April 5, 2013Volume 17  Issue 6
Friends in Action Clubhouse
206 Crane Street
Park Hills, MO  63601
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Chamber News
Investor Announcements
Around Missouri
All About Business
Look Who's Invested

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BreeMar Banquet Center
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Chamber News   
Social Media Seminar Proves Successful!

Sending out a HUGE Thank You to Bruce Marler & TSocial Media Seminariffany Marler of LocalTek, LLC for an OUTSTANDING job at yesterday's Social Media Seminar! They provided a wealth of valuable information to an awesome number of attendants. We appreciate all those who participated.    


A Special thanks to Main Street Grill for a delicious lunch; and to Mineral Area College for the use of their facilities!    


Talk has already begun about follow up seminars covering many other important aspects of business and the technical world. Keep a look out!


Needing Your Help!!

With just one week to go, our participation numbers are down this year.

If you hurry, there's still time to get involved!  We need TEAMS, HOLE SPONSORS, DOOR PRIZES, and VOLUNTEERS. 

A HUGE Thank You to those who have already pledged their participation.  They include:

Corporate Participation
First State Community Bank
Mineral Area College
Southeast Missouri Behavioral Health

Team Participation
CZ Boyer & Son Funeral Homes
KFMO/ B104 Radio
Leadco Community Credit Union

Hole Sponsorship
Ken's Cards & Coins
Parkland Health Center
Senator Gary Romine
Mineral Area Office Supply
Friends In Action Clubhouse
The Pasta House Company
Parkland Flower Girl
Pharmax Pharmacy
New Era Bank

Door Prize Participation
Belgrade State Bank
Jean Merrill- Doss

Find out more details about how you can participate and/or register your team by clicking here:  CHAMBER GOLF TOURNAMENT

Chamber Cares - Feed the Kids Food Drive

The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce will be partnering with several Chamber Investors to "Feed the Kids" this May!

We are currently seeking Chamber Investors who would be interested in collecting food items, specifically those geared toward kid friendly foods, at their business during the week of May 13th-18th.

Investors currently committed to collecting items include:
  • Turner Chevrolet - Cadillac Co., Inc.
  • Pharmax Pharmacy - Leadington
  • Show-Me Rent-To-Own - Park Hills
  • East Missouri Action Agency Outreach - Desloge
  • Central Methodist University
  • Parkland Health Center
  • Belgrade State Bank - Desloge
  • Park Hills Library (They will be collecting the ENTIRE month of April!)
  • First Bank - Park Hills Branch 
If you are interested in participating, please let us know ASAP so that your business name can be included on the flyer, on our event page, our Facebook page and during our monthly radio interviews.

Thank you in advance for your participation!

Investor Renewals PAST DUE!!

We still have several Investors who have not yet renewed their memberships for 2013.  Chamber board members aMembership Renewalsnd ambassadors will soon be calling those who have not yet renewed.  If you have just overlooked your annual investment, please submit your payment today in order to avoid a lapse in benefits.

If you do not intend to renew, we encourage you to talk with the Chamber Representatives that will be contacting you.  Your thoughts and concerns are very important to us.


We're Officially BLOGGING

The Chamber has recently launched a blog page oBlogn the Chamber's new website.  Be sure to check it out!  We intend to keep you up-to-date with not only the most recent Chamber gossip, but to have all kinds of informal "chats".  Chamber Board Members and City Officials will be helping us to populate the blog with their thoughts and insights from time to time and Chamber Investors are encouraged to chime in as well!

You can find the blog spot on our website under the "What's New" tab.

Don't wait, go take a peek now: CHAMBER BLOG

Investor Announcements 
Friends In Action Clubhouse

1st Annual St. Francois County Mental Health Walk 
  Workers Compensation
BJC Behavioral Heath, in collaboration with the St. Francois County Mental Health Board and the local NAMI chapter, will be hosting the 1st Annual Mental Health Walk on Saturday, May 4, 2013, at Engler Park.

Find out more here: Mental Health Walk 

Parkland Meetup: Tech/Startup Series - Event #2

The Parkland Meetup team is very happy to announce their second Meetup. This one is being held at Main Street Grill in Park Hills. After the success and full house at our first event the Parkland Meet Up Series y cannot wait to see everyone at the second event!

 Find out more here: Parkland Meetup Series

Mineral Area College

Continuing Education
Continuing Education For Those Who Love to Learn 


Picking up new hobbies, learning something new and interesting, meeting people with similar interests or continuing to develop and sharpen professional skills are among the various reasons why people take Mineral Area College Continuing Education (CE) classes.
Find out more at: Continuing Education

Summer, Fall Registration at MAC Under Way 

Even though spring has just begun, Mineral Area College is looking toward summer and fall semesters. MAC's summer semester begins June 3, and registration began March 4. Fall semester begins Aug. 19, and registration opens April 8. 

Find out more here:  MAC Registration 



"Guys & Dolls" to Play April 17-20

Guys & Dolls One of Broadway's mainstay musicals, featuring New York toughs and their molls (one of whom turns out to be a missionary) will be performed by Mineral Area College's Little Theatre Guild April 17-20.

Find out more here:  Guys & Dolls   


Parkland Health Center

Children's Hospital Helicopter, Mobile ICU & Clinical Transportation Team to be Housed at Parkland Health Center St. Louis Children's Helicopter

Parkland Health Center and St. Louis Children's Hospital have announced a new partnership in the care of critically ill infants and children.

Find out more here:  Children's & PHC Partnership  
St. Francois County Community Partnership

16th Annual Family Health Expo 
  Health Expo
Come join us Saturday, April 13 as St. Francois County Community Partnership hosts its 16th Annual FREE Health Expo from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Mineral Area College Field House. This year's theme is "Spring Into Action!" There will be something for the whole family! 

Find out more here: Health Expo
The Printing Co.

The Printing Co. is Going Green
Go Green

Around Missouri  
Missouri Chamber of Commerce Direct

As Missouri Grapples with Issue, Arkansas Offers Medicaid Expansion Alternatives  
For several months, Missouri leaders have been discussing the issue of Medicaid expansion, which became optional for states under the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on the federal Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as "Obamacare." Proponents of the expansion say the state will lose out on millions in federal dollars and miss an opportunity to provide health care to thousands of uninsured Missourians if it balks.

Find out more here:  Medicaid Expansion Alternative 
Head For the Cure Foundation
Head For the Cure 5K St. Louis - June 30, 2013
Head for the Cure
Head for the Cure 5K events are unique tributes to those fighting brain cancer and those who have lost their battles. Celebrating the lives and legacies of those with brain cancer has always been central to the atmosphere at Head for the Cure events. Some participants show up simply to race and many show up in solidarity for a loved one, past or present.

To participate, contact Janice Humphrey at 314-313-8419 or

Find out more here:  Head For The Cure    
Missouri Division of Tourism
Wake Up to Spring at Festivals in Missouri

Azalea Festival
Like many home owners, Nancy Tatum wants everything to be perfect when guests arrive. What sets her apart is how many guests she'll welcome - somewhere around 600 - during two days in April.

Tatum's home is one of two private residences open for tours during the 45th Dogwood-Azalea Festival, held April 18-21 in the southeast Missouri city of Charleston...

Find out more here:   Missouri Festivals  

All About Business 
Social Media: Not the Productivity Killer You Thought?



A recent study suggests your most connected employees may be the most tech savvy--and productive--in the office. 


Think Facebook's your biggest productivity killer in the office? Think again. Social network-obsessed employees just might be your highest performers.


A recent survey by the data analytics firm Evolv suggests that employees who use up to four social media networks are exceptionally productive--and they stay in their jobs longer, too.

To Continue Reading, Click Here:  Social Media 

10 Things Really Amazing Bosses Do

Are you truly an amazing boss or just a good one? See how many of these 10 traits are natural for you.

Being a boss is hard. People don't naturally wish to have one. And not everyone aspires to be one. But most people are anxious to follow a good leader, and most organizations live and die on the quality of the leaders who run them. See how you stack up with these 10 traits. I have given a reference point for good bosses as well so you can assess if you are truly hitting the mark or if perhaps your people are just being nice when they say you're amazing.


To Continue Reading, Click Here:  Really Amazing Bosses  

Look Who's Invested:

    The Coffee Grill    Special Memories  St. Francois Ambulance