March 8, 2013Volume 17  Issue 4
Belgrade State Bank
414 North State Street
Desloge, MO  63601
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Chamber News   
PLEASE REGISTER TODAY!!  Chamber Hosts Social Media and Online Marketing Seminar

Social Media provides virtually instant access to information throughout the world, thus giving businesses the ability to share news about their products and services with people that were once out of reach.

With these thoughts in mind, your Park -Hills Leadington Chamber of Commerce will be offering a two-part "Social Media Seminar" coming up in March and April, designed to help you understand Social Media and Internet Marketing to boost business development results.

**In order to accommodate the caterer, registrations are needed TODAY!

To find out more, or register for the event, visit the event page at:  SOCIAL MEDIA SEMINAR

Special Pricing ENDS MONDAY!!

Thank you to all those who attended the Italy Presentation on February 26th!  What a great group of people!

If you were unable to attend the presentation and are interested in going, we recommend that you contact Cheri Pritchett at Awesome Sunsets World Travel, ASAP!

The Chamber has received an EXCELLENT price on this vacation, which includes air fair, taxes, transfers, 10 meals and even transportation to and from the airport.  However!  On Monday, March 11th, this price will go up SIGNIFICANTLY! 

So, for more information, please contact Cheri Pritchett at 573-747-8978. 

Find out more details on the trip by clicking HERE...

Hump Day BBQ 22 - March 20, 2013

For those of you who are badly craving that sweet, tangy bbq flavor, or the creamy taste of the Chamber's famous hashbrown casserole, it's official... the date has been set!  March 20th, the grills will be lit and the craving will be filled!

Find out all the details and even place your order by visiting the event page at:  HUMP DAY BBQ 22

Lots of Volunteers are needed for this event.  Call the Chamber Office if you can lend an hour or two!  
Chamber Golf Tournament - April 12, 2013

Today, it's a little nicer outside... and tomorrow, it's suppose to be even better!  With the sun peaking out, and temperatures rising, I know some of you are beginning to think about getting on those greens!

The Chamber has already began planning it's 14th Annual Chamber Golf Tournament at Crown Pointe Golf Course.

We're excited to announce that Turner Chevrolet-Cadillac Co., Inc. will once again be sponsoring our Hole In One Prize!  We're also excited to announce that The Printing Co. will be providing FREE MARGARITA'S to this year's participants during the tournament!

You can find out all the details and/or register your team by clicking here:  CHAMBER GOLF TOURNAMENT

Hole Sponsors
and Volunteers are also needed for this event!!  Call the Chamber Office to register for these.

Post HOT DEALS on the Chamber's Webpage
Do you want to move slow-moving merchandise?
So you have a special to advertise?
Do you want to grab the eye of visitors on the Chamber's Website? 

It's free!  It's easy!  It's included in your membership!


Log into your chamber member portal to announce your store specials! 

Go to 

Enter your login name and password.

Click Hot Deals in the left-hand menu.

Click Add Hot Deal.

Complete the fields in the Add a New Hot Deal screen.
Click Submit for Approval.
Upon approval, your Hot Deal will appear multiple places on the Chamber's Website.  Such as: Visitors to the Chamber website will be drawn to your deal by its prominence. 
Try it out and contact us with additional questions or for more information.

Investor Announcements 
The Daily Journal

Job Fair Job Fair
The Daily Journal, KTJJ and ODACS are proud to present the Spring Job Fair on Wednesday, March 27, 2013.  

Read More by Clicking HERE...

FREE Website Makeover
Attention Park Hills and Leadington Businesses! Do you, or someone you know, need a new website for your business??

LocalTek is very excited to be launching a Web Makeover Contest!

That's right! A FREE website to a Park Hills or Leadington area business.

Do you know of a Charity, Business, or Church in the area that needs a makeover online.

Find out More or Submit Your Makeover Recommendation by Clicking HERE...
Mineral Area College


Ivison Joins Mineral Area College 

Saundra Kay Ivison of Fredericktown recently joined Mineral Area College's Fredericktown Outreach Center as administrative assistant to Director Marcy Rehkop. 

Read More By Clicking  HERE...


MAC PTK Makes Good Showing at State  

Mineral Area College's Lambda Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa was awarded a Five Star Status on March 3 at the honor society's regional convention in St Charles. One MAC student was elected to a regional position, and the organization's advisors received awards.


Read More By Clicking HERE... 


Vickie Morgan Morgan Joins Mineral Area College
Vickie Morgan of Potosi has joined Mineral Area College as its learning management systems coordinator.


Read More By Clicking HERE...

Parkland Health Center

Coffee With A Doc Looks Out for Healthy Eyes

Your eyes tell a great deal about your health, in addition to being your window to the world. Join us for Coffee With a Doc on Friday, March 15 from 9 to10 a.m. at Bauhaus Kaffee.

Dr. Michael Morris, Ophthalmologist, will offer a brief presentation on keeping your eyes and your body healthy. Parkland Health Center will pick up the tab for the coffee, and there will be plenty of time for Dr. Morris to answer your questions.

Find out More by Clicking  HERE...
SEMO Family Violence Council

St. Patrick's Day Trivia

The SEMO Family Violence Council is hosting their annual St. Patty's Day Trivia Night on Friday, March 15, 2013 at the Bonne Terre VFW Post located on Raider Road.  Dinner will be available beginning at 6:00 p.m. and the Game Starts at 7:00 p.m

Find out More by Clicking  HERE...
The Printing Co

Adult Easter Egg Hunt Adult Easter Egg Hunt

Join The Printing Co. & Help the "Shop With A Cop" program by participating in an Adult's Only Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 23, 2013 at the MAC Field House.

Find out More by Clicking HERE...

Other Local Happenings  
Bonne Terre Chamber of Commerce

Disaster Preparedness Seminar

What would you do if your business was destroyed today?  Who would you call?  What plans would you have in place to continue your business?  What would happen to your employees?  What could you have done to minimize the disaster?


The Bonne Terre Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Disaster Preparedness Seminar on Monday, APRIL 1ST beginning at 8:00 a.m.  with speaker Rob O'Brien - President of the Joplin Chamber of Commerce.  This is a FREE event. 

Read More by Clicking HERE... 

Around Missouri  
Missouri Chamber of Commerce Direct

Legislation would target economic development dollars toward industries of future growth 

What could be one of the session's most significant economic development bills, Senate Bill 120 was approved by the Senate Committee on Jobs, Economic Development, and Local Government this week. The bill is sponsored by Sen. Eric Schmitt, and now heads to the Senate floor for debate.

Read More by Clicking HERE...

Missouri Chamber's UI bill to rein in abuse receives approval by Senate

People fired for sleeping on the job and missing work could have a harder time getting unemployment benefits under a bill passed by the Missouri Senate. The Missouri Chamber is a lead proponent of this legislation and has worked with the sponsor to advance this legislation on behalf of its members.

Read More by Clicking HERE...  

All About Business 
17 Ways to Be Happier At Work

It's not difficult to experience more joy at work. You just need to know the rules.


1. Don't compare yourself to others.

Everybody, and I mean everybody, starts out in a different place and is headed on their own journey. You have NO idea where someone else's journey might lead them, so drawing comparisons is a complete waste of time.


To Continue Reading Click HERE...
Dump the Ego and Be Positive:  How to Get More Twitter Followers

A new study shows that being more positive--and less self-involved--could translate to more Twitter followers

It's advice that's frequently given to children, politicians, and the lovelorn, and now research shows it also applies to those seeking Twitter popularity: accentuate the positive.


Oh, and don't talk about yourself so much.

To Continue Reading Click HERE...

Look Who's Invested: