chamber "family". Three years is a long time to spend dedicated to an organization. During that time, you can't help but build close bonds and many times even closer friendships. So retiring is kind of a big deal!

Board members are the backbone of this organization. They are volunteers who put their heart into making sure we are succeeding and improving. Their dedication is immeasurable.

To that end, David Easter, we say thank you!! Thank you for your time, your dedication, your energy, your sacrifice, and your heart!
 Thank you, for serving this Chamber for three consecutive
 years!  Thank you, from our hearts to yours!

Newly elected Park Hills Mayor, Daniel Naucke, has been appointed as the Park Hills Ex-Officio through June of this year.  He will be officially sworn in at the upcoming board meeting on May 9, 2017
Welcome to Our NEWEST Ambassadors:
Please join us in welcoming another new Investor to the Ambassador Club! Watch for Jake at the upcoming First Friday Coffee & Chamber Investor Meeting! 

Welcome to our NEWEST Chamber Ambassador:
  • Jacob Goff, ColJac Artisan Cafe
Also always, we also want to thank our 2017 Ambassador Program Sponsors. These awesome businesses have agreed to help reward our Ambassadors all year long with some great gifts for the Acclaimed Ambassador of the Quarter Baskets.  Those sponsors include:
2nd Annual Disc Golf Tournament: 
"Three-Man Royal"

The Chamber's Annual  Disc Golf Tournament: " Three-Man Royal " is to be held on Saturday, May 20, 2017, and will include the following:
  • Registration - 8:00 a.m.
  • 3-Man Scramble - $25 Per Person / $75 Per Team
  • 36 Team LimitPre-Register by May 5 to Guarantee Your FREE T-SHIRT
  • Open & Amateur Divisions
  • Open Division Pays Out Cash
  • Amateur Division Pays Out Trophies
  • 2 Rounds of 18 Holes
  • Closest to Pin (4 Holes)
  • Lunch Provided
Thank you to our T-Shirt & Bag Brag Tag Sponsor:

Thank you to our Lunch Sponsor:

Contact the Chamber for more information.

Register your team online here:  2017 Disc Golf Tournament
Planning for 2017 Firecracker Run Begins

Planning for the Chamber's 14th Annual Firecracker Run will begin at a Committee Meeting tomorrow, Thursday, May 4, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. at the Leadington City Hall.  If you are interested in helping with this event, please plan to attend the planning meeting.

We are also now seeking T-Shirt sponsors for the event.  A t-shirt sponsorship is $100 and includes the following benefits:
  • Business/Organization Name on the Back of 150 T-Shirts
  • Business/Organization Name Displayed on a 18" x 24" Coroplast Sign the Day of the Race
  • Business/Organization Name mentioned in Daily Journal Advertisements both in Print and on the Daily Journal's Website
  • The Ability to Include Business Cards, Flyers, Coupons or Other Promotional Goodies in 150 Goodie Bags
  • Business/Organization Logo on the Event Webpage
  • Business/Organization Name Listed on Sponsorship Flyer Included in 150 Goodie Bags
  • Business/Organization Recognition in the Chamber Newsletter, on Chamber Social Media Sites, in Local Newspaper Articles, and on all Local Radio Stations During Event Interviews
 To be a T-Shirt Sponsor, contact the Chamber office today!

You can also register your participation in any of the 1-Mile or 5K Events here:  2017 Firecracker Run

2017 Total Solar Eclipse - It's Going to Be Historical!!

Experience The First Total Eclipse in Park Hills and Leadington since 1442!!

The total solar eclipse will take place on Monday, August 21, 2017. The partial phase will begin at in the late morning at 11:52 a.m. Totality will last from 1:16 p.m. - 1:19 p.m. The eclipse will end at 2:44 p.m. All Missourians are encouraged to go outside during lunchtime and observe the eclipse.

The last total eclipse in this area was in 1442! 

This will be first time since 1918 that a total eclipse has crossed from coast to coast!

This total eclipse will be the first to be seen only in the USA and no other country since 1776!

Even those who know what's happen can be caught off guard by a total eclipse.  It is eerie, awe-inspiring, unsettling, beautiful, and often emotionally overwhelming!

It's HISTORICAL!  You won't want to miss it!

Local Viewing Destinations: 
  • Mineral Area College
  • St. Joe State Park
  • Park Hills Sports Complex

To watch the partial stages of the eclipse, you must have proper eye protection. 
Eclipse glasses are affordable (
Just $1.00 Per Pair
safe, and make great keepsakes too!
It's smart to get your supply early!
Avoid inevitable shortages and price increases!
Purchase Your Viewing Glasses at one of the following locations:
  • The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce, Park Hills
  • The City of Leadington, Leadington
  • American Home Care, Park Hills
  • Lemonade Stand Boutique, Farmington
*Prices are expected to triple by August 1st*


Find out more information about the upcoming eclipse on our website at: 2017 Total Solar Eclipse

"Battle of the Badges" Registration Now Open!

The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce a new event coming to the Parkland on September 9, 2017, called "Battle of the Badges" .  The event will be held at the brand new Sgt. Darrell S. Cole Memorial Shooting Range at St. Joe State Park. 

This event will invite law enforcement from around the State of Missouri to participate in a shooting competition involving handguns and rifles. A limited number of civilian teams will also be invited to participate.  There will be a limit of 24 law enforcement teams and 12 civilian teams competing that day. Spectators are also welcome!

Poker Tournament with $600 in Cash Prizes Sponsored by:

Special Thanks To:
Hub's Pub - Our Cruiser Sponsor
KFMO/B104 Radio - Our Double Tap Sponsor

As part of our focus to honor our law enforcement officials, we will also be including a  "9/11 Remembrance" during the closing ceremonies.

Our main goal for this event is to honor our police and first responders. Our second is to ensure that a significant portion of the proceeds goes into the Chamber's scholarship fund.  With this, we plan to create a second, brand new, annual scholarship, which will be given to an individual planning to attend either the Law Enforcement Academy or seek a Criminal Justice degree from Mineral Area College. 

Other Major Sponsors Include:


Registration is now OPEN! Register online or download the registration forms and return them today: Battle of the Badges


The Park Hills-Leadington Chamber of Commerce is excited to announced that it will be visiting irresistible Southern Italy & Amalfi Coast, departing October 26, 2017  and is inviting chamber investors, and family and friends of chamber investors to join them on this once in a lifetime experience.

Rich in culture and stunning scenery, irresistible Southern Italy is the setting for this breathtaking journey. Enjoy an eight day journey back to the old country where you will explore not one, but many Italies. As one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, find yourself relaxing in the town of Sorrento or sight-seeing along the Amalfi Coast, which includes gorgeous places such as, Positano, Ravello and Amalfi. On this remarkable trip you will also encounter the world famous archeological site of Pompeii. The beautiful Amalfi Coast awaits you with its great food, historical sites and beautiful architecture, providing an unforgettable Italian experience.
"This is truly an amazing opportunity to participate in an international journey to irresistible Southern Italy, where program participants can experience the country's culture, learn about its business climate, and make new friends," said Tamara Coleman, Executive Director.
Space is limited, so act fast. Don't miss out on this opportunity to visit irresistible Southern Italy, exchange ideas with local business representatives, make new friends, and build new memories.

For more information about this amazing trip please call the Park Hills-Leadington Chamber of Commerce at (573) 431-1051 or email the chamber at
Investor Announcements
Share your News, Events, Job Openings and Deals with us and we'll share them with others! Login to your member center and add as many as you'd like!  In a hurry? Email your announcements to or drop the information off at the Chamber office, and we'll help put it in front of thousands!
Investor News
Investor Events
How often do you check the Chamber Events Calendar?
Investor Job Listings
Your fellow Chamber Investors have Employment Opportunities available now!
Are you, or is someone you know, looking for employment?  We've got the low-down on some of the area's current job openings!  Look who's hiring right now:
Find out what other local companies are in need of employees on the Chamber's Job Listings page!  

Investor Deals
Have you checked out this month's Hot Deals 
on the Chamber's website yet? 
Don't miss out on these Chamber Investor's "Hot Deals" available on the Chamber's Website!
Check our Hot Deals page often -  New Deals Added Regularly!!

Would you like to receive notifications each time new deals are added to the website?  If so, CLICK HERE and subscribe to the "Hot Deals eNewsletter" and we'll send you an email each time a new Hot Deal is available!

Seminars, Training & Workshops  
Are you looking for opportunities to improve on something old or learn something new?  We have several learning opportunities, business and personal interests, for you and your employees listed on the Chamber's Event Calendar!
Various training opportunities are offered by Chamber Investors and the St. Louis SCORE ( St. Louis SCORE offers free business counseling and resources, low-cost workshops, and free business scan services. ) See what benefits YOU!

F ind out more about these and other upcoming seminars, training opportunities and workshops on the Chamber's  Seminars, Training, and Workshops page!

All About Business 
Interesting business related articles to help exercise your brain, peek your curiosity, increase your knowledge, or simply to make you smile; all intended for finding ways to enhance you and your business.
3 Simple Improvement Techniques Most Managers Learn Too Late

By: Robin Camarote - Founder Federal MicroConsulting and Creator, Just One Thing
Image Credit: Getty Images
3 simple techniques to try now before it's too late.

Management is like driving: Managers tend to rate their skills higher than average. But from surveys, we know that there is a disconnect between this perceived skill and actual skill. This disconnect is a problem, because when we believe we're already good at something we have little motivation to grow or change. After all, the return on the time invested isn't as great as it is in some other skill area -- or so our thinking goes.

With this mindset, we invest in other elements of our business -- marketing, technology, competition -- and it pays off. We see more rapid change where we focus our time and energy, and our management skills lag behind.

When it comes to managing people, most of us are winging it. We approach our most important job with the same confidence and nonchalance as if we were suddenly asked during lunch to get up and wait tables for the first time. After all, we've seen other people do it a million times. We know what we like and don't like. What could be so hard?

It turns out that management is harder than it looks.

7 Things the Most Successful Leaders Give Away Every Day

By: Christina DesMairas - Contributor,
Image Credit: Shutterstock Images
Just because someone sits in a leadership position doesn't mean he or she will be any good at inspiring others to do good work. It all depends on what a leader is willing to give.

Just because someone sits in a leadership position doesn't mean he or she will be any good at inspiring others to do good work. It all depends on what a leader is willing to give. That's according to Major General Mike Diamond, U.S. Army (retired) and coauthor of "The Diamond Process: How to Fix Your Organization and Effectively Lead People." Here are his words on the seven things he says the most successful leaders give away every day.

1. Caring
You must first care for yourself, but not in a selfish way. Ensure that your basic needs are taken care of. Care for others, not just talking, but acting. People don't care what you know until they can see and know that you care. Words are cheap, but examples of caring for the welfare, concerns, needs, wants of those who work for you, make a difference. Search out and find what are the items that your subordinates really need first and then want. Keep a list... and work toward satisfying those needs and wants. Early in his second assignment, my son asked his chief subordinate what he really needed and was told it was a machine that they had been trying to acquire for some time. He went on a scavenger hunt for a week or more, found one and called his chief, who was elated. Thence, the cornerstone for a long-lasting relationship was birthed.

Continue reading here:
7 Mental Toughness Tips From a Former Navy SEAL Trainer

By Marla Tabaka
Image Credit: Getty Images
If there's one thing an entrepreneur must master, it's the art of resiliency. These tips from a former special agent will help you raise the bar on your mental toughness.

This former Special Agent has protected members of Congress, governors, heads of state, and celebrities. He's tough and resilient, but it hasn't always been that way.

"Growing up I was easy prey. I was the fat kid and cry-baby who attracted the attention of bullies, to whom I would always cower," recalls Andrew Wittman. But the kid who cowered taught himself to bounce back and be strong. So much so that grew into an adult who one day would be contracted by the State Department to train Navy SEALS, Marines, Rangers, and Special Forces for high-threat diplomatic security assignments.

"Resiliency allows you to bounce back from failure and face pain, challenges, and even temptation, head-on without drawing back," says Wittman. "It's a skill that can be used in your work life, in your love life, in friendships, and for raising your kids."

As an entrepreneur, resiliency and mental toughness are a critical ingredient to long-lasting success. If you don't think of yourself as tough, you may be able to shift your perspective today. Wittman sees resiliency as a skill, not a personality trait; one that anyone can attain--yes, that includes you.

Continue reading here: 

Thank You Again to April's Business Spotlight!